But when she closed her eyes, a figure appeared in her mind.

He's the big man of Mojiabao.

Mo Yang!

The image in my mind is looking at her with a smile. It looks like a loving father.

But Mo Xianyue knows that this kind smile is an unfathomable trap. As long as she touches it gently, she will fall into the abyss and be locked in it forever.

He's an emissary from hell, frightening.

Because he has irresistible power.

One night, Mo Xianyue was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep.

She thought in her heart: what kind of method should be used to resist him?

"How much strength does it take to fight him?"

"Is it really like what Mo Shou said? If you leave Nangong Hao, can you save your life by wandering all over the world alone? "

But she is reluctant to give up Nangong Hao. If Nangong Hao encounters something unexpected, she will never live alone.


Ink string moon suddenly thought of a thing.

"Since that man already has such powerful power, why should he still be worried about a wordless book? Is there any secret hidden in the wordless book of heaven? And that man is one of the people who does know the secret

She seemed to have a glimmer of hope.

"Maybe if you solve the mystery of the wordless book of heaven, you will have a chance to fight against that man."

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

"Well, as soon as you have a chance, go and take back the wordless heavenly book and study it carefully."

When she helped Nangong Hao block her hand, she took the wordless book with her. Later, she was rescued by Lao Zhang. Finally, when she arrived at the remote village, she hid the book in the village.

When she figured things out, she looked out the window again. It was almost dawn.

Mo Xianyue complained: "ah, I haven't slept all night, so I have to go to bed quickly."

At this time, she yawned and then fell asleep.

Deep in the forest.

An unknown fortress, Fort Mohamed, is located in it.

In a secret room in Fort Mohamed.

The room is very humid, mosquitoes are more like ants, flying around the room.

There is a torch in the room, which is embedded in the wall.

Then the fire light, you can see the whole picture of the room.

The furnishings in the room are extremely simple. There are only two stools in the middle of the room.

But in one corner of the room was a pile of straw, on which lay a man and a woman.

The man's face was pale, his brow had been tied into a knot, and his face was in pain. One hand has been pressing on the abdomen, it seems to be seriously injured.

And the female is almost the same, but a little better than the male, the female is with a cry voice said: "elder martial brother, elder martial brother, you will be OK, elder martial brother, how are you, say a word."

These two people are Zhang Xian and binghun who left Mo Xianyue and Nangong Hao soon.

Zhang Xian was lying on the haystack, her abdomen seemed to be seriously injured, her eyes closed and she said nothing.

And binghun is constantly calling him and massaging his abdomen at the same time.

After a long time, Zhang Xian's pain seemed to be relieved.

He slowly opened his eyes, can see a pair of extremely frightening eyes.

Zhang Xian's eyes have turned into ashes, staring at the front, motionless.

Ice soul anxiously asked: "elder martial brother, what's the matter with you? Are your eyes OK?"

Zhang Xian took a deep breath and said, "my eyes are just poisoned. As long as I use my internal skill to force it out, it will be OK. Don't worry. It's the palm of my abdomen that causes me to lose more than half of my internal power. "

Ice soul think of yesterday's scene, now still have a lingering fear, but the heart is also very unwilling, she said angrily: "Mo Yang that old bastard, I fight with him." With that, he quickly stood up and tried to rush out of the room.

Fortunately, Zhang Xian was quick and held her, otherwise, I don't know what stupid things she would do.

Zhang Xian said: "don't be silly. You don't have to walk ten miles now. You will be found by that guy immediately. You are not his opponent at all. Do you really want to go back and die?

Ice soul a Leng, Zhang Xian is right, even Zhang Xian is not the opponent of Mo Yang, how can she be the opponent of Mo Yang, now go back not to die, that is what?

Zhang Xian said, ice soul also calm down.

She asked anxiously, "what else? Are we going to take this slap for nothing? "

Zhang Xian pressed his abdomen hard and said: "now we have to retreat. I didn't expect that his martial arts have improved so fast. Now we are not his opponents. I didn't expect that as long as we join hands, no one in the world can resist. But I didn't expect that my idea was too naive. I wanted to fight with some fancy fists and embroidered legs He was defeatedIce soul panic said: "it's unimaginable, but it is a few years, he has become so fierce, I'm afraid it has exceeded our limit."

Zhang Xian, hearing the speech, nodded and said, "that's right, so don't be silly any more. My strength hasn't recovered one day. Don't do it one day."

Ice soul sighed: "do you have to wait for a few years? But we don't have many years to wait. "

Although Zhang Xian can't see things, she can feel the position of ice soul by feeling.

He also sighed deeply and said, "but if you don't wait, what can you do?"

Ice soul hears words, is also speechless.

If you don't hide, are you waiting for him to catch you?

But if you choose to wait, you can't recover without five or six years' recuperation.

They fought with Moyang twice, both of which were defeated.

Ice soul murmured: "why does god treat us so thin? Why... "

Seeing this, Zhang Xian said, "well, it's none of God's business at all. Don't complain there. Now you'd better think about the next step."

Binghun once again helped him look at the palm of his abdomen.

As soon as he opened his clothes, he saw a bright black handprint on Zhang Xian's stomach.

At the sight of the black palm print, binghun's tears are about to fall down. She and Zhang Xian have been in love for decades, and they have been inseparable. The palm print on Zhang Xian's body makes her heart ache.

"What color is the palmprint?" Zhang Xian asked suddenly.

Ice soul didn't even think about it and replied, "black!"

Zhang Xian asked suspiciously: "black? Isn't it red? Are you sure you read it right? "

Ice soul said: "really black, you and I have been together for so many years, when I lied to you."

Zhang Xian said apologetically, "I'm sorry!"

Binghun complained, "we've both been saying these kind words for decades."

Zhang Xian grabbed her hand and said, "it's because you and I have been together for decades, so what's more, Bing Er, you've been suffering for so long with me, and you've never really enjoyed it. I'm sorry for you, Zhang Xian."

Ice soul also affectionately grasped his hand, said: "don't say that, you and I are all the miserable people abandoned by God, God is to arrange you and me to meet in this life, to meet the suffering together, I am not afraid of these, as long as I am with you, even if I want to die."

After hearing this, Zhang Xian sighed.

Unconsciously, his hair has grown a lot of white hair.

Binghun suddenly woke up, "by the way, you just asked me, is the palm print black, for what?"

Zhang Xian said, "in fact, the palm I'm using now is the same as that of Yueer."

Ice soul said in surprise: "Eight Legged palm?"

Zhang Xian nodded, admitting.

"Eight Legged palm is one of the unique skills of Mohist school. When aolingtian used it, I had guessed that there was an unusual relationship between aolingtian and Moyang. But after eight legged palm hit, a red palm print would appear instantly. It's hard to eliminate it without three or five years."

Ice soul doubt asked: "but the moon behind is also in a palm, but why just appear congestion swelling, after taking the medicine, her body swelling has disappeared?"

Zhang Xian explained: "there is only one possibility, that is, aolingtian's skill is not enough to use all the power of the Eight Legged palm. If you compare the palm of Moyang and aolingtian, you can see that aolingtian's applause is great, but his power only uses four of them. When you think about it again, the old man of Moyang has little power He's voice came to my abdomen without any sound. I was seriously injured with one palm. "

"Ah, Mo Yang has become so powerful. Do we have any hope of revenge for master in this life?" Binghun's face was worried.

Zhang Xian said, "hum, even if I don't want this old life, I will avenge my master."

Ice soul looking at the wall, confused said: "but, we do, really worth it?"

Zhang Xian frowned and guessed a little meaning from binghun's words.

"What do you mean by that? Master's kindness in raising us is higher than heaven's. how can we give up on the old man's wishes? "

Binghun sighed: "it's right to say that, but all the martial brothers of the school are dead. Roumo no longer exists. Why do we insist on doing these meaningless things? Sometimes, I really feel tired. We are very grateful for the master's upbringing. But maybe younger martial sister Qianqian doesn't want us to fight with the Mohist family, as long as I love her For the rest of our lives, we should protect Yueer well and be worthy of Shifu. "As soon as her words came to an end, Zhang Xian scolded.

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhang Xianqiang endured the burning pain in his abdomen and said harshly, "it's just the benevolence of women. You can't mention these things next time, you know?"

Ice soul did not speak any more, just kept sighing.

Kara Kara

The sound of souring teeth came from all directions.

Zhang Xian and binghun's face were shocked and looked around warily.

They all know one thing, that is, Moyang found them.

Zhang Xian whispered, "let's go."

Binghun quickly helped her, but at this time, binghun only saw a round wood in the dark corner of the room.

These round wood, but wearing a small white mask, and two eyes, emitting a frightening blue light.

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