However, no matter how Mo Xianyue called, the miracle did not appear in the end.

She lies on Nangong Hao's chest. The warm feeling she once felt is now replaced by the cold.

Now, although Nangong Hao can't die, he has been sleeping

Every time she thought about it, her heart felt cramped.

She climbed up to Nangong Hao's face and gave him a kiss on the lips.

But her kiss didn't wake Nangong Hao up, but she heard a cough behind her.

"Sister Bing? No, it's a man's cough Mo Xianyue guessed as soon as she heard the sound.

Men? Ink string month heart startles a way.

"I'm really careless. I didn't find anyone close to me."

"Is it mo Wu?"

She didn't raise her head and secretly guessed the identity of the comer. She kept her hand in reserve for the man's hand.

"I didn't expect that you would be eager to be like this. What's good about an ice cube?" The voice came from her head again.

Why is the voice so familiar?

She quickly turned her head to look, and at the same time called out: "Mo Shou?"

Mo Shou's face was wearing a arrogant smile, and he was still dressed in red

Mo Shou covered his left waist with one hand and said: "I'm so surprised. Did I break your good play and not welcome me?"

Ink string on the face of a fever, quickly from the Nangong Hao's body up, said: "in fact, not as you imagine."

Mo Shou gave her a smile and said, "I know."

Finish saying, next to the fire, slowly sit down.

Ink string month see his action some unnatural, and then look at his left waist, see some dry blood stick on his left hand.

She said in surprise, "are you hurt?"

She ran to see Mo Shou's injury.

Mo Shou and she are on the same road now. It's normal for her to check the injury for him.

Mo Shou heroic said: "just a few small injuries, nothing serious."

Mo Xianyue frowned and said, "is it mo Wu's hand?"

See Mo Shou silent, she already guessed.

"Show me!" Mo Xianyue said.

Mo Shou couldn't beat her, so he had to let her go.

As soon as Mo Shou let go of his hand, a bloody sword wound appeared.

This sword wound almost occupied the whole left waist of Mo Shou, which was hideous.

Ink string on a see, was scared, said: "hurt so deep, you also bandage, also run to me."

Mo Shou frowned and didn't speak. Seeing his appearance, Mo Xianyue knew that it must be very painful.

"Now, where can I find some medicine to bandage you for a while?" Mo Xianyue said.

After hearing her words, Mo Shou hesitated for a moment, then took out a small white porcelain vase from his arms and handed it to Mo Xianyue.

"This is..."

Mo Xianyue looked at the little red paper pasted on the small porcelain vase and saw that it was written on it.

Secret medicine!

"Recycled cream?" Mo Xianyue said.

Mo Shou nodded.

Regenerative ointment is a secret medicine of Mohist school. It is usually used for the wounds caused by swords and swords, and the effect is very good. But this secret medicine has one drawback, that is, it has a strong property. When it rubs on the wound, it's like being burned by fire. Even an iron man can't bear the pain.

In fact, there is also a kind of medicine powder equipped with regeneration cream, but that kind of medicine powder is accidentally dropped in the process of fighting, and it is impossible to pick it up when it is fighting.

"Are you sure you want to apply regeneration cream?" Mo Xianyue asked again.

She has experienced the heartbreaking pain of using regenerative ointment without powder, so she has to ask clearly.

Mo Shou nodded arrogantly and said, "if you want to wipe it, please hurry up."

The moon is silent

She helped him apply the ointment, but he felt very reluctant. If it wasn't for Mo Shou's injury, she wouldn't help him.

"Pull what? Wait a minute. It's killing you." Ink string moon in the heart curse way.

Ink string month open small porcelain bottle, a pungent breath, she quickly covered her nose, frowning.

After a while, when the pungent taste was not so strong, she closed her breath, gently poured out a little, dipped it on her finger and put it in Mo Shou's wound.


Mo Shou felt a numbness in his left waist, and then a sharp pain came from the wound. He couldn't help crying out. Fortunately, he had a strong restraining power and clenched his teeth, otherwise he would cry out.

The ink string month is cold small face, pour out the ointment again and again, wipe on the wound again and again.

If she stops now, the pain of Mo Shou will be more intense.For a few breaths, Mo Shou felt as if he had been breathing for hundreds of years, and the feeling of pain exploded in his head.


Mo Xianyue dried the small porcelain vase and said, "it's already polished."

At this time, she found that Mo Shou's face was as white as a dead man's, and her face was full of sweat.


After Mo Xianyue stood up, Mo Shou's body finally relaxed and almost fell to the ground.

Mo Xianyue quickly holds him.

"How are you?" she asked with concern

When Mo Shou heard the speech, he just waved his hand and didn't speak.

It's not that he doesn't speak, it's that he can't speak.

"Still painful?" While Mo Xianyue talks, he takes out a handkerchief and hands it to him.

Mo Shou looked at the white lotus silk handkerchief handed by Mo Xianyue, hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly took over the handkerchief.

Mo Shou's expression, Mo Xianyue in the eyes.

She sighed in her heart: it seems that Mo Shou still has some bad feelings for me, and he is not very adapted to other people's care.

But she didn't have any way to change him

These things must be recognized by Mo Shou himself, and he can't rely on external forces.

After mopping up the sweat on his face, Mo Shou hesitates when he is about to hand the handkerchief to Mo Xianyue. Finally, he puts the handkerchief in his arms. He plans to wash it before giving it back to Mo Xianyue.

Mo Xianyue doesn't care. If Mo Shou likes it, how about giving it to him.

Then, she tore off two pieces of cloth from Mo Shou's clothes and wrapped them up. They sat quietly beside the fire in a daze.

Seeing that Mo Shou was silent, Mo Xianyue asked, "how long did you find me?"

Mo Shou replied, "about three hours."

"So long?" Mo Xianyue asked in surprise: "it's only four hours from noon to now. Did you follow me just as I left?"

Mo Shou thought for a moment and said, "almost. I'll chase you soon after you leave."

Mo Xianyue was even more surprised. "In such a short period of time, you were injured by such a heavy sword. Is mo Wu's martial arts better than you?"

Moreover, Mo Wu has always been the most powerful hand skill, but his sword skill is mediocre.

The sword technique mentioned here is mediocre. It's in the Mohist castle, but in the outside world, even if Mo Wu doesn't use other unique skills, he has become one of the best in the world.

In her impression, although Mo Wu ranked first in Mojiabao, his martial arts were not as high as that of Mo Shou, who ranked third. How could Mo Shou have been seriously injured in such a short time.

Mo Shou said with a sneer: "although I was hurt by this sword, he also paid the price."

Mo Xianyue felt a little frightened and asked, "what's the price?"

Mo Shou grinned at her and said, "the price of life."


A burst of thunder exploded in ink string moon's mind.

Is mo Wu dead?

She really can't believe that although Mo Wu's martial arts is not as good as Mo Shou, there should be no problem in escaping. How can she be killed by Mo Shou in such a short time.

Mo Xianyue shook her head and said, "impossible!"

Mo Shou said with a smile: "this is the truth, my sword Through his chest, I saw that when he fell down, his eyes were full of despair and unwilling, but what's the use of it? At last, he was killed by me, Wahaha.... "

Mo Xianyue is still shaking her head. Her mouth is like balderdash. She has been murmuring in a low voice: "impossible, I don't believe it."

Mo Shou saw that she still didn't believe in herself. He was a little annoyed. He said, "even if you don't believe it, I don't have to let you believe it."

At this time, Mo Xianyue asked dubiously: "do you really kill him?"

Mo Shou frowned and said contemptuously, "my sword has been stabbed from his chest. Do you think it's dead?"

Or this answer, ink string month has believed, she is weak to sit on the ground.

Mo Shou asked: "do you think I shouldn't kill him?"

Mo Xianyue raised her head, looked at him and said, "no matter what, he is also the son of that man, and also the successor of his later Mohist power. If you kill him, that man will be angry. At that time, the consequences can be imagined."

Mo Shou Yin said: "but if I don't kill him, I will be killed by him. Do you think I should be killed by him?"

His heart is very irritable, he does not understand, he does this kind of eat thankless thing, in the end is for whom!

Mo Xianyue also knows that what she said just now hurt Mo Shou's heart and sincerely apologizes, "I'm sorry! I just couldn't think about it for a moment, because Mo Wu's death was too shocking for me. "Mo Shou turned his face away and said with disdain, "don't apologize, I can't stand it."

Mo Xianyue said: "it doesn't matter whether you accept me or not, as long as you know that I have apologized to you."


Mo Shou looks at her in disbelief, and even apologizes so much. Compared with her, Mo Xianyue is really better.

"What did you say?"

Mo Xianyue did not answer his words, but also simply opened the topic, "well, don't talk about this topic, talk about why you are injured."

Mo Shou looked at her contemptuously, then said: "I was injured to this sword wound, it's totally an accident."

"Just blow it."

Mo Xianyue looked down at him and said, "just blow it. It's an accident. Tell me the reason quickly. I'm very curious when Mo Wu's martial arts became so strong. He didn't hurt you with his good palm technique, but with his sword technique..."

Mo Shou quietly recalled the scene at that time, and his face became more and more dignified.

Mo Xianyue is right. At the beginning, Mo Wu used palm technique as his main attack, but he was not Mo Shou's opponent. Mo Shou was so oppressed that he couldn't breathe.

But after Mo Wu was kicked down by Mo Shou, when he stood up again, he was like a different person.

The weapon changed from the palm to the sword technique, and the move was much faster than before, and the move was extremely fierce.

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