Without any hesitation, the three of them jumped to the door.


At the last moment, the three finally rushed out. All the concealed weapons were inside the restaurant. For a moment, the restaurant turned into a hornet's nest, and all the beams were pierced. The restaurant could no longer support itself. With a bang, it collapsed.

Countless dust raised, three people standing on the side of the road, covering their mouths and noses, staring at the ruins of the restaurant.

Just a moment ago, they were on the verge of death, and the next moment they had regained their lives.

Ice soul holding the weak Mo Shou, looking at the ruins constantly emitting dust, said: "this kind of feeling good."

Nangong Hao gasped fiercely. He was also shocked by the scene where all the concealed weapons were shooting at him just now.

At that time, as long as there was any hesitation, the three people might have queued up on Naihe bridge.

After a while, Nangong Hao came back and said, "master, we'd better leave here as soon as possible. After such a big noise, many people will surely come to watch. If that person finds that we are not dead, he will think of another trick to kill us."

Mo Shou also nodded and said, "that's right. Let's go back quickly, take our elder sister and leave here."

Nangong Hao said: "he still let me carry it, this will be faster."

Ice soul nods and says: "that hastens."

Nangong Hao, with Mo Shou on his back, follows binghun, shuttling through the alleys and alleys in the city, running to where they live.

After they left, there was a shaking somewhere in the ruins, and then a hand suddenly came out.

A man slowly crawled out of the broken wood.

A closer look, this person is the middle-aged shopkeeper.

Isn't the middle-aged shopkeeper dead?

But now the middle-aged shopkeeper is not like a dead man!

How come you're back to life all of a sudden?

This strange scene is chilling

He stood up, shook the dust off his body, looked thoughtfully at the place where they left, and said gently, "things are more and more interesting!"

With that, he jumped up and stood on the roof of the next house.

The night has begun to draw down slowly.

He gave a scornful smile to the night sky in the distance, then pulled it on his face, and a mask of human skin fell in response, revealing his resolute face.

He was in Tianxiang loufen Inn, which made Mo Shou seriously injured!

Mo Wu stood on the top of the building for a while, then jumped down the alley and used his lightness skills. In a flash, he had disappeared into the dark night.

Mohist castle, Shenji hall!

Today's Mo Yang is no longer wearing his usual giant costume, but a military uniform. The black armor, under the candlelight, exudes a deep light, as if it is heartwarming.

He is standing in front of a wall, looking up at the painting on the wall!

This is a map, which occupies almost the whole wall.

There are many symbols and marks on the map.

The imperial city of Tianyue Dynasty is located in the middle of the map with a red sign. There are many yellow dots around the imperial city.

In addition to the territory of the Tianyue Dynasty, all the affiliated small countries have been planned together with a layer of gray ink.

After a long time, Mo Yang said with a sigh: "slow! It's too slow! "

As soon as his words came to an end, a bodyguard came to him, bowed and said, "master, the person you want is waiting outside. Do you want him to come in?"

Mo Yang heard the words and said in a deep voice, "come in."


After the bodyguard took the order, another man came in a short time.

The man was wearing a white gown, his feet were locked by a chain, and his steps were heavy, with the sound of metal touching each step.

Mo Yang heard the voice, looked back and said with a smile, "Lao Zhang, you are here! Come and have a look. "

Yes, it's Zhang Xian. Now his half white hair is neatly tied up. He looks no different from the usual, but there is a flash of death in his eyes from time to time.

When he heard Mo Yang's words, he raised his head and looked at Mo Yang, grinning and saying, "old man, you've been so kind to me recently."

The words are full of irony.

Since that day he chose to stay in Mojiabao, he has never thought of life or going out. The only regret is binghun and moxianyue.

However, he was wrong. After Mo Yang left him in Mojiabao, he didn't ask him anything about the final secret of mechanism skill except talking to him every day to play chess, which made him more suspicious and uneasy.

If Mo Yang forces him to torture, maybe he won't worry, but Mo Yang always treats him as a good friend. He not only comes to talk to him from time to time, but also gives an order to let him walk around in his courtyard.This kind of situation continued until a few days ago, Moyang began to stop looking for him, until today, Moyang suddenly ordered him to come.

Mo Yang heard his words, a smile, not angry.

He also said: "come here to have a look."

Zhang Xian smile, heart way: see you play what trick. So I went to Moyang.

Mo Yang pointed to the map and said, "look at this map?"

Zhang Xian looked at the map and said in surprise, "the whole map of the mainland?"

Mo Yang said with admiration: "you are really a man of discernment. It took me nearly 15 years to make this map. Now it is the most perfect finished product. You can find it anywhere in the mainland."

Zhang Xian just looked at the map and was attracted by the picture above.

As he looked at the map, he murmured in a low voice: "vast forest, Tianyue imperial court, seven cities, Tianyue Imperial City..."

He read a series of place names in succession, and his heart was extremely shocked.

But why are there some red dots on the map, huh? Is Tianyue Dynasty also red? What do you mean by the yellow dots around you?

What's the matter with the gray of the vast forest on the outside?

Zhang Xian turned her head and just looked at Mo Yang. She looked at the map with the expression of intoxication and complacency. As soon as her heart sank, she understood what was going on.

The gray ones represent the forces that have been engulfed by Mohism

After a while, Mo Yang said with a smile: "look at your face, you seem to understand this map, right?"

Zhang Xian said with a smile, "I'm flattered. I just understand a little bit."

Of course, he won't say that he has understood all the maps!

Mo Yang squinted and looked at him quietly. Then he said with a smile, "is that really the case?"

Zhang Xian's face did not change and said: "it's true. I'm not good at learning. It's hard to understand. How dare I compare with a giant."

Mo Yang didn't care about his stingy flattery and said with a smile: "you are so modest! But since you don't know what to say, I'll teach you. "

Zhang Xian a smile, gladly accept.

But my heart is trying to guess what Mo Yang means by doing this.

Mo Yang pointed to the red part of the map and said, "see? This is the Tianyue Dynasty, and the rest of the three red spots are distributed in four corners to form an array. "

Zhang Xianshun took a look with his fingers. There are four red dots in the map, which are distributed in four corners, and there is a big blue dot in the middle.


A four point array?

What kind of array is it?

Zhang Xian thought anxiously in his heart and asked quietly: "what array is this?"

Mo Yang to his strange smile, said: "four elephant seal array."

Zhang Xian was startled and said: "four elephant seal array!" Then he shook his head and said, "impossible, impossible!"

Mo Yang said with a smile: "why not? I've seen these four places myself, and the four elephant steles are firmly erected there without any damage. "

Zhang Xian looked at him and said harshly, "what's your purpose?"

Mo Yang laughed and said, "what's my goal? Can't you see that? You really let me down

Hearing this, Zhang Xian said with a smile, "you're lying to me, aren't you! The stone tablet of four elephants is guarded by four clans in the mainland. Can you really find it so easily? "

Mo Yang said with a proud smile, "four clans? If it was a thousand years ago, I might have been afraid of them, but now it's my world, you know? Even if I slightly move a finger, there are countless people working for me, how can I be afraid of them? Besides, I have secret weapons! "

"Secret weapon? What's that? " Zhang Xian was shocked.

Mo Yang gave a mysterious smile and said: "the secret weapon is of course How can I tell you a secret? As long as you stay in the castle honestly, I will naturally let you enjoy it. However, after you see this secret weapon, you may not be able to calm down. "

Zhang Xian seemed to think of something. Even if she was frightened, she cried angrily: "you are a heartless beast. You are not human. One day you will get retribution."

Mo Yang's face slowly darkened and said to the bodyguard beside him, "take him down, and don't let him out of the door. Do you hear me?"


The bodyguard was ready to take Zhang Xian back, but Zhang Xian broke away from him and cried out: "Mo Yang, you are a heartless dog. The foundation of our Mohist school will be destroyed in your hands, and the moral charge of the Mohist school will be ruined. It's really sad! Master If you have a spirit in heaven, please take this inhuman beast away... "



Zhang Xian's neck seems to be clamped by something. He struggles to wriggle his body to get rid of the shackles, but everything is in vain. His body rises slowly, but Mo Yang's hand is in the air. Even if he doesn't touch Zhang Xian, he can hold his neck.This is one of the secret martial arts skills that he studied by himself, which is similar to Mo Shou's gas mask.

Mo Yang's face was full of murderous spirit.

Zhang Xian had no power to fight against his killing move and soon began to roll his eyes.

Mo Yang saw that he was half dead and half alive. He gave a cold hum. As soon as his strength was relaxed, Zhang Xian fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Zhang Xian has passed out!

Mo Yang coldly said: "the guy who doesn't know how to die." Then he said to the bodyguard, "take him down and guard him. Don't let him have any chance to abandon his martial arts or cut off his meridians."


After receiving the order, the bodyguard took Zhang Xian in a coma.

Mo Yang turned his eyes to the map again and said to himself, "the time is coming, then! It's time to start! " As soon as he finished, he threw the brush into the map.

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