Nangong Hao cold hum a, disdain of pull her one eye, no longer pay attention to her, walk on the carriage.

Passing by Mo Shou, he said, "you can't die. Don't worry! When I get back to the palace, I will try my best to save you, even if I don't look at Yuer's face. Now I owe you a favor. "

His eyes implied deep meaning, to Mo Shou said: "I owe you a favor, can help you do a thing, as for help or not, but also depends on my mood."

He has never been afraid of anyone. If it wasn't for Mo Xianyue, he would have disdained Mo Shou for a long time. He would be so easy to talk to him here. Why should he bear the insult of Mo Shou's words many times!

What he really can't figure out is that both Mo Shou and binghun are mo Xianyue's relatives. Why should they let her carry out such a dangerous task? If there is an emergency, what can they regret?

But Mo Xianyue agreed, and he couldn't say anything.

"This is the last time, the last time to tolerate the willfulness of this dead woman." Nangong Hao swears in his heart.

He is no longer afraid of any challenge!

Even if it is to pay the price of life, he will closely guard her.

After Nangong Hao got into the carriage, he saw Mo Xianyue sitting behind the carriage and looking at him.


Nangong Hao wants to talk and stops. He doesn't know what to say!

Things have become a foregone conclusion. Even if he said something, he couldn't change it. He didn't bother to talk any more.

But as soon as he saw Mo Xianyue, he couldn't help getting angry.

Finally, don't turn your head, sit alone and sulk.

Ink string month see his such facial expression, also guess ice soul has completely explained with him.

"Well, since it has become a foregone conclusion, let it go on like this, so as not to feel the pain of parting tomorrow." Ink string moon sighs in the heart way.

However, this kind of sweet feeling just now changed back to cold again, which made her a little difficult to adapt.

"No matter how sad it is, there will be a beautiful tomorrow!" Ink string month heart once again firm their confidence to do so.

Binghun and Mo Shou get on the carriage one after another. Seeing the strange atmosphere on the carriage, for a moment, they don't know what to say to cushion the atmosphere. Mo Shou is just a Muggle. Any word will hurt people. He said better than not.

So, the four had been sitting in the carriage in silence, allowing the carriage to keep bumping on the official road.

The next day, when Nangong HaoYou woke up, he was the only one in the carriage.


It was his first thought when he woke up.

He hurried out of the carriage, but saw the carriage stopped in a small yard. There were many pieces of wood around the yard. In addition, it was rainy weather during this period, and some pieces of wood had already produced unknown mushrooms.

When he looked around, he saw Mo Shou and Bing Hun standing behind the carriage, not knowing what they were talking about.

He hurried to the ice soul and asked anxiously, "master, where's the moon?"

Ice soul said: "you wake up?"

She didn't mention the moon.

Nangong Hao frowned and asked: "master, where is the moon? I ask you, "where is the moon?" Speaking of the back, he unconsciously cried out.

Because he's scared! The feeling of emptiness in his heart made him feel helpless.

Ice soul sighed, said: "the moon has gone, it is estimated that it will take more than a month to come back."


Nangong Hao murmured in a low voice like a puppet lost his soul.

A sense of loss occupied his mind, lingering

Binghun nodded and said, "yes, here's a letter she left you." Saying that ice soul takes out a white envelope from sleeve, haven't handed to South Temple Hao, have already been robbed by South Temple Hao.

She also understands the mood of South Temple Hao now, did not blame him.

Nangong Hao took the envelope, couldn't wait to tear it open, and took out the letter paper, which was written with a few simple lines of small words.


When you see this letter, I have left, not forever, just for a short time.

I know you are not willing, but for our future, this pain is necessary!

Wait for me

Stay in the moon!

Nangong Hao after watching, the body can no longer control the slight tremor.

Wait for me

Just two words, with a myriad of tenderness.

Nangong Hao's eyes were hot, and tears flowed down his cheek slowly and fell on the ground.

"Gone, gone Everything's gone. "

Nangong Hao looked at the letter in his hand.

He suddenly tore the letter to pieces in anger.

Ice soul to see him like this, also don't know should go to release him, had to let him to the letter to vent the anger in the heart.Mo Shou, who has been silent, said: "Nangong Hao, don't do this. My sister will come back soon. If you are really decadent, I think my sister is wrong."

Ice soul also echoed: "what Mo Shou said is right. You should cheer up. I don't think yue'er wants to see you like this now."

Nangong Hao ignores the tears on his face and grins with disdain: "should I be happy now? Or a party to celebrate? Yes or what? Are you really the relatives of Yuer? You don't worry about her life or death. "

"It's not that we don't care, it's that..." Binghun explained quickly.

Nangong Hao yelled, interrupted her and said: "enough, no matter how to explain, the moon has gone!"

"Nangong Hao! How can you talk to your predecessors like this? " Mo Shou said haughtily.

His haughty character was revealed again.

Nangong Hao glared at him and said contemptuously: "you also shut up, there is no place for you to speak here. After your injury is cured, you can go away quickly! Asshole... "

Finish saying, he disdains of turn round, left the house.

Mo Shou's face was cold. He drew out the transparent sword and was about to rush up.

But he was stopped by the ice soul system, "come on, everyone has some hard words in his heart. He is also dazzled by emotion for a moment."

At this time, Mo Shou's anger subsided slightly.

"Let's wait for the moon to come back now." Ice soul looking at the clear sky said.

Under the same sky, everyone is running hard for his own destiny

Two days later

Ink string menstruation after two days on the road, finally came to the vicinity of the day festival mountain.

In the past two days, she did not know how many passers-by she had asked to find out the exact location of Tianjie mountain. Almost all the people who knew where Tianjie mountain was advised her not to go, saying that there were ghosts there.

Mo Xianyue is just a smile, because it's just a superstition of those people. Tianjie mountain is just a strange array made by Guiguzi. That's why it's like this.

In the afternoon, she had come to the foot of Tianjie mountain, and she was relieved at last.

At this time, Mo Xianyue rode a horse, walking slowly on the path, looking at the scenery of Tianjie mountain.

Tianjie mountain is just like its name. It's not only towering into the clouds, but also divided into sections like bamboo shoots. It's very strange.

She rode through a corner of the path and saw a small teahouse. There was a big wooden sign hanging in front of the door, on which was written a word: tea!

"Well, there's a teahouse ahead. I'm just thirsty."

Mo Xianyue drives the horse to the gate of the teahouse. She gets off the horse and takes a look inside the teahouse. She sees that there are two or three people sitting at the teahouse.

"Business is pretty good." Ink string moon heart way.

She tied the horse to the post outside the door and walked into the teahouse.

Found a window seat to sit down, shop boy came to clean the table, put the cup, said: "girl alone?"

Mo Xianyue nodded.

The shopkeeper said with a smile, "girls use tea?"

"What's to eat?" Mo Xianyue asked casually.

The shopkeeper said with a smile, "our Tianjie bamboo shoots fried beef is very famous. Would you like to try it, girl?"

Mo Xianyue nodded and said, "OK, just give me one, and hurry to give me some good tea."

"Yes! Just a moment, girl

With that, the shopkeeper retreated.

All of a sudden, she heard footsteps outside the door, and knew that another diner came in for dinner. She turned her head and looked at it casually. Who knew that, she was surprised because she saw a ghost instead of a human.

She thought she was dazzled, but when Mo Wu walked slowly towards her, she knew that it was definitely a person, not a ghost.

That kind of true feeling can not be replaced by ghost.

But isn't Mo Wu already dead in Mo Shou's hand?

Why are you here again?

Did Mo Shou not kill Mo Wu? Just beat him up?

"Third sister, don't you seem to like meeting me very much? Will I disturb you by sitting here? " Mo Wu simple and honest smile, said.

Mo Xianyue's way of thinking: settle down when you come!

Although she knows that the comer is not good, she has no way. If Mo Wu wants to catch her, she has no resistance at all.

"I'm just surprised," she said with a cold smile

"Surprised I didn't die?" Mo Wu said.

While talking, Mo Wu had already sat down in front of her, smiling at her.

"Yes Mo Xianyue does not intend to deny it. "What did you come to me for? You want me back? "Mo Wu stares at her and says, "it's hard to disobey my father's orders. Third sister Don't make it hard for me

Mo Xianyue said with a smile: "I know, when to leave?"

Since she is not an opponent, why do she have to make unnecessary resistance? Now she suddenly wants to see that man, to see his real face, to see how dark his heart is.

"Big brother knows that three younger sisters will never make it difficult for big brother to do it. Let's have dinner before we leave." Mo Wu said with a smile.

Mo Xianyue snorted coldly and said, "don't be so intimate. We don't have any relationship at all. In my eyes, you are just the man's running dog. Do you think I will recognize a running dog as the eldest brother? Then you are very wrong. "

Mo Wu said with a bitter smile: "I also know that our brothers and sisters have received cruel training since childhood, so it is inevitable that there will be some friction. But as long as we all work for our father, these friction will not appear again, third sister! In fact, my father is also for the sake of our brothers and sisters. You and my fourth brother have wronged my father. "

"Blame him?" Ink string month ha ha a smile, smile is full of sadness.

"Do we really blame him? What was the reason that he let our brothers and sisters fight each other? What did he marry my mother for? What is the purpose of roumo's murder? There are many other things that I don't want to say. " Mo Xianyue said excitedly.

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