"What about Nangong hao?" Ink string moon surprised way.

"It's not convenient to say? Let's talk about the others! "

Mo Xianyue shook her head and said, "no, I just don't know how to speak. I want to ask you a question."

"What's the problem?" Chu Leng asked with great interest.

Mo Xianyue was silent for a while and said, "do you know the most tragic ending of ending a relationship?"

This is a problem that she has hidden in her heart.

Has been afraid to face, but she knows, perhaps one day, the outcome will be forced on their own body.

Chu Leng asked for a moment of silence and said: "the tragic ending of the end of feelings I think it's like putting out a fire with the palm of your hand Put it out in a flash. "

Put out the fire in the palm of your hand?

Ink string month heart a sink, really can so simple?

Any entanglement of feelings, there will be so easy to end?

Chu Leng asked and said with a smile, "I'm just saying it casually. Don't take it seriously Perhaps, you should not think so much, he always loves you

Ink string moon lost said: "I also hope I think more, but some things can't help but I don't want to."

Chu Leng asks to see her facial expression is painful, feel a burst of heartache only.

"During this period, she must have experienced a lot of things. She feels completely different." Chu Leng asked.

"Well Let it out, let it out! Maybe it's a good idea. " He had no choice but to entice the waiter to tell Mo Xianyue what was on her mind, which would be better.

"What else to say? Have become the past, then let it forever in the past, why mention again, as you say things? After our separation, you go straight back to the festival mountain? " It seems that Mo Xianyue doesn't want to mention the previous things to Chu lengwen, because these things are all about Nangong Hao, and Chu lengwen is Nangong Hao's nemesis, saying that will only deepen their cracks.

One is her confidant, and the other is her lover. It's hard for her to choose, and no one is willing to give up.

Chu Leng asked with a smile: "since you don't want to say it, I'm not forced!"

Of course, he knows that Mo Xianyue is in a dilemma for him and Nangong Hao.

He picked up a small stick on the ground, then picked it on the fire and said, "I didn't go back to Tianjie mountain directly when I was away. Instead, I went to all over the world to play, and I got to know a lot of friends and experienced the local customs."

Mo Xianyue drags her chin and hears his words. She looks forward to saying: "Wow, I envy your life! My biggest goal is this, but now... "

"What's the goal now?"

"The goal now?" Ink string month a Leng, immediately a burst of silence.

what she wants most now is, of course, to live happily and comfortably together with Nangong Hao, but it is only a happy bubble and shattered by a blow, so she must consolidate this fragile happiness.

What we need to do to consolidate happiness is to stop the man's plan, otherwise everything will be on paper.

"There's no goal now. It's just like that every day."

She thought for a long time, finally chose to cheat Chu lengwen, she did not deliberately cheat Chu lengwen!

Chu Leng asked like her, she knows, if let Chu Leng ask know too much about her and Nangong Hao, don't know how? It's hard to predict the consequences, so it's better to keep the status quo?

Chu Leng asked to see her one eye, so one eye, seem to penetrate her mind.

After a long time, Chu Leng asked, "it's not like you."

Ink string month dry smile, cover up guilty way: "how not like me? You mean I've changed? "

Chu Leng nodded and said, "yes, you used to have a lot of secrets, but you were quite frank with your friends, but now..."

Later, even if Chu Leng doesn't ask, Mo Xianyue also understands.

Chu Leng asks if he knows that Mo Xianyue is cheating him now.

Mo Xianyue said: "you know, there are many things in this world, I don't know how to explain..."

"Then don't explain!" Chu Leng asked: "when you are willing to be frank and happy, I will be willing to listen to you."

What Mo Xianyue likes most about Chu lengwen is that Chu lengwen is always so understanding and will not embarrass her.

Sometimes, she would have thought, if not with Nangong Hao together, but like Chu Leng asked, now the result will not be the same?

Maybe, she won't have so many troubles now. Even if she is in trouble with Mo Yang, she will fly away with Chu lengwen. Even if she lives in the mountains, she doesn't want to go back to this secular world.

However, things have become a foregone conclusion, she likes the person, is always that bad man Nangong Hao!

After so many memories, so much warmth, so much moving, it is impossible to put it down.Maybe there is a day of separation, she may try to accept Chu Leng's question, but it's impossible now, because she still loves Nangong Hao.

This love is not half false.

Mo Xianyue reluctantly laughed and said: "you'd better talk about your business! Having visited so many places, have you met a suitable girl? "

Chu Leng asked with a smile and said to her seriously, "I met one!"



Ink string month heart a burst of empty, even eyes also float to other places, dare not look at Chu Leng asked.

"But this person is not necessarily himself. Maybe it was someone else's Chu Leng who met him outside? I'm really amorous. " Ink string moon heart way.

She pretended to be curious and asked, "I don't know what that girl is like? What's her name and how does she feel about you? "

Mo Xianyue is very attentive, as if she is looking for something for herself.

Chu Leng asked mysterious smile, said: "she ah?"

"Yes! Come on and see what I can do for you. "

"What do you say?" Chu Leng asked some prudence. For a moment, he didn't know where to start.

Mo Xianyue said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the eldest son of Chu would be shy. It's really the first time to see him. It's rare!"

Mo Xianyue was so excited that she almost didn't drum up her hand.

Chu Leng asked with a smile, looking out of the cave into the distant sky, his eyes were confused, but his face was tender.

After a while, he said, "she's beautiful It's beautiful! It's so beautiful. When I first met her, I was like a different person, no matter what, especially the tone and attitude. "

"That day, before I met her, I was in a bad mood, but when she appeared in the crowd, I was in a better mood in a twinkling."

"Later, I had the honor to say two words with her. The most beautiful voice I heard in my life came from her. At that time, I was thinking, I want to be with her all my life." Chu Leng asked here, suddenly embarrassed pause, see ink string moon is listening to the ecstasy.

He asked uneasily, "do I fantasize too much about unrealistic things?"

Mo Xianyue is soaking in the words of Chu Leng Wen. Chu Leng Wen suddenly asks her an inexplicable word. For a moment, she doesn't know how to answer.

She thought about it and said, "no, according to my opinion, if a man is brave and bold enough to express his heart to the woman he loves without hurting the other party, ordinary women will show shyness, but they are very happy at the bottom of their heart. What's more, they may not accept you. Even if they don't accept you at that time, they will try their best Let's inquire about your information and finally talk to you in the form of letters, which can show that That woman is already in love with you. "

Ink string month a breath to finish saying, but found that Chu Leng asked stupidly looking at himself, face a red, said: "I am not too will fantasy these not cut substance things?"

Just now, Chu Leng asked her this question, but now she asked Chu Leng.

A lot of times, things are so strange

Chu Leng asked with a smile, said: "we are a group of people who love fantasy, fantasy is not our fault, so there is no need to care so much."

Mo Xianyue nodded. Just now, she was really embarrassed and said a lot.

In order not to embarrass the atmosphere again, Mo Xianyue then asked, "is there anything else? What happened to the woman? Do you know her? What's her name? "

Chu Leng continued: "it's a great honor! I have become friends with her. Later, we talked and played the piano together in that place, and she played the piano well, which is not inferior to you. "

Although hear Chu Leng ask in front of her praise other women better than her, in the heart a little sour.

But Chu lengwen can find a woman she likes, and she is very happy for Chu lengwen.

This kind of happiness comes from the heart.

"What else?" Mo Xianyue asked again.

She has been completely attracted by what Chu lengwen said.

Chu Leng asked with a smile: "after that, we played the piano together and looked around at the scenery together, but the day of parting still came."

"Farewell? Why leave? Who's leaving? "

"Both are going."

"Two? Where is she going? "

Chu Leng asked to go back to Tianjie mountain, but where was the woman going? Since she was in love with Chu Leng, why did she leave?

Chu Leng asked, "I'm going because I have something to go back to Tianjie mountain. She's going because..." At this point, Chu Leng asked with a look of pain on his face.

In fact, at the beginning, Mo Xianyue suspected that Chu lengwen was cheating her, but the more she listened, the more she felt the truth of the matter. Finally, she completely believed that what Chu lengwen said was true."And what happened? You say it quickly Mo Xianyue asked anxiously.

"That day, when we were playing the piano by the lake, her husband suddenly found her Later, he took her away with him. Since then, there has been no whereabouts of her. Until today, he did not know her whereabouts by accident. "

Smell speech, Mo string month two hands cover small mouth, surprised of speechless.

A married woman!

Chu Leng asked the woman she liked. She turned out to be a married woman.

"Isn't that surprising?" Chu Leng asked.

Mo Xianyue actually nodded honestly, but quickly shook her head in the twinkling of an eye.

Chu Leng asks to see her this appearance, is very lovely, can't help but tease her, say: "you shake head a while, nod a while.". Whether it's surprise or not. "

Mo Xianyue's face turned red and she said, "I just don't know what to say for a moment. I didn't expect you..."

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