So the ice soul needle used by Mo Xianyue now is not the one she used to throw casually. The ice soul needle is now in her hands. She can pierce a pair of iron armor within 100 meters. The power is not a joke.

Her eyes fixed on the roof of the location, but that location in the sound, no longer any different.

But she knew the man and must have stayed where she was.

She is waiting for

Wait for the next action to judge where he is!

But the time of a stick of incense passed, and there was no change in that place.

Mo Xianyue said firmly in her heart: "that person must still be on the top of the building, but the location is uncertain, so I have to wait now Wait for him to move. "

He is patient, and Mo Xianyue is more patient than him.


The voice sounded again.

"There it is." Ink string month's heart suddenly drinks.

Whoosh, whoosh

As soon as the ink string moon hand is raised, three ice soul needles cut through the air and attack the roof.


A sound of broken tiles.

Then I heard a low, dull drink.

"Ah Hidden weapon

After hearing the sound, Mo Xianyue jumps out of the window from the bed, kicks her foot on the wall and flies to the roof. It's only a moment to complete these actions, and she has already stood on the roof.

At night, there is no cloud blocking the moon. The bright moonlight is all over the ground. Even the dim tiles are slightly white.

On the opposite side of Mo Xianyue stood a man in black who was wearing black clothes and trousers, and even his face was covered with a piece of black cloth.

The only bright spot on the man in black is his sword.

Sharp sword, in the moonlight, reflecting bursts of cold light.

They stood quietly on the roof, looking at each other, silent.

"He wasn't hurt?" Ink string month in the heart of doubt think of.

It seems that the words in her heart will come true immediately!

A trace of scarlet blood slowly slipped from the man in black's arm to the hilt, and then followed the hilt to the cold blade.

When the blood was half of the blade, Mo Xianyue said, "you It's Who is it? "

Her voice was low and slow.

The man who comes here with a sword must not be a good man, and he will not leave after being injured. It seems that the man in black in front of him has some ways. Mo Xianyue's heart has been on guard for a long time.

"I Cough The man in black just opened his mouth, but a fierce cough made him unable to continue.

Mo Xianyue looks at all this coldly, without any action.

Before knowing the identity of the other party, she will not have any action, careful alert.

She would never help him because of his injury.

This is instinct, and it should be prevented!

"Don't do that in front of me. Who are you?" Mo Xianyue said coldly.

She was really curious about the identity of the man in black, a man who came to the roof of her room in the middle of the night, a man who came with a sword and covered his face. She would never think that the other person was a good person and came to her for tea.

The man didn't respond to Mo Xianyue, still coughing violently

The intensity of the cough, even standing on the side of the ink string month heard also feel a tangle.

Ink string month see her this appearance, don't seem to pretend to come out of, never press to ask him again, just quietly stare at him.

After a while, the man's cough slowly stopped, slowly raised the arched body, with the only eyes of the whole body, quietly looking at the ink string moon.

When ink string moon and her eyes intersect, only feel a strong familiar feeling rushed into my mind, a person's figure slowly emerge.

"Black dream?" Mo Xianyue was shocked, and then cried out.

The blindfolded man in black closed his eyes, then slowly stretched out his hand and pulled off the black cloth on his face.

Mo Xianyue's conjecture is right. The man in black is the elder black dream in red who has been missing for several months and then met by Mo Xianyue in Mohist village.

Black dream's long black hair is still as usual, high tied up, without any fancy jewelry.

She saw Mo Xianyue's shocked look, did not speak, just a slight smile, that kind of feeling is like a long time no good friend suddenly meet in an unexpected situation, the same warm, the same happy.

But just after she smiles, a trace of blood slowly overflows from the corner of her mouth. Before Mo Xianyue reacts from the shock, the blood has slid down the corner of her mouth to her chin, and finally to the tiles under her feet.


Blood all over the place!

Ink string moon can even hear the sound of the last drop of blood on the tiles.When she saw this scene, the guard in her heart was slowly removed.

"You It's all right! " She asked with concern. And there's some choking in the voice!

"Ink Sister Black dream mouth light pull, softly said.

At this moment, the black dream even called out their previous match.

Hearing this kind of intimate address, Mo Xianyue was stunned. Looking at the surprise smile of heimeng, she was speechless.

But black dream can't help it any more. She comes to confirm whether everything in front of her is true or not.

But she just went forward two steps, ink string moon also subconsciously back two steps.

Black dream see, smile on the face slowly convergence, step also with the smile slowly stop.

"Sister Mo, is it really you? What's the matter with you? " Black dream frowned and asked with concern.

Ink string month also with her stop and stop back body, Lengleng Leng looking at black dream, don't know what to say.

She always thought that black dream died in the war of Tianyue imperial regime, but the fact is not what she imagined. When she came to Mohist village, she suddenly met black dream. However, black dream has become the elder of Mohist village, and she is still the elder in red. She thought that she had joined Mohist village to fight against Nangong Hao, but it was midnight tonight Suddenly meet, this sudden situation, but let ink string moon at a loss.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally decided to pretend that she didn't know black dream was the affair of the elder in red in Mohist village.

"You Why are you here? " She opened her lips lightly and spat out these words from her mouth.

Because for a moment, she really didn't know what to say.

Black dream is ecstatic in her heart. In recent months, one of the people who dreams every day, and the most important one, suddenly appears in front of her. How can she be unhappy?

Now that she is sure of the identity of Mo Xianyue, she smiles: "sister Mo, is it really you?"

Mo Xianyue nodded and said with a bitter smile: "yes, it's me! You haven't told me why you're here? "

Although she admitted her identity, and also heard the deep surprise and friendship from the call of dark dream, she still couldn't let go of all the guard.

It's necessary to guard against people! Mo Xianyue is so cautious, but also for the sake of small life.

Black dream completely regardless of the bloodstain of the corner of the mouth, continue to say happily: "see you really too happy." Then she said softly, "it's not convenient for us to talk here. Sister Mo lives below. Why don't we go down and talk about it? "

Ink string month heart still can't completely believe the words of black dream, but her request can't refuse.

"All right." Ink string agreed to nod, and then the first jump off the roof, back to the room.

The reason why she agrees with the proposal of black dream is that she has a certain assurance to subdue black dream. It's not that she is conceited, but that she once fought against black dream. She only used 80% of her power to force black dream to the end.

There is another main reason why she will let the dark dream come down. She wants to know why the dark dream was in Mohist village and became an elder. It takes a long time to talk about these things. If they talk on the roof, they may wake up the sleeping people below. If they provoke some nosy people, it will be difficult.

Back in the room, Mo Xianyue pulled a dress hanging on the screen and put it on her body. Then she went to the wall to light up the oil lamp.

Faint and yellow light from the wick, and gradually illuminate the whole room.

Just after she lit the oil lamp, the dark dream fell from the window.

At the moment when he went down to the ground, he stepped on the armrest of a stool beside the window. As soon as he slipped, he fell straight off the stool.

It's too late for Mo Xianyue to help her.

After that, Mo Xianyue quickly approached her, stood in front of her and said, "what's the matter with you? Are you ok?"

Although her words seem very concerned, but the heart is a sneer.

"It's just that I've been hit by my Bingpo needle. Besides the cold poison, my Bingpo needle has no other poison. Will my body become so weak? Do you really think I'm a layman

Black dream struggled to stand up, with a happy smile on her face. She didn't get angry because Mo Xianyue didn't help her.

"Sister Mo, let's sit over there. I'm a little tired. Cough..." Black dream suddenly caught her hand, she did not expect for a moment, so let black dream firmly caught.

Just when she was in a daze, black dream had already pulled her to the table and sat down. After sitting down, black dream was willing to let go of her hand and said: "sister Mo, it's really good to see you here. It won't be a dream."

Ink string month mind a blank, a little consciousness, she felt the dark dream holding his hand in violent shaking, bursts of cold from her hands.Ink string moon suddenly wake up, fiercely shake off her hand, sternly way: "what are you doing?"


Black dream by her sudden action, because the amplitude is too large, so touched the arm injury, pain groan.

Seeing the painful expression of black dream, Mo Xianyue shivered in her heart, but she gritted her teeth and said, "are you black dream?"

Black dream forced to endure the pain from her arm, nodded her head, bit her teeth and said: "ink Sister, what's the matter with you? It's me. I'm black dream. Your old guard, dark dream. "

The ink string moon stares at the black dream's eyes and says gently: "you say you are a black dream? Good! Tell me, what did you become my guard for? "

She must really make sure that the person in front of her is really a dark dream, otherwise she can't say a lot of words below.

Heimeng held the wound of her left arm. Although her left arm's clothes had been soaked in blood, she still bit her teeth and insisted: "it was because of the assassination in Queen's Square. Because the prince was afraid that you would be assassinated by the assassin, she invited several guards to choose. In the end, those guards didn't choose. Finally, she chose me, sister mo. what's the matter with you ?” Finally, black dream asked.

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