Shi Feitian stands in front of the window, half squinting at Chu lengwen, and his figure slowly disappears into the night.

After a while, just gently pull the corners of the mouth, the wrinkles on the face have almost wrinkled together.

After laughing at the night sky, he asked Mo Xianyue and Chu Leng the direction of their disappearance and said in a soft voice: "you are really two idiots. The castle master not only has excellent martial arts, but also everyone's next move is in his budget. Ha ha ha..."

The sleeping stone sheet turned over on the bed and said vaguely, "grandfather, what are you talking about? Go to bed early Let's go As soon as I finished, I fell asleep again.

But Shi Feitian no longer had the fierce momentum just now. He turned back to the original Shi Feitian and said to Shi Dan, "you go to sleep first, grandpa is not sleepy."

But after he had finished speaking for a long time, Shidan didn't answer. He knew that Shidan had fallen asleep again.

as like as two peas, he sighed and gently opened the clothes on his chest.

If Mo Xianyue and Chu lengwen see it, they will cry out in surprise.

Because Chu lengwen found and took out the triangular block of wood and the surface of Shi Feitian's chest in the Mohist village, they are almost the same.

After a long time, Shi Feitian arranges his clothes again. With a long sigh, he looks at the dark night sky with empty eyes, and his thoughts blow to the distance with the gusts of cold wind

But he didn't see it. On the bed, with his back to his sleeping Shi Dan, he was opening his eyes. There was no sleepiness in his eyes. He didn't know what he was thinking

Feel the night wind gently blowing around, ink string moon's robe is caressed by the night wind

She and Chu lengwen were sitting on the top of a small attic in the Mohist village.

"From the original guards, in the small courtyard in the southeast, on the road from the middle to the west, there are more guards. We should pay attention to them later." Chu Leng asked, while observing the activities of the guards in the yard, he said.

Mo Xianyue nodded and said, "should we act separately now?"

Chu Leng asked him to refuse, shaking his head and said, "no, it's too risky to take separate actions. It's not worth taking such a risk. Moreover, zuosunghufa lives in the palace."

"But do you know which room he lives in? Two people working separately can save a lot of time. "

Chu Leng asked or disapproved and said: "this is very simple, as long as we catch a guard, and then force him not to be ok?"

Mo Xianyue thought about it and felt that it was the same, so she didn't have any objection.

"Let's go!" Chu Leng asks to see the bottom of the attic just passed the guard of a patrol, hasten and Mo Xianyue say.

They jumped and fell to the ground in silence.

As soon as their heels hit the ground, they turned into two virtual shadows and raced along the path

"There's someone in front!"

In sprint, Chu Leng asks to remind Mo Xianyue in a low voice.

"Into the grass." Mo Xianyue said.


Two people have a tacit understanding of one after another rushed into the roadside half people high flowers.

After a long time, the ink string moon slowly pushed away some of the plants in front of her eyes and looked out.

Not far away from where she and Chu lengwen were hiding, a guard with a torch was yawning frequently.

"Do it!" Mo Xianyue said in a low voice.

Just when she was ready to go out, Chu Leng asked, but he held her hand and said, "wait! Someone's coming. "

Ink string moon carefully back to the grass again, and then look out.

Sure enough, as soon as she drew back, she saw a fat man with a big belly walking slowly towards the guard.

When the ink string moon then weak fire, see clearly that fat man's appearance, gently smile.

Immediately recalled yesterday noon when she went to steal the blood of Fire Phoenix, and the fat man at that time was in front of Mo Xianyue.

By this time, the fat man had come to the guard.

The fat man warmly greets the guard and says, "man! It's your turn to be on duty tonight? "

The guard seemed to have a good relationship with the fat man and said politely, "yes. Why are you so late, fat man? Are the girls in the building reluctant to leave you! Ha ha ha... "

It's no secret that these men are looking for girls in mojiazhuang for a long time, so they often talk about looking for girls with each other, which has almost become a joy in their dry and tasteless life.

Of course, on the premise of fun, don't let the villa master, Dharma protector, elder and others find out, otherwise Hehe, some of them are suffering.

Fat he waved his hand and then said with a smile: "where, the girl in the building is reluctant to give up silver, where will it be me? Besides, after yesterday's incident, my salary this month has been deducted, where can I go to find the girl?"Then he said with a smile to the guard, "I know if my brother can lend me some money."

He was also afraid that the guards would not like to, so he patted his chest full of fat and said, "don't worry, I will return it to you in two months, and ask my friends to find a girl for free. That's OK."

The guard said bitterly: "Lao he, it's not that I don't lend it to you, but you know that you still owe me ten Liang silver last time, and there is no trace now, right! My family is very poor now. Why don't you return my silver and I'll lend it to you? "

Now it's fatty he's turn. He hesitated and said, "well You know, my salary this month has been deducted. Where can I pay you back? Now my brother is bitter in my bag. It's better to talk about it in a few days With that, he pangzi wanted to leave. He stepped back and put on a flattering smile and said, "man, there are still some things I have to leave first. You go on duty! Next time I have time, I'll take you

When he pangzi left, the guard couldn't hold him. Looking at his escaping figure, he shook his head and stood back on duty.

Mo Xianyue and Chu Leng ask two people have been watching them talking, until he pangzi left, Mo Xianyue guess to the side of Chu Leng ask said: "to catch the fat man."

Chu Leng asked and nodded, speechless to the direction of the fat man left.

Mo Xianyue followed him.

He pangzi has just walked into a small road, which is very remote, and now there are no ghosts.

Just when Mo Xianyue saw the fat man's fat body, he just spat a mouthful of phlegm on the side of the road and said: "who are you! Isn't that ten taels of silver? If that didn't happen at noon yesterday, my salary wouldn't have been deducted. If my salary hadn't been deducted, how could I care about your ten taels of crap? "

The more he said, the more angry he was, and from time to time he kicked the trees and flowers on both sides.

"It's the damned maid that's to blame. Not only do I lose face in the servant rang of Mo family village, but also I lose so much money. It's all because of the damned maid! If I meet her again, I must beat her hard to get out of my heart. "

He staggered on the road, but he did not know that death was so close to him.

Chu Leng asked just about to catch the fat man, but was stopped by Mo Xianyue, and then said with his mouth: let me do it.

Chu lengwen doesn't need to look at it seriously, so he knows what Mo Xianyue means.

Now that Mo Xianyue has made a sound, he nods without any comment.

Although he didn't know the reason why Mo Xianyue was in his position, he could feel the secret between Mo Xianyue and the fat man.

Mo Xianyue walked cautiously behind the fat man. When they were looking for a chance to start, they turned a corner and came to a small bamboo forest. There was no guard at all, not even a torch to light the road. In addition, there was no moon tonight, which made the originally dark bamboo forest even more invisible.

He pangzi walked on the road that made his heart hairy. He looked around from time to time. As soon as there was a slight change, he was afraid to look in the direction of the change.

This is the only way for him to return to his residence from Mohist village. Even though he has walked a thousand times, he will be scared every time he comes here.

I don't know if he has seen more strange unofficial history recently. He always feels the wind blowing here.

"Don't you know that you have to cut your tongue to speak ill of others behind their backs?" Standing behind him, coldly said.

In her heart, she still felt uncomfortable with the words that the fat man had just scolded her.

"Ghosts He pangzi yelled. He didn't dare to turn his head back, so he ran forward.

"What are you running for?" Mo Xianyue shows her lightness skill and easily follows her. Then she points his acupoints and throws him into the nearby bamboo forest. Then, Mo Xianyue smiles at Chu Leng who comes after her and says, "I'll go ahead and take care of him. Chu Leng asks what words haven't said, Mo Xianyue has already walked into the bamboo forest.

Chu Leng asked him to stand on the road and see if anyone passed by.

As for extorting confessions, they have been taught by all kinds of top elites in mojiazhuang from a very small age. Therefore, Mo Xianyue extorts confessions from he pangzi. There is no sound in the woods. Mo Xianyue only uses a cup of tea to extract confessions from he pangzi.

Not only where the Dharma protector named Zuo song lives, but also how many girls Zuo song has found. He Pang knows all about it.

This fat man really belongs to the type of people who are very attractive. Because he has no rights, but he knows a lot of things, so just like now, under the coercion and inducement of Mo Xianyue, he will say everything for a while.

But in the end, he pangzi is still very poor. Mo Xianyue promised to give him 200 Liang silver after he told Zuo song about it. When fat man heard that, he was very excited and said it foolishly. But he didn't expect that Mo Xianyue would turn back. After he told Zuo song about everything, Mo Xianyue ordered him Lethargy cave, throw him in it.After coming out of the bamboo forest again, Mo Xianyue saw that Chu lengwen was walking around the bamboo forest, so she said, "OK, you can go."

Chu Leng asked, "what's the matter? Have you asked? "

Mo Xianyue nodded and said, "yes, that Dharma protector lives on the top floor of the highest palace in Mohist villa."

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