The other one was dressed in brown, with a pretty face in his early twenties, and a simple and honest smile on his face. Compared with the boy in white, passers-by felt much better about him.

As for the remaining old man, his whole body was wrapped in a black robe, showing only two penetrating eyes. Because his face was covered with black cloth, he could not see any expression.

The young man rode on his horse and soon passed by passers-by, raising a cloud of dust.

Passers by angrily covered their faces, and then watched the three people stop at the foot of Tianjie mountain.

"Master Shi, just a moment." Chu Leng asks to the stone flying sky behind to say.

That's right. These three people are Chu lengwen, Shi Feitian and Shi Dan, who came back from Mohist village thousands of miles away.

When Shi Feitian heard Chu Leng's question, he said, "good!"

Chu lengwen walked slowly to the edge of a grass higher than people, and then took out a small red flag from his arms. On both sides of the flag is written a word of array.

As long as the experts look at it, they will know that it's a high-class array with a small flag, which is specially used for magic array.

After Chu lengwen took out the small flag, his fingertips also sent out a small silver light. He fused the silver light into the chess surface. Then the small flag in his hand, with the passage of time, became windless automatically, and the silver light from the array of characters on the flag surface became more and more prosperous.

Shi Feitian and Shi Dan are quietly looking at Chu Leng's casting process, but the former's face shows a dignified look, while the latter is more joyful.

The dignified expression on Shi Feitian's face is justifiable, because he may be envious of Chu lengwen's array, but the appearance of Xinhui on Shi Dan's face is not right.

A young man in his early twenties looked at Chu Leng and asked that there would be a kind of heartfelt joy when he cast the spell. The feeling was indescribable weird, but no one could say what was weird.

Chu Leng, who had been casting the magic, raised his mouth slightly and showed a sneer. He suddenly opened his eyes, then suddenly turned around and yelled at Shi Feitian, who was standing in the same place and was looking at him. He said: "tie up the immortal skill!"

"You Ah

Shi Feitian uttered a shrill scream in his mouth.

A golden rope suddenly appeared on his body, and then he tightened his body with the force of lightning.

But for a moment, he fell to the ground like a zongzi tied by a rope, struggling.

"Why? Young master, why do you do this? " Shi Feitian cried in a hurry.

But when a shining blade was put around his neck, he already knew what was going on.

Because with a long sword, the man around his neck is the stone sheet standing beside him.

Now on Shi Dan's face, the simple and honest appearance just now has already disappeared. Now his eyes are shining, and his eyes are cold looking at Shi Dan lying on the ground, motionless.

At this time, Chu Leng asked that the red flag had been taken back in his arms. He came slowly, bowed to Shi Dan and called respectfully: "master!"


Is Shi Dan the master of Chu lengwen?

Then Shidan is

People's legend that unpredictable, Guigu clan leader, Guiguzi?

But the respectful expression of Chu Leng's question didn't look fake.

It seems that this young Shidan is the unpredictable Guiguzi!

As for how Shidan became Guiguzi, this is Guiguzi's secret.

Shi Dan, who incarnated as GUI GuZi, said to Shi Feitian, "long time no see, Mohist giant."

Guiguzi and a long time no see friend very common said a hello just, but the tone is full of irony.

After hearing the speech, Shi Feitian did not struggle any more. Instead, he said with a loud smile, "I can't imagine that I have been seen by you, an old God stick. I haven't seen you for such a long time. Is that how I treat your old friend?"

GUI GuZi said with a scornful smile: "friend? Ha ha, that's funny

He said to Shi Feitian fiercely: "old man of Moyang, you can do such a heartless thing. Your morality has been ruined. You are a real Mohist. You have become a terrible cage."

Shi Dan can see that Shi Feitian is possessed by Mo Yang.

Mo Yang said: "it seems that you have lived nearly a hundred years, but you still don't understand. What I am doing now is to restore the beauty of the world. I want to create a world without conflict, evil, jealousy and negative emotions. Do you know?"

But Guiguzi sneered: "if it's really like what you said, then the world is not beautiful, but more evil. This will make people more painful, and finally it will only become a hell on earth ruled by you."

However, Shi Feitian shook his head and said contemptuously, "the tenet of Mohism has always been non aggression and universal love. If you think so, I'm wrong. Only one person can be in charge of unification and use the most extreme means. People know to be obedient. At that time, people are all disciplined and dare not make mistakes. Isn't this a beautiful world?"Guiguzi's face was as cold as ice. He said with a sneer, "it's so naive. This is what makes people difficult. If people in the whole world have to behave themselves and dare not make any mistakes, don't people live in fear every day? What happiness is there? Instead of losing your original intention to do it? "

"My original intention? What was my original intention? "

"Make a world full of beauty." Guiguzi said with gnashing teeth.

"Then is it wrong for me to do so? As long as people get used to such tyranny, they will feel happy, won't they? " In Guiguzi's eyes, Moyang is still stubborn.

Mo Yang saw Gui Gu Zi's sneer, but he didn't care and said, "but isn't that right? Now people are really more and more willful and cowardly. Look over there. " Mo Yang said, not far away to the roadside nunuzui.

Guiguzi and Chu lengwen look in the direction he said, and they see a group of about a dozen odd dressed men rushing down the small mountain road from afar to surround a couple who are enjoying the cool under the shade of trees.

The couple probably did not expect that bad luck would suddenly come to them, or chatting leisurely.

But when the bandits rushed down, they began to panic.

Chu Leng asked to see this, will carry sword to rush up, but was stopped by Guiguzi.

As soon as Shi Feitian saw Chu lengwen's action, he burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Leng asked angrily.

But Shi Feitian gave a cold smile and said, "how about it? Old stick, do you see it? For example, your apprentice is preparing to save the couple. It's pitiful compassion, but it's good to have compassion. But now at the same time, the whole world doesn't know how many of the same things happen, but how many people have compassion like your apprentice? Just like now this couple has not been saved by outsiders, and then the man is cowardly to shrink aside, while the man's wife is bullying, do you think the world is beautiful now? Then you are very wrong, Guiguzi

Just as Shi Feitian said this, the couple in the distance, the man has been seriously injured by others, while the woman's clothes have been torn open by several men, and the snow-white skin is exposed in front of the public, while most of the rest of the people are onlookers.

At this time, Chu Leng asked again want to rush past, but once again by Guiguzi eyes a stare, dispel his righteousness for brave behavior.

Mo Yang didn't know when, his upper body had already sat up straight, looked coldly at the chaotic scene in the distance, and continued: "ghost Valley, do you see it? The cowering expression on the man's face is so scornful. Although there are some indignant people on the onlookers' faces who want to help, there are only one or two of them in ten. Most of them are people who stand aside to watch the play. The bottom of their hearts are scorning the shrinking man, but they don't think that if they meet him In this case, what kind of expression will it be, and what will they do? The most shameful thing is that they not only don't help, but also ridicule the shrinking man. In my heart, the most hateful thing is not the robbers, but the people who have no courage. They live in this world, which is a waste of food. But I don't mean that the robbers' behavior can be carried out, because the robbers also deserve to die, so the robbers and the onlookers must be punished To leave this world, of course, except for the occasional two people who have a little bravery

As soon as he finished, he gave Guiguzi a cold smile and said, "do you think I'm right? The head of the ghost Valley clan. "

After hearing Mo Yang's analysis, Guiguzi was also shocked in his heart. A feeling that he and Mo Yang disliked these people's faces slowly rose in his heart.

It's a touch of uneasiness.

Guiguzi suddenly woke up and yelled at Mo Yang: "old man, you dare to bewitch me."

But Mo Yang sneered: "I bewitch you? Don't you think there are many things in this world that make people feel indifferent? These people who do bad things have to die, don't they? Come on, Guiguzi, let's welcome a beautiful new world together. That's the happy thing! Come out, guards of justice. "

As soon as his words came to an end, dozens of first-class masked men jumped out of the crowd and rushed at the robbers who were teasing women.

"Ding Ding..."

The cold light continued to flash

All the bandits on the scene had fallen into a pool of blood before they found that death had come to them.

The whole audience was stunned. Everyone's expression was fixed there.

Then there was a thunderous applause.

At this time, Mo Yang was even more disdainful and said, "do you see those who are clapping? These people are the drawbacks of this world. To stay in this world is to block the development of this world in the direction of beauty, so they have to leave this time. But not now, now, it's the cowardly man who has to die. He can't even protect his own women and talk about how to benefit the world, so he has no use in this world So you don't have to stay in this world. "As soon as he finished, he turned his head again and whispered to the masked men who had killed the robbers and turned into wood not far away: "go and kill that man."

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