However, he didn't know that after he entered the mountain, his sons used the mechanism beast he left behind to win many wars. At that time, a Mohist family could fight against Tianlan sect in ten years.

At that time, the mechanism beast of Mohism was regarded as the butcher God of the battlefield.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. The Mohist school holds the power of organ beast and leaves bad deeds in all parts of the world. Finally, Tian LAN Zong couldn't see it, so he got angry.

Although the first master of Mohism, the maker of organ beast, was once the disciple of Tianlan son, the master of Tianlan sect. At that time, the first master had already entered the mountain, and no one knew whether he was alive or dead, so he had no scruple to fight with Tianlan sect.

More than a thousand years ago, the whole world almost became a place for their two families to fight.

This battle has been fought for a long time, a long time

The whole world was ruined, and the two families were greatly weakened, but in the end, Mohism won.

And Tianlan Zong withdrew from the world, disguised as ghost Valley clan, hidden in the world.

Although Mohism won in this fierce war, it also suffered a lot. In the end, it chose to retreat from the vast forest and built a Mohist castle as terrible as hell.

As for the Mohist first master who developed the first mechanism beast, he was gradually forgotten.

In the next two or three hundred years, there were four families on the mainland: Dongfang, Nangong, Beitang and Ximen, which had the present history.

The purpose of Mo Yang's appearance now is very clear, that is, he thinks that the four families have dominated the world for too long, and the Nangong family has been out of his hands, so he wants to come out again and put the control of the whole mainland into his hands.

But it's a little late

The pattern of the world has been settled. If Mo Yang wants to do this, he must spend countless energy. Maybe he has a chance to disturb the pattern of the world.

Mo Yang sat on the ground and didn't speak. GUI GuZi sighed to him: "Mo Yang, wake up. Now this world is not the world more than a thousand years ago. Our general situation has gone. Isn't the world very good now? Although it's something shameful, it's also a small part. Everyone in the world can't be so perfect, so you'd better die. If you have to do so, I will stop you at all costs. "

But Mo Yang said with a cold smile: "Guiguzi, Guiguzi! You can really look up to yourself. I'm not afraid to tell you that my Mohist plan has been prepared for more than a thousand years. How can I give up if I give up? Don't say you come to persuade me, even if the first generation of family owners come to persuade me, it's no use. I'm Mohist coming again. It's God's will. No one can stop me, especially you Guiguzi, you know what? If it were not for your interference, my Mohist family would have made the world more beautiful a thousand years ago. "

Guiguzi shook his head and sighed: "you are crazy, Moyang! No matter what you say, I will still carry out the ancestral precepts of my ghost Valley clan, and I must eliminate the ideological roots of your Mohist school. "

Mo Yang said with disdain: "come on, see what you can do to stop me? Ha ha... "

"Have you forgotten that legend? Tianlanzi's prophecy. " Guiguzi said with a smile.

"Tianlanzi's prophecy? Is it... " Mo Yang's eyes widened, looked at GUI GuZi and said, "is it true that the legend of wordless heavenly book?"

Guiguzi said with a smile: "since it's true that the first generation of Mohist masters made perfect mechanism animals, the legend of Guigu clan of Tianlan sect is true, so you'd better die. Otherwise, everything you do now will be in vain. "

The secret of wordless heavenly book? In the end what is it? Even Chu Leng didn't know very well, and the only people who really knew the inside story were Mo Yang and Gui Gu Zi.

But neither of them said it, so no one would know.

Mo Yang laughed and said: "what you said is true. If the wordless Tianshu is really as powerful as Tianlan Zi said, my Mohist school has been destroyed as early as a thousand years ago. Why is my Mohist school still good now? All things are nonsense of Tianlan's dead old man. Besides, even if the dead old man said it is true, now the wordless Tianshu is dead Is it still on you? As far as I know, wordless Tianshu was obtained by nangongxiu, the emperor of the current Dynasty, and hidden in the palace. You can't do anything without wordless Tianshu. Are you scaring me now? "

But Guiguzi said sarcastically: "yes, I don't have a wordless heavenly book, but don't you also have it? If you don't believe in the legend of wordless heavenly book, why did you send your little girl to find it? If you don't believe in the legend of wordless heavenly script, why do you send someone to destroy the seal array of four elephants? Is it really just to find the mechanism beast made by the first generation of Mohist masters? "

After hearing this, Mo Yang flashed a cold light in his eyes, and then said coldly to GUI GuZi: "it seems that you really know a lot. You know so many of my plans. Mo Yang really underestimated you, an old prodigy. He thought you didn't know well when you stayed on the mountain. I didn't expect that However, even if you know it, it's useless. You and I didn't get the wordless letter, but I am in charge of the seal array of the four elephants. What chips do you have to fight with me? "But Guiguzi said with a cold smile: "do you really think that after I know your plan, there will be no action? If my estimation is correct, I'm afraid the person you sent to the stone tablet of four elephants has been intercepted by my people halfway, so I don't know if I have any chips to talk to you? "

Mo Yang was very angry and said, "do you think I will believe it just by your words? How can your people be my opponents? That's my secret weapon. Ha ha... "

In the four directions on the mainland, there is a fierce fight going on at the same time. Both sides of the fight are not afraid of death.

One side is armed with a long sword, wearing black night clothes, only killing in his eyes.

On the other side are a group of Taoist like people. They are wearing Taoist robes. Some of them are holding dust and some of them are holding swords. They have already killed their eyes.

Although their martial arts are very good, they are all the people in black, but they are not afraid of death. Even if they are injured, they don't feel anything.

One of them, a man in black, who had lost his arm, rushed to a Taoist priest with red eyes, stared at his bloody eyes and opened his mouth to the Taoist's ear.


A chilling scene is vividly presented.

The Taoist covered his ears in pain, turned around hard, and then stabbed all the swords into the body of the man in black.

But the man in black didn't seem to have any feelings. He sneered at the Taoist priest, then opened his mouth and bit again

The same picture is staged in the southeast, northwest and four directions at the same time.

I don't know how long the fight lasted, both sides have been destroyed, but even if those people in black were seriously injured, they didn't have any expression of fear. They stepped over the bodies of those Taoists, and went hard to their goal step by step.

But Guiguzi, who is tens of thousands of miles away, doesn't know all this.

He is talking with Chu Leng, and his sword blade with cold light is still in the bright red blood.

But Shi Feitian had fallen at his feet, and the blood from his neck was all over the ground

Yes, Guiguzi finally killed Feitian, but to be exact, he killed Moyang.

"Master!" When Chu Leng asked, he wanted to say nothing.

GUI GuZi smiles at him and says, "if you have anything to say, you've been a teacher for decades. Don't you know the character of a teacher?"

Chu Leng nodded and said respectfully, "now master knows everything about Moyang. What can master do?"

GUI GuZi frowned slightly, sighed and said, "what else can we do? We can only try our best to stop his madness, but whether we can succeed or not is not certain. What I am most worried about now is the four elephants array. If we let him get the four elephants seal array, the consequences will be unthinkable."

"Isn't Shifu already sending secret disciples to stop his plan? Why worry? "

"Those disciples may not be the opponents of the corpse puppets he made."

"Corpse puppet?" Chu Leng asked, "is that..."

GUI GuZi nodded his head and said, "yes, it's to sacrifice with living people, perform the secret art of resurrection on the dead, and then use the core of mechanism beast to control the dead without any emotion."

After hearing this, Chu Leng felt a chill

Chu Leng asked, "a crazy man can do anything. Mo Yang is crazy, really crazy. "

GUI GuZi said with a smile: "his crazy things are more than that, but now there is no time to tell you a story. You go to the Imperial Palace first and take back the wordless heavenly book. Being a teacher has its own magical effect. Even if you lose the seal of the four elephants, you are sure to defeat him."

Chu Leng asked suspiciously: "hasn't the wordless heavenly book been stolen from the palace? Master, why do you want me to look for it in the palace? "

"Do you know who took the wordless heavenly book? According to my guess, it was taken away by Mo Xianyue, the youngest daughter of Mo Yang, who is your favorite woman in your heart. So if you want to find the wordless heavenly book, you must ask her. "

"Then I'll go to the palace. What's your plan, master?"

"What else can I plan for? I'll go to Tianlan hall first and wait for your news." Guiguzi finished, quickly made a fingerprint, in front of him showed a long ladder, leading to the cloud on the mountain.

"Well, I'll wait for you in Tianlan hall. Don't let me down this time." With that, the whole person turned into a dark shadow, which disappeared at the end of the ladder in an instant.

And the scene around Chu lengwen also changed back to the original.

Chu Leng asked puzzled and said: "disappointed? Why did the master suddenly say such a thing? " However, he couldn't think of any answer. He jumped on the horse next to him and galloped along the path, raising dust all over the ground

Vast forest!

Mohist castle, Shenji hall.

Mo Yang, dressed in purple brocade, is half lying on the throne. He is playing with the emerald ring on his left thumb and half squinting at the roof. His face is ordinary and he can't see his mood.

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