Ink string moon farfetched smile, said: "always together? Ha ha, what a luxury wish. How much does it cost to realize it? I'm going to pieces now. I don't have any motivation to support any more. As for obedience to that man, hum Don't you realize it now? He doesn't see people as people at all. "

Mo Wu frowned tightly. He really couldn't imagine that Mo Xianyue would evaluate Mo Yang in this way.

"Brother, think hard! Continue to accept his orders and arrangements. What will the world look like in the end? " After that, she said to the disciple, "let's go!"

"I'm leaving." The disciple said respectfully to Mo Wu.

Mo Wu stares at Mo Xianyue's tall figure, showing a trace of confusion in his heart.

"Heart! Do I still have a heart? "

He stood in the same place with a sad smile

The first penalty area is under the wall of Mojiabao.

It is connected to the ground by a long underground tunnel.

Mo Xianyue and the disciple in charge of escorting walk slowly in this quiet underground tunnel. Their slight footsteps can ring through the whole tunnel. We can see how quiet the tunnel is.

This small tunnel is very dry, and there are countless torches on the surrounding walls, shining the whole tunnel bright.

Ink string moon has not been so calm on the ground, two lines of tears I do not know when has been hanging on her white cheek, along the chin dripping on the ground.

She missed Nangong Hao.

She heartache, no matter Nangong Hao is dead or alive, from then on and Nangong Hao two separated, never see each other.

"At the beginning If It didn't happen It would be nice to go to the palace. " Ink string moon thought of pain in the heart.

If not at the beginning, there would be no regret now, there would not be so many troubles.

But in this world, there is no regret medicine to take, any results, are their own silent bear.

Soon, the silence of the passage has come to the end, at the end of four people standing.

The four men were all covered in a black robe. They couldn't tell the difference between men and women and their age.

As soon as Mo Xianyue and the disciple appeared, the four black robed people stared at them.

Mo Xianyue didn't pay attention to the tears on her face. She looked at the four people calmly.

"This is the order of the grand master. Please have a look at it." The escorting disciple took out the order from Mo Yang and handed it respectfully to one of the four men in black.

The man in black just casually checked the order, handed it to the disciple again, and then nodded to the three people behind him.

The four took out a key like thing from their bodies and inserted it into four small holes on the wall.

In a short time, the original silence of the tunnel issued a deafening CLICK!

The sound is getting louder and louder, and the rhythm is getting faster and faster. Until Mo Xianyue's ears are only noisy, and no more sound can be heard, the deafening click stops suddenly.

All of a sudden, it's quiet!

It's very quiet, but Mo Xianyue can't hear anything.

The four men happened to retrieve the key from the wall again.


The moment the key left the hole, the wall opened a thick iron door.

A mist blew out from behind the iron door.

Mo Xianyue is a little nervous. Although she has already known the name of the hell of Mohist castle, it's the first time for her to come here, but she doesn't think there will be a second time.

"Come in..." Escort disciple said respectfully to Mo Xianyue.

Mo Xianyue didn't speak. Under the gaze of four people in black and a disciple, she moved the lotus steps and walked into the frightening hell.

Behind him came the sound of clattering again. Even if Mo Xianyue didn't turn around to look, she knew that it was the disciples outside who closed the door.

It's an isolated world.

Here, there is no food, there are just endless organs.

The whole organization world is in the thin fog, many places make people look so unreal.

Many of the major criminals of Mohist Castle died in various organs on the first day of being locked in.

Mo Xianyue stood in the same place and didn't move.

Because she knows that no matter where she goes, it's a dead end. Why don't she stand still and wait for death?

Time goes by

She constantly recalled the happy time with Nangong Hao!

It's sweet.

Very happy.

Looking back on Nangong Hao's kissing her forehead, I feel so sweet.

Once and Nangong Hao tightly hugged together at that moment, it was so warm.She kept smiling all the time.

I don't know how long I've been standing, but suddenly there's a cough around her.

It sounds like it's going to die.

Mo Xianyue slowly opened her eyes and saw a pale person sitting on the ground not far in front of her. From her pale face, we can see that this person is on the verge of death.

When Mo Xianyue calmed down and saw the man's face clearly, she was shocked.

"Brother Zhang!" Mo Xianyue yelled and ran to help the man on the ground.

Yes, this man is Zhang Xian.

"Water..." Zhang Xian's first sentence is to drink water.

But in the hell of this mechanism, there are mechanisms everywhere. Where can I find water for him.

Ink string moon constantly calling Zhang Xian, but Zhang Xian has been in a daze, has been unable to wake up.

"Ah, how can this happen? That man actually put brother Zhang in this place." Mo Xianyue said angrily.

She looked at Zhang Xian's bloodless cheek and was even more upset. There was a panic in my heart.

"If brother Zhang dies here, sister Bing will be very sad. No, it doesn't matter if I die. But if brother Zhang dies, sister Bing will be upset, so she must find a way to leave here." Ink string moon heart way.

But now she is in the strictest and most dangerous penalty area No.1 of the Mohist castle. It's more difficult for her to leave than to go to heaven.

She put down Zhang Xian, went back to the gate, knocked hard on the iron gate, and cried out: "open the door! Open the door... "

More than ten times in a row passed, and only her reply was received.

But she was not angry and continued to shout.

The time for a stick of incense has passed!

The time for two sticks of incense has passed

She still won't give up.

During this time, she went back and forth between the gate and Zhang Xian.

But no matter how she called, still no one answered her.

Zhang Xian's situation is getting worse and worse. Maybe the next moment, Zhang Xian will die.

Ink string month heart very anxious.

"Moon, moon..."

Just when she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do, Zhang Xian suddenly spoke.

Although the voice is very light, but ink string moon is clear to hear.

She quickly picked up Zhang Xian's body and said, "brother Zhang, brother Zhang! Did you wake up and call me

Zhang Xian efforts to open his eyes, and then difficult to say: "moon?" His voice was very weak.

"Yes, I'm yue'er, brother Zhang. Can you hear me?" Ink string month anxious tears flow out again.

She was like a stagnant water in the bottom of her heart again heartache.

The world is often so wonderful, the more impossible things, the more will appear in front of.

In fact, Mo Xianyue thought that Zhang Xian had been killed by Mo Yang in the castle for a long time, but she didn't expect to see Zhang Xian again in this organ hell.

"Oh, moon It's so nice to see you here. Am I dreaming? Cough... " Zhang Xian's words are more and more powerful.

Mo Xianyue really thinks that this is the possibility of returning light.

"Brother Zhang, you are not dreaming. It's true." Mo Xianyue said in a hurry.

After hearing this, Zhang Xian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "is that right? That's really great, but even the dream is worth it. I can see Yueer you again before I die, but the only regret is that I can't see sister Bing Cough

Ink string month voice with cry cavity said: "brother Zhang, you don't say, you first rest."

Zhang Xian gently shook his head and said, "brother Zhang knows what happened to him. Brother Zhang is dying. Let me say it all at once."

Tears have been unconsciously flowing out, ink string moon wipe away the tears on her face, holding Zhang Xian in her arms, can't say a word.

"Brother Zhang is dying. One of the things I want to do now is to see my younger martial sister again. Cough But now it seems that it is impossible to achieve, so ah! Yuer, if you have a chance to go out again, you must help me to say a few words to my younger martial sister, OK? "

With that, Zhang Xian tightly grasped Mo Xianyue's hand and looked at her with pleading eyes.

Mo Xianyue couldn't speak any more. She said in a voice: "brother Zhang You said

Hearing Mo Xianyue's promise, the wrinkles on Zhang Xian's face spread out and said, "younger martial sister, are you ok now? I have to go, really go, decades of time, you have been with me without regrets, I have been satisfied, I just want to say a word to you, a very simple word That is, I love you. No matter I go to another world or the next life, I will continue to love you with no regrets. ""No, brother Zhang! Don't say that. You won't die. You wait for me. I'll get you water now. " Mo Xianyue put down Zhang Xian and went to the depths of hell.

She must find water to come back to save Zhang Xian. Otherwise, if Zhang Xian dies, her heart will never forgive her.

But she didn't see it. At the moment when she turned around, Zhang Xian, who was half dead, turned up slightly and looked at her with a smile.

It's all so weird

Zhang Xian slowly sat up, and then his hands tied a strange handprint and released it, as if nothing had happened.

"Moon, come here." He called softly.

Mo Xianyue didn't leave far away. She heard Zhang Xian's call in a hurry and ran over. Seeing Zhang Xian sitting up alone, she asked, "brother Zhang, you can't do anything."

"Don't worry, brother Zhang is OK. Look! Isn't that good? " Say, Zhang Xian slowly stretches a pair of arms.

Ink string on a look, it seems really nothing serious, just hanging up the heart just slowly fall.

She wiped the tears from her face and said, "brother Zhang, can you get up and walk? I'm going to look for water with you. Your body is so short of water. If you don't drink a little more water, you will die. "

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