Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 11 - New Life

Viona woke up from fainting when she felt a shaking hard enough to make her head hit an iron box. She quickly realized that her hands were tied with a rope while her mouth was covered with duct tape. Viona couldn't see anything, only a dark room filled with piles of boxes.

"Where do they want to take me?" Viona muttered to herself when she realized that she was in a car.​​

When Viona tried to untie the rope, she could faintly hear the voices of two men talking. Viona pretended she was sleeping to not make those people suspicious while continuing to try to untie her hands.

"Good thing this girl still passed out, we can throw her overboard."

"Big boss said we can just do whatever we want to this girl before we finish her. So I want to enjoy her beautiful body first, hahaha."

"Can you do it, though? Aren't you disappointed by so many bitches already? Hahaha!"

"You bastard, watch your mouth. At that time, I was unwell, okay? This time I will take viagra before I enjoy this beautiful girl... hahaha."

"Fine, Ron. I'll leave her to you. After you're satisfied, give her to me, hahaha..."

"Come on, pull over. There's a drug store. I want to buy medicine there."

Shortly after that, the car stopped very roughly. Viona, who was at the back of the car, was thrown forward, and she hit a cardboard box containing many firearms. The girl managed to find a knife among the pile of pistols. She then tried to cut the rope that bound her hands. In the process, she accidentally grazed her skin, but she didn't flinch. She quickly untied her legs.

After struggling for a while, she managed to open the car's back door and immediately ran as fast as she could.

"Who are they? Why did they kidnap me? Wasn't I at Zeze's school? Oh, my God... Where is Zeze? Did they kidnap her too?" Viona's mind was in a mess with so many questions that made her confused.

Viona was lucky when she realized that she still had some money in her pocket. With that money, Viona chose to take the bus to return home to Fernando.

"Hopefully, Zeze isn't looking for me," Viona muttered to herself.

Viona walked to Fernando's mansion. She felt strange when she saw many cars parked in the yard and people were wearing black clothes.

"Aawww," Viona let out a muffled shriek when suddenly someone covered her mouth roughly.

"Viona, where were you from?" asked the person who startled Viona. She was none other than the chef at Fernando's mansion.

"I was from Zeze's school," Viona replied.

"Follow me and stay quiet," ordered Mrs. Li.

Viona nodded slowly then walked following Mrs. Li, through a hidden alley that was connected to Fernando's wine cellar.

"I did not know there was an alley like this, Mam," said Viona in shock.

"Listen to me, Viona. Master had ordered all his people to search for you!! You better hide for a while," whispered Mrs. Li.


"Zeze died because she was hit by a car, and Master blamed you for her death," replied Mrs. Lily with a look of fear. "I know you will come again. So, I've packed up your stuff. Now you can go, follow this map."

Mrs. Li handed over the bag containing Viona's personal documents and her savings book along with several dollar bills.

"How did you get all my stuff?" asked Viona in surprise.

"Vio, I think you are a nice girl, and I trust you. That's why, after I found out that you were blamed for Zeze's death, I immediately pack up your things. You better go now and don't ask too many questions. I can't tell you everything yet," said Mrs. Li to Viona.

Viona nodded slowly. She then walked following the map that Mrs. Li gave her. She could only follow the directions on the map and didn't know where the map would take her.

Millions of questions filled her head. She wanted to know what happened to Zeze when she was unconscious and why she the one blamed for Zeze's death.

Viona really wanted to go back and ask Fernando directly, but her fear of the man was so great that she chose to go following the advice of Mrs.Li. She was the only staff at the mansion who was kind to her.

After walking for almost two hours, Viona finally arrived at a warehouse that had been abandoned for a long time. She climbed out and looked for a public toilet to change clothes because the clothes on her body were very dirty and smelly after walking earlier.

Not long after that, Viona already changed into clean clothes. She went looking for a cafe to fill her stomach. Today was very exhausting to her mind. From the moment she realized that she was kidnapped and until the time she met Mrs. Li, who told her about Zeze's death.

"Mister Fernando Gray Willan's daughter is very beautiful."

"Yes, it's a shame that such a small child has a really unfortunate fate."

"Reportedly, this was a hit-and-run."

"The culprit's car was found in a ravine near the border, and two bodies were found in a charred state."

"The handsome young master is now completely alone again."

Some of the women at the cafe where Viona was eating were talking about Fernando. News of Zeze's accident had spread all over the country. Even the funeral process was covered by the mass media. Viona could see Fernando's sad face on TV.

Viona opened the bag that Mrs. Li had given her. She managed to find her valuables there. Viona held her passport tightly and quickly walked out of the cafe and left toward the airport. She knew she had to get as far away as possible from Fernando.

"I'm sorry, Zeze. I couldn't protect you...." Viona sobbed in the taxi that took her to the airport.

Viona quickly bought a ticket to London. Now that she had her savings back, she could buy her freedom.


At Fernando's place.

"Why no one managed to find that girl?!!"

"What do I pay you if you can't do your work???!!"

"Find Viona!!!!!"

"Look for her in all the underground stations, bus terminals, and other places!

"Don't waste your time looking for the airport. That girl has no money. She couldn't possibly go by plane, so don't give me such absurd excuses!!!! Quickly, find Viona!"

Fernando's shouts echoed throughout the mansion when he was berating subordinates who failed to bring him Viona.

"Why do I feel that Master is more furious because he could not find her, compared to mourning the death of Miss Zevanya, "said a maid in the


"From what I heard, before, he even fired all the maids who hurt the girl," another servant chimed in.

" Let's go, before we get fired too," said Mrs. Li suddenly. Hearing the old lady's words, the two young maids left in a hurry.

"I hope you will live well somewhere, Viona, and never appeared again in front of Master, "said Mrs. Li silently, staring Natasya who was sitting on the sofa next to Fernando.

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