Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 120 - Back To Work

Because she was tired of staying at home, Viona finally decided to go back to work even though Fernando had forbidden her to go. Viona thought that four days staying at home without doing anything was boring.

All her needs have been prepared by all the servants in the palace so that it made Viona does not need to do anything else. Viona was taught to live independently by Mrs. Maria since childhood, which was why she found it difficult to accept the enjoyment of her new luxurious life.

"Looks like you're the only woman in this world who canceled her honeymoon just to go back to work," Fernando said irritably when he escorted Viona to the hospital. 

"I'm not used to being served by maids and I was not doing anything at home anyway. So it's better for me to work than die out of boredom. I can't stand not doing anything for long period," Viona replied quickly.

"Hey, watch your words, honey!!! Don't ever say that in front of me," said Fernando a little angry when he heard Viona say the word die.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Viona squeaked regretfully.

"I'm not angry with you honey, I just don't like you saying the word die in front of me," Fernando said in a softer tone. 

Viona then dropped her head on her husband's shoulder without saying anything, she enjoyed the touch of Fernando's hand stroking her long hair. 

"Are you sure you want to go to the hospital today?" Fernando asked quietly when their car was arrived at the Global Bros hospital where Viona works. 

"Of course, we have agreed earlier at home that you will let me work today, don't tell me you changed your mind," Viona replied suspiciously. 

"It's better if you come with me to the office today, honey. You have never visited my office, right? I'm sure all employees in the office are so eager to meet you, sweetheart," said Fernando quietly.

"I'm shy to meet your employees at the office, honey," said Viona honestly, rejecting her husband's invitation.

"You are my wife honey, they must respect you so you don't have to be shy to meet them, take it easy," Fernando said quietly trying to calm Viona.

"Okay, I'll come to the office but not today, I have to go to the hospital today because one of the patients I have treated previously will do a second postoperative control," replied Viona relentlessly.

"Alright, if that's what you want. You would only spend a little time at the hospital today, right?" asked Fernando to Viona.

"I will finish examining the patient at around 1 pm so maybe you can pick me up at 2 o'clock, baby," Viona replied quickly and then got out of her husband's luxury car.

"Okay then, I'll pick you up at 2 pm, I will go to the office first, take care of yourself. Have a good day at work," Fernando said goodbye. 

Not long after that, Fernando's car finally left Viona for the office followed by several cars of his bodyguards behind.

"Take care of myself? What would I possibly do in the hospital that I need to take care of myself? He is so annoying, it's not like I'm going to a war," Viona muttered softly. 

Viona then stepped into the hospital, some of the nurses who recognized her immediately ran to her and congratulated her on her marriage. Viona kindly accepted the words of her colleagues at the hospital even though she didn't know them because some of them were new employees. 

"Doctor Viona!!!!" shouted Nurse Tina from behind, calling Viona while running. 

Viona smiled at the voice of the assistant. She then raised one hand towards Nurse Tina who was running towards her. 

"Why do you have to run like that? Isn't it dangerous especially if the road is slippery because of the snow, you are so careless, Nurse," instead of greeting her assistant, Viona threw sarcastic warning with a rising tone. 

"Ha ha ha I'm sorry, Doc. I'm just too excited to see you after you were gone for like six days. It bores me so much when you are not around, Doc," replied Nurse Tina trying to explain.

"How come you got bored? There are many people, patients, nurses and doctors in the hospital. How could you get bored? Don't tell me you're in trouble with your lover so you're using me as an excuse, right??" asked Viona trying to interrogate Nurse Tina.

"He he he I feel like I can't lie to you, Doc," replied Nurse Tina while covering her face in shame after Viona could guess the real reason why she often got bored at work.

"Sorry for leaving you for the last few days Nurse Tina. I'm really sorry," said Viona sincerely.

"You were on leave because you got married, so why should you apologize to me? After all, it is your right to take a break which had been officially approved by the hospital. You don't need to feel apologetic about it, Doc," Nurse Tina replied quickly, she also felt bad after hearing Viona apologized to her. 

Viona smiled at her personal assistant's answer, she then hugged Nurse Tina who was shorter than her.

"Yes, let's go inside. The air is getting colder," asked Viona to Nurse Tina.

"Okay, Doc, I will freeze to death if I stay outside like this he he he," said Nurse Tina with a big laugh. 

Viona then pinched her cheek with exasperation, she walked towards the dressing room near the exit with Nurse Tina. 

While walking in the hallway towards the changing room, a group of female nurses suddenly came back to Viona. They again congratulated Viona by shaking her hand, Viona also received the congratulations with a happy smile. Soon, the nurses returned to their respective places leaving Viona in front of the dressing room, she then went into the dressing room following Nurse Tina who had entered first. 

"I thought you will not get back to work here, Doc," said Nurse Tina in a loud voice when Viona entered the locker room.

"How come I will not get back to work? Being a doctor was my dream since I was a child," answered Viona with a smile.

"No wonder Mr. Fernando is crazy about you and immediately married you. Your face and heart are both beautiful," said Nurse Tina praising Viona.

"Don't talk like that, I don't like hearing it, we better go to the meeting room to do a morning briefing as usual, our working hours will start soon," said Viona while walking out because she had changed her clothes into her usual uniform.

"Okay, Doc," replied Nurse Tina quickly, she ran after Viona, who had come out first. 

A smile blossomed on the Nurse Tina's face, she glanced at the hallway behind her locker hall with Doctor Viona. Actually, Nurse Tina deliberately spoke loudly because at the time she was about to enter the locker room, she had heard Doctor Ammy and several nurses talking about Doctor Viona behind their back. Therefore, she deliberately spoke loudly and kept praising Viona to piss them off. 

"You are such sly fox," said Doctor Ammy softly.

"I agree, Doc. It looks like Nurse Tina deliberately spoke like that," said Nurse Linda in response to what Doctor Ammy said.

"Never mind, let's go to the meeting room. I don't want to be late this morning because Professor Frank will take the morning briefing," said Doctor Ammy, inviting his assistant to go to the meeting room. 

When Viona and Nurse Tina entered the meeting room, several doctors who were present in the room immediately stood up and greeted her. Some of those who had not had the chance to attend Viona's wedding immediately congratulated and apologized to her and made Viona feel bad. After almost ten minutes of being the center of attention, Viona was finally able to sit in her place with Nurse Tina. Shortly thereafter, the morning briefing began and several senior professors began to enter the meeting room. Professor Frank was seen the last entering the room.

"I hope we can all improve the quality of ourselves, so that our hospital will be more advanced," said Professor Frank closing his morning briefing.

"Noted, Prof," answered all the doctors and nurses in a unison. 

Not long after, the briefing was closed one by one, the doctors and nurses walked out of the meeting room including Viona and Nurse Tina. While walking to her office, Viona's hand was suddenly pulled by Professor Frank.

"I want to talk to you Doctor Viona," said Professor Frank, smiling.

"Come to my room," added Professor Frank who then walked into his private room.

"I have something urgent to take care of first, Nurse. You can go to the room first and tidy up these files on my desk," said Viona to Nurse Tina.

"Okay, Doc," replied Nurse Tina quickly. 

Viona then walked quickly following Professor Frank who was no longer seen in the hallway because he walked way too fast.

To be continued

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