Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 125 - Andrew's Return

Fernando, who had not succeeded in getting his right as a husband, could only surrender because he could not do anything but wait. He became quieter than usual, which made Viona go awry. 

"I'll go home late today and I can't pick you up honey," said Fernando while enjoying his breakfast with Viona. 

"It's okay, don't worry," Viona replied softly. 

"Have you finished your breakfast? If yes, we better go now," Fernando invited Viona slowly while wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. 

Viona did not answer it but only nodding slowly, she got up from the chair and walked after her husband, who had left the dining room first. Along the way to the hospital, Viona and Fernando did not talk to each other, which made the car quieter than usual. Justin who sat in front could only shut his mouth and did not dare to say a word. 

"Good luck at work, honey," Fernando said quietly to Viona when she got out of the car. 

"Huum, you too honey. Be careful on the road," said Viona with a smile. 

Fernando nodded slowly and then asked Luke to leave immediately, Viona only smiled slightly when she saw Fernando's cold attitude towards her. After her husband's car was no longer visible, Viona then walked to the hospital because it was almost time for her to work. 

"Morning Doc!!!" said Nurse Tina cheerfully. 

"Morning Nurse," Viona replied quietly, smiling.

"How does it feel to be the wife of the richest person in this city Doc?" asked Nurse Tina teasing Viona.

"It's the same, it's no different than marrying a regular person I guess. I still work as a doctor, right?" Viona replied with a smile.

"You are too humble, Doc," said Nurse Tina praising Viona. 

Viona shut Nurse Tina's mouth, she felt uncomfortable being praised like that by her subordinate. Nurse Tina just laughed softly at Viona's response, they then walked to the locker room to get to work. News about Doctor Ammy's suspension had spread throughout the department including the surgery department where Viona was. Since morning, Viona only smiled faintly when she heard the news about Doctor Ammy's suspension from everyone in the hospital.

"Don't talk bad about others behind their back, that's not a good thing to do," said Viona quietly while smiling and enjoying her lunch in the canteen.

"If everyone is like you, this world will be more peaceful, Doc," said Nurse Tina responding to Viona's words. 

Everyone who heard Nurse Tina's words laughed, Viona was indeed known as a doctor who did not like to talk badly about people. Viona decided to leave the canteen because she had finished eating, she also felt uncomfortable hearing everyone talking about Doctor Ammy. Viona walked to the doctors' break room and she felt guilty for her husband. She remembered very vividly Fernando's disappointment last night when he found out that she was still menstruating. Viona then got back to work hoping that she could get rid of her guilt, even though her rest hours had not yet ended. Viona busied herself so as not to think about the personal problems that were happening in her marriage. 


The cellphone in her white coat pocket vibrated, forcing Viona to grab it while Viona was about to walk to the changing room because her working hour was over. Viona slowly opened a message that was sent to her cellphone by Andrew.

Andrew: "I'm outside Vio, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" 

Viona: "I'm changing clothes, wait five more minutes."

Andrew: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Viona: "Ok."

Viona then put her cellphone back into her pocket, she then continued her steps towards the dressing room. Twenty minutes later, Viona walked towards the exit in a hurry, she felt bad for Andrew because he had been waiting for her for more than ten minutes. When Viona was about to get out to meet Andrew, she was suddenly blocked by Professor Frank who was waiting for her in front of her dressing room. Professor Frank gave a small box to Viona as a wedding gift from him. 

"You don't need to gift me something like this," Viona said quietly. 

"This is just a small gift for my sister-in-law so I hope you will accept it," replied Professor Frank smiling. 

"Thank you, I'm flattered. Fernando will definitely be happy when he finds out you gave a gift for us," Viona said quietly. 

Professor Frank smiled thinly at Viona's words, he was sure his plan would run smoothly if Fernando found out that Viona received a gift from him.

"Okay then, Prof, excuse me. I need to go now, see you tomorrow," said Viona quietly while saying goodbye to her supervisor who was now her brother-in-law. 

"Okay, send my greetings to my brother," replied Professor Frank slowly. 

Viona nodded slowly in response to Professor Frank's words, she then continued her steps towards the highway where Andrew was waiting for her across the street. It was the place where Andrew used to pick her up when they were both single. 




Viona knocked on the glass on Andrew's car door which made Andrew smile and unlocked his car. 

"Sorry to make you wait too long," said Viona as she opened Andrew's car door, which was unlocked.

"I know you're busy, Doctor," Andrew replied with a smile.

"You're still as sweet as ever, oh yeah, I haven't congratulated you for your wedding the other day. Happy wedding, I hope you will be happy forever and soon get a cute baby," said Viona sincerely as she reached out her hand towards Andrew. 

Instead of receiving congratulations from Viona for his marriage, Andrew gave Viona a magazine which confused Viona.

"What is this?" asked Viona confused.

"Open it," ordered Andrew briefly. 

Viona slowly opened the magazine that Andrew handed to her, she smiled when she saw her wedding photo plastered in almost a third of the magazine given by Andrew.

"You look very beautiful in that photo, Vio," said Andrew honestly, praising Viona.

"Thank you, but the compliment is a bit too much in my opinion, Andrew," squeaked Viona while smiling. 

"Are you happy with your marriage, Vio?" asked Andrew seriously.

"Of course I'm happy," Viona replied briefly.

"You don't want to ask me why I got married all so suddenly at that time?" said Andrew in a barely audible voice. 

"What do you mean?" Viona asked confused, she felt Andrew was trying to explain something to her.

"Let's get out of here first. I'll explain everything at a more comfortable place," Andrew replied quickly as he stepped on the gas of his car towards the highway. 

Viona only nodded slowly in response to Andrew's words. Not long after driving his car, he stopped in a fairly quiet park. They got off the car and decided to sit on the park's bench.

"My marriage is a disaster for me, Vio," said Andrew opened the conversation.

"What do you mean disaster? What happened?" asked Viona confused.

"My wife Lucia is my ex-lover who betrayed me two years ago, Vio. She came to my father and asked my father to set a marriage with me. At first, my father refused it, but when she came the next day my father suddenly accepted Lucia's request and agreed to arrange our marriage. Do you know what made my father agree to Lucia's request at that time?" Andrew asked with a smile.

"How can I know? Why are you asking me like that, Andrew?" Viona replied with a smile.

"Because your husband, Mr. Fernando Gray Willan, was behind all this," said Andrew with a face full of anger.

"What do you mean, Andrew? I do not understand," asked Viona confused.

"Your lovely husband, Mr. Fernando, threatened my father if my father did not agree to marry me to Lucia at that time, he would move me to a remote place in Africa. When my father heard that, he immediately agreed to Lucia's request," Andrew replied coldly.

"But what was the reason for Fernando to threaten your father?" 

"It's obvious, isn't it? So that he can marry you easily, you can see how after I married Lucia you got married to him right away, right?" Andrew said quickly interrupting Viona's words. 


Viona was immediately silent hearing Andrew's words, she tried to digest Andrew's explanation just now and to understand what actually happened.

"Fernando tried to confuse your feelings with my marriage, Vio. That way he could easily enter into your life like this, don't you see it?" said Andrew emotionally. 

"But whatever it was, you already got married to Lucia and I got married to Fernando. And that's the reality you can't deny, Andrew," Viona replied softly.

"I'm sure you are not happy after you got married to him, right? You can leave him, I will help you to get away from that bastard, Vio," said Andrew while holding Viona's hand suddenly.

Viona slowly let go of Andrew's hand that was gripping her hand, a smile crossed Viona's face. 

"A marriage is not something that can be considered as a toy that you can leave behind when you got bored, Andrew. I have tied myself to him with a sacred promise before God," Viona said quietly. 

"You can divorce him, Vio, I will also divorce Lucia as soon as possible. After that, we can get married, haven't I proposed to you at that time, Vio?" said Andrew quickly.

"For me, I only want to marry once in my entire life, whatever happens to him I have promised before God to devote my life to him. I'm sorry, Andrew, I cannot accept your request," Viona replied firmly.

"But I'm sure you don't love him, Vio. He is a criminal. Do you remember that his brother was the one who caused my brother's death?" shrieked Andrew madly. 

"Yes and that criminal is now my husband, Andrew. I'm sorry. I thought we could be friends but it turns out I was wrong. I thought wrongfully of you, Andrew," said Viona as she stood up. 

Andrew was silent to hear Viona's words, he did not think Viona would defend Fernando like this. Even though he had already explained that his marriage to Lucia was a plan carried out by Fernando to make him separated from Viona. 

Viona walked towards the highway leaving Andrew who was still sitting on the park bench. She wanted to go home immediately to confirm the truth of Andrew's words.

To be continued

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