Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 141 - Different Classes

Hearing all of Frank's words made Viona speechless. She did not think that Frank would be that obsessed with her, even though she was married to Fernando, who in fact was Frank's own brother. 

After Viona heard the story about the real Frank from Fernando, she felt a little scared and couldn't believe that the professor she admired was that crazy. But all the doubts in her heart had now disappeared after hearing everything Frank said when threatening Fernando. 


Viona fell to the floor. By the time Frank got into the elevator, her legs could no longer hold her weight. Viona sat on the floor in fear. She was afraid something bad would happen to her husband. 

Seeing Frank leave, Fernando finally chose to go out to get some fresh air on the rooftop, which was his sky garden, which he made especially for the employees and himself, of course, to relax. When he was walking out of the room, Fernando heard the sound of a deep sigh and a very familiar sobbing voice. 

"How could Viona be here?" Fernando said to himself as he kept walking out. As he was about to close the door, his eyes caught the image of a woman's shoes. Fernando quickly walked towards the shadow and his heart suddenly stopped when he saw the owner of the shoe. 

"Honey, what are you doing there?!" shouted Fernando in panic when he saw Viona was sitting on the floor, crying. 

"Hey hey hey ... let's get up first. Don't sit on the dirty floor," Fernando said quietly, as he took Viona to stand up. 

Viona got up from the floor and walked towards Fernando 's office, leaning on Fernando's warm body. Fernando slowly sat her on the sofa in his office. He then walked slowly to the refrigerator in his office and took a few canned beverages and some ice cream. 

"Drink first, calm down," Fernando said quietly as he held out a soda drink to Viona. 

"Thank you," Viona replied quietly, as she reached for the drink from her husband. Viona then opened the drink in her hand carefully then drank it slowly. Beside her, Fernando smiled slightly as he watched her drinking. 

"Tell me why you sat on the floor like that. Why are you sitting on that dirty floor?" asked Fernando softly. 

"Actually I did not intend to sit on the floor. I just overheard your argument with Frank. Hearing his last words were really- really makes me weak, that I finally fell and sat on the floor." Viona replied softly as she looked down.

"What do you hear?" asked Fernando, while caressing Viona's face.

"I heard everything, from him beating you for marrying me and when he threatened you, I heard all the hiksss … What if he hurts you? Hu hu," Viona replied, stammering while crying. Hearing his wife's words made Fernando smile. He then hugged Viona tightly because Viona was crying and looked very shocked. 

"I know my brother well. You take it easy, Honey," whispered Fernando quietly, trying to calm Viona, who was still sobbing in his arms. 

"But he threatened you ..." Viona replied quietly. 

"We're brothers. You take it easy, he won't be that brave to me," said Fernando with a smile.

Viona immediately let go of her hug from Fernando and stared deeply into Fernando's eyes with eyes still wet from tears. 

"Really! He will not do anything bad to you?" Viona asked hopefully. 

"Yes, Honey, he was just bullying me. In the past we used to fight like this," Fernando replied honestly. 

"Thank God ... I'm afraid that he really wants to hurt you. I can't do anything if it happened to you," Viona said haltingly.

"Everything is fine, calm down," said Fernando quickly. 

Viona nodded her head slowly while wiping the tears that ran down her face with her hands. Not long afterwards, several middle-aged men entered Fernando's room. 

"Sorry sir, you have a document that you have to check," said the first man, handing Fernando the file. 

"Okay," Fernando replied quickly as he received the file from his subordinate. He looked busy checking the files brought by one of his best managers. Not long after, he finished checking the files and signed them well. 

"This file is okay and do it as soon as possible without any mistakes," Fernando said quietly as he handed over the document he had signed to his manager. 

"Yes sir, if you'll excuse me," said the three managing managers at the same time. 

Fernando nodded slowly and then returned to taking care of his files that he had not finished checking, without turning to Viona, who had closed her eyes while leaning against the wall. 

"Mr. Fernando's wife is very beautiful." 

"Yes, it is true that she looks much prettier when seen in person." 

"All the models that have been close to him are nothing compared to madam." 

"What perfume does she wear? I like the fragrance, it's soft and very nice." 

The three managers who just came out of Fernando's office were very excited to discuss Viona. Viona, who just finished doing her self-care, looked prettier and her scent smelled very good. After doing the treatment with the body scrub made from flowers, Viona's body smelled more fragrant and refreshing. 

One hour later. 

"It's finally done!!!" Fernando shouted, as he stretched his muscles when he was finished with his work 

"Honey, let's go home …" Fernando couldn't finish his words when he saw Viona who was already sitting sleeping beside him. He quickly walked over to Viona. When he was about to wake her up, he smelled a different scent from her. A smile crossed his face when a naughty thought crossed his mind. 

"You're so fragrant, Honey," Fernando whispered softly, kissing Viona's cheek.

"Wake up or I'll do it here," whispered Fernando again in a voice that was a little louder than before. 

Viona, who had slept for an hour, finally woke up when she was disturbed by Fernando. Her face immediately flushed when she realized Fernando was very close to her.

"Aghhh get away!!!" said Viona as she pushed Fernando away from him.

"You slept very well in my office, Honey," said Fernando quickly as he tidied the clothes she wore.

"What else can I do? It's cold here and I'm sitting on a soft sofa, so it's very easy for me to sleep, especially when you were very busy earlier," Viona replied defensively.

"I'm sorry, I have to complete some important documents today, Honey, before Justin and Harry come back," said Fernando, trying to explain to Viona. 

Hearing Fernando's words finally made Viona realize that she had not seen the whereabouts of her husband's two personal assistants. 

"They went to Toronto to do a survey," said Fernando with a smile, when he saw Viona was looking for Justin and Harry.

"I see," Viona replied, nodding her head many times.

"Yes, let's have lunch," Fernando said to Viona. 

"Let's eat Chinese food, I want to eat fish head soup, it's been a long time since I ate it," said Viona excitedly. 

"Whatever you want, Honey," said Fernando, while reaching for the cell phone on his desk. 

Viona immediately got up from her seat and immediately took her bag and walked with Fernando to the elevator. When the two of them walked into the lobby, many employees seemed fascinated to see Fernando's romantic gesture to Viona. Fernando even happily led her the car without using an umbrella even though it was snowing outside. He was more willing to be Viona's support for walking, so that Viona didn't fall or slip while walking to the car. 

In the car Viona helped get rid of snowflakes that fell on Fernando's shirt, so that it made him smile. Viona felt guilty because Fernando was rained on by snow. Soon afterwards, Fernando's motorcade arrived at a luxurious and famous Chinese restaurant in the city. They immediately went inside with all the bodyguards. Fernando immediately sat in the VIP room with glass walls because Viona wanted to watch the snow falling. 

"Please wait a minute, sir, your order will arrive soon," said the waiter politely.

"Thank you," Fernando replied with a smile. His hand never left Viona's waist, who was staring at the snow falling outside.

"Do you like the snow, Madam?" asked Fernando, teasing Viona.

"Mother said that I was found by her when the first snow fell in December," Viona replied with a smile. 


Fernando immediately fell silent to hear Viona's words. Even though he already knew Viona's birth family, he could not tell Viona easily. He needed to confirm the truth before Viona took a DNA test. 

"Here you are!!!" A woman said suddenly, startling Fernando and Viona who were daydreaming.

"May I join you?!" The woman asked without embarrassment while pulling a chair. Some of Fernando 's bodyguards immediately acted quickly. They immediately prevented the woman from sitting with Fernando and Viona.

"What do you want, Doctor Amy?" Viona asked quietly to the woman who was being held by the two bodyguards, who turned out to be Doctor Amy, one of Viona's colleagues at the hospital.

"I want to get acquainted with your husband, Doc, maybe …" Doctor Amy replied without the slightest feeling of hesitation.

To be continued.

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