Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 163 - Friend's Advice

Fernando's heart seemed to stop beating when he saw Viona lying on the cold floor of the toilet, he quickly lifted her body to the bed. Fernando then covered Viona with a thick blanket because he felt Viona's body was getting hot.

Fernando then asked his servants to contact Doctor William to come immediately to the house and get some ice bags which he would use to reduce Viona's fever. After his servants left, Fernando took some clothes he wanted to put on Viona while she was still unconscious.

His two eyes widened when he saw the scratch marks around Viona's chest, Fernando also saw Viona's left hand which was bleeding a little because of the scar. Not long after, several female servants arrived with a basin filled with ice water and a small towel, they also brought a glass of warm water.

Quickly, Fernando then compressed Viona's forehead using the cold towel and hoped that Viona's fever would go down soon. Fifteen minutes later, there were steps sound from the direction of the hallway, which turned out to be Doctor William who was coming hastily. He immediately went into Fernando's room in which the door had been destroyed by the ax. Doctor William sighed when he saw Viona lying helplessly on the bed again with Fernando who was sitting next to her.

"This time, what else did you do to her?" asked Doctor William curtly as he took out a stethoscope from inside his toolbox.

"I just came home from the office and saw the door to the room was locked from the inside, I asked several servants to destroy the door so I could enter the room. And when I went in, I saw Viona was lying in the closet with a very hot body," Fernando replied, telling the entire chronology.

"Are you saying the truth, Fernando?" asked Doctor William, putting a stethoscope in his ear.

"You can just check the CCTV if you don't believe me," Fernando replied curtly.

Doctor William smiled thinly when he saw Fernando was getting angry, he then checked Viona's condition. Slowly, he aimed his stethoscope to check Viona's heartbeat which sounded very weak. Her pulse was weak. Soon, Doctor William was seen opening both of Viona's closed eyes.

"What do you think, Will? What happened to my wife?" Fernando asked impatiently.

"Your wife only has a fever but her blood pressure looks very low, so I will put an IV needle in her hand so that she can quickly restore the lost body fluids and help reduce the fever," replied Doctor William while taking out a bag of intravenous fluids from the toolbox that he had brought before.

"Be careful, Will, you will injure her hand if you are not careful," Fernando warned Doctor William who was trying to inject a needle into the vein in Viona's hand.

"I've been a doctor for ten years, Fernando, you have to remember that!!" said Doctor William, sneering at Fernando.

Fernando smiled thinly as he saw Doctor William sneer at him. Not long after, the IV needle was already attached to Viona's hand. Her breath sounded softer than before and the temperature of her body gradually returned to normal.

After making sure Viona's condition had improved, Fernando then sat on the sofa and continued to look at Viona who was asleep under the blanket.

"Tell me what exactly did you do to her? We have been friends for more than ten years and I know you very well, Fernando," asked Doctor William while sitting next to Fernando.

"I only gave her a small punishment last night," Fernando replied honestly.

"Please don't tell me that your small punishment doesn't have anything to do with sex, right?" asked Doctor William, staring hard at Fernando's eyes that looked wistful.

"I only gave her a small punishment and I didn't hurt her ..."

"What kind of small punishment do you mean? I want to know, Fernando!!!" said Doctor William, cutting Fernando's words quickly.

Fernando sighed at Doctor William's words, he really couldn't hide something from the doctor who was also his best friend. Slowly, Fernando told what he did last night. In general, he did not tell the details of how he made Viona orgasm many times.

"You're really crazy Fernando!!!" said Doctor William fiercely with emotion when he heard Fernando's story.

"I just wanted to tell her that she cannot do whatever she wants, I just gave her a little lesson, William," replied Fernando, looking down regretfully.

"Don't look at your wife the same way you look at your bitches in the past, this wife of yours is a good woman!!! So, you cannot do hardcore sex like that to her, I'm sure she must be very traumatized at this time," said Doctor William as he tapped Fernando on the shoulder.

"I'm not doing hardcore sex, William. I just improvised my game a little," Fernando replied defensively.

"We've been friends for more than ten years, Fernando. And I know who you are better than anyone else, so you can't lie to me like this!! Improvisation of your game probably had hurt her a little because I'm sure a woman like Viona does not want a rough bed game like that," said Doctor William trying to point out Fernando's mistake.

"Remember Fernando, you went through a lot to get her and there is one important thing I want to tell you, keeping what is already yours is harder than the first time you get it," added Doctor William quietly while tidying up his tool box that was on the table.

Fernando was stunned by the last words of Doctor William, he swallowed his saliva really hard to digest the words of his good friend. When he saw Doctor William walking out of his room, Fernando suddenly walked quickly and held Doctor William's hand who almost arrived at the broken door.

"Is there something else? I have treated your wife, right?" asked Doctor William in surprise.

"There is one more thing I haven't told you," answered Fernando slowly while glancing at Viona who was on the bed.

"What do you mean?" asked Doctor William suspiciously.

"Give me an ointment to get rid of the scars," Fernando replied softly.

"Scars? What scars are you talking about?" asked Doctor William in an elevated voice, he had a feeling that Fernando was hiding something else from him.

Fernando then pulled William's hand to walk closer to Viona. He slowly opened the blanket that was used to cover Viona's body, Doctor William's eyes widened when he saw many scars around the neck leading to Viona's chest.

"You are a bastard, Fernando! This is really out of line!!" Doctor William snapped with a rising voice.

"It was Viona herself who injured her body like that," Fernando replied, showing the wound on Viona's left hand which he thought she used to hit the bathroom wall to injure herself this much.

"Don't lie to me, Fernando!!" Doctor William snapped full of emotion.

"I could never lie to you Will, I was telling the truth. Maybe Viona hurt herself to remove the kiss marks I made around her chest," Fernando said softly, guessing the reason behind Viona's reckless act.

"Remember Fernando, what you've done is really destroying the pride of a good woman, you can only do these things to your bitches in the past. But you have to remember that your wife is an educated and accomplished woman. I think what you did to her really hurt her pride deeply," Doctor William replied, shaking his head slowly in response to Fernando's confession.

"What should I do now, Will? I'm afraid of losing her," asked Fernando with teary eyes regretting his insane actions last night.

Doctor William sighed at Fernando's words, he really couldn't stop thinking that his best friend went that far to Viona. Even though he knew that Fernando was really trying hard to get Viona for the past year or so.

"I can't say much to you, Fernando, I can only give you a little advice. When you have hurt a woman's heart you have lost her trust, and to get her trust again you have to start over. You have to make her believe in you again, to love you back again," said Doctor William, patting Fernando on the shoulder to give support to his friend who was being a jerk.

"I love her so much, Will. You know that, right?" said Fernando in a barely audible voice.

"Prove it to her. Prove that you love her so much and promise her that you will not repeat the same mistake again. Because believe me, when you have promised a woman, that woman will remember your promise for 1000 years," Doctor William replied with a smile.

"Thank you for your advice Will, I will do it," said Fernando with a wry smile. Doctor William nodded his head slowly. He finally said goodbye to go home after giving the wound ointment to Fernando to lighten the scratch wounds on Viona's chest.

After Doctor William left, Fernando then applied the ointment he had received from Doctor William to be put on Viona's wound, his heart was also in pain when he saw the scratches.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm the stupidest person in this world. I promise you I won't do anything like that again," Fernando said softly with teary eyes, regretting his actions.

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