Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 175 - Confused

Fernando drove his car at high speed to the Global Bross Hospital after receiving a message from Viona, asking him to buy salmon sushi in the mall where they had dined out before. Fernando quickly left the meeting room as soon as he received the message from his wife and asked Justin to replace him.

After driving nearly 30 minutes from the mall referred to by Viona, Fernando arrived at the parking lot in front of the Global Bross Hospital. He immediately ran to Viona's private office, carrying a paper bag containing a pack of sushi and green tea. Some people who knew him immediately greeted him when they passed the hallway. They only smiled when they saw Fernando running towards Viona's office.

"I never thought a boss like Fernando Gray Willan would be that handsome," said a red-haired nurse from the Ob-Gyn Division as she covered her mouth when she saw Fernando running. 

"Watch your words, he is one of the owners of this hospital. After all, his wife is the best doctor here at the Global Bross Hospital, are you ready to compete with Doctor Viona?" Asked the other nurses in response to the red-haired nurse. 

"Of course not, who would dare to compete with a doctor as beautiful and as great as Doctor Viona? I just admire Mr. Fernando's good looks. After all, there are so many women who admire him too, so it doesn't matter, right?" The red-haired nurse replied curtly. 

"Hey hey hey guys, why are you making such a fuss in the hallway like this? Have you finished your work?" Said Doctor Ammy, who suddenly was beside the two nurses from the Ob-Gyn Division. 

"Sorry Doctor, we are not from the surgical division, we were here to bring documents from Doctor Lila to Professor Frank," The two nurses answered simultaneously.


Doctor Ammy was silent when he heard Professor Frank's name was mentioned by the two nurses. She still clearly remembered how the handsome professor gave her a lesson last night in her new apartment, so that her groin was sore a little. 

"Have you given the documents that Doctor Lila left to Professor Frank?" Asked Doctor Ammy with a little stutter. 

"Yes, we have, Doctor. We've given it to Professor Frank," replied the red-haired nurse, looking down. 

"Well then, now you can go back to the Ob-Gyn Division, don't make a fuss here. Because you know that the doctors here really need high concentration when treating the patients," said Doctor Ammy, while tidying her white coat. 

"Yes, Doctor, we understand, then we're leaving," The two nurses replied in unison. 

Doctor Ammy nodded her head when she heard their answers. She then continued her steps to her own office to do a little maintenance on her vital organs, after a night of being attacked by Professor Frank mercilessly. 

After running with the food bag ordered by his wife, Fernando finally arrived in front of Viona's office. He slowed down and smiled when he saw Viona was sitting waiting for him on a chair in front of her private room.

"Hey Madame, sorry to keep you waiting," Fernando greeted Viona, who was playing a game on her cell phone. 

"Shush, don't disturb my concentration!! I'm at war," Viona replied quickly without turning to the newly arrived Fernando. 

Fernando immediately closed his mouth when he heard his wife's answer. He then sat down slowly without making a sound next to Viona. He could only stay silent when he saw Viona playing a war simulation game on her cell phone.

After almost 30 minutes, Viona finally returned from her own world. She then put her cell phone into her bag and was shocked when she saw Fernando sitting beside her silently. 

"Why do you like to startle me?" Asked Viona curtly. 

"Who startled you, Honey. I was just sitting here quietly," Fernando replied with a smile. 

"If you have no intention of shocking me, why are you silent like that?" Viona said as she got up from her chair. 

"Wasn't it you who asked me not to speak ..." 

"Who? Me?? I asked you not to speak?!! Who am I to make Mister Fernando Gray Willan not speak?" Viona replied curtly, cutting Fernando's words with a sharp gaze. 

Fernando sighed at Viona's words. He wanted to scream his heart out, but he held himself back, as he was aware that she was pregnant. Fernando clearly remembered all the advice given by Dr. William beforehand. 

"Yes, I was wrong, then let's go home," Fernando said with a smile, inviting her to come home.

"So, you indirectly say that I'm the wrong one?" Asked Viona, as she stood there with her hands on her waist.

"It's not like that at all, Honey, I didn't mean to say that ...." 

"Don't mean what? That means you've accused me, Fernando!! Why are you always like this? You're always so arrogant and stubborn. I don't want to see you, I want to just go," Viona replied, cutting Fernando's words curtly, as she walked quickly leaving Fernando, who was still amazed by Viona's attitude. 

Viona walked quickly, leaving Fernando down the alley to the parking area alone. When she arrived at the parking lot, her eyes were filled with tears when she could not find Fernando behind her. Fernando, who had just arrived at the parking area, was surprised when he saw Viona crying while sitting beside the car. 

"What happened to you?" Fernando asked frantically. 

"Sob sob … Why can't I be angry with you? Why do you always be the one who can be angry?! Who do you really think you are, Fernando?" Viona answered haltingly. 

"What's wrong?" Asked Fernando, confused. 

"You're angry with me because of what I said earlier, that's why you deliberately made me wait here for a long time. Do you really hate me that much, Fernando? Sob sob …" Viona sobbed. 

"I'm not mad at you, Honey .... There's no way I'm angry with you over such a trivial problem like that," Fernando said in shock. 

"But you blame me ... I know that, your two eyes explained everything," Viona replied while wiping the tears that rolled down her face.

Fernando was speechless when he heard her words. He really didn't understand why Viona said that to him. As he could not bear to see her sitting on the asphalt, Fernando then persuaded Viona to stand up, and guided her into the car slowly. 

In the car, Viona was silent and didn't say anything to Fernando, and so was Fernando, who didn't want to talk because he was afraid that Viona would cry again like before in the hospital parking lot.

"I'm hungry," Viona squeaked softly. 

"Oh yeah, I remember that I brought ..." 

"Let's eat hot dogs," Viona said with sparkling eyes interrupting Fernando's words.

"Hotdogs? Do you want to eat hotdogs?" Fernando asked with an incredulous gaze. 

"Yes, I want to eat a hotdog, what's wrong?" Viona asked back without guilt. 

"But I already bought you ..." 

"If you don't want to take me to the hotdog place, then drop me off by the side of the road. I can look for it myself," she replied, quickly cutting Fernando's words. 

"No, no, no, no, no, yes, we're going to the hotdog stand, please be patient," Fernando said quickly as he stroked Viona's hair to calm her down. 

"This is fun ... let's go, don't take too long, lest the vendor closes," Viona said with a big laugh.

Fernando then accelerated his car to the hotdog place that Viona had mentioned before. He only glanced occasionally at Viona, who seemed impatient to eat hot dogs.

Arriving at their destination, she immediately ran to the cashier and ordered an extra-large hotdog without pickles and mayonnaise, her usual hotdog. Soon Viona's order was ready, Fernando deftly walked to the counter and brought his wife's order of hotdogs. After the order was on the table, she immediately took a bite on the super big hotdog. After three bites, she immediately put the hotdog on the table with a look of dissatisfied eyes.

"What's wrong, Honey?" Fernando asked in confusion. 

"Looks like they have a new chef," Viona replied softly. 

"What do you mean?" Asked Fernando again. 

"It tastes bad, it's not like the one I usually have," replied Viona half whispered. 

"Really ..." 

"Just try it if you don't believe me," Viona said, pointing her hot dog to Fernando. 

He opened his mouth and took a bite of the hotdog she had eaten. He didn't feel anything strange about the hotdog he just ate.

"It's strange, isn't it?" Viona asked again. 

"It feels a little strange because there is no mayonnaise in it, but it's still good enough to be enjoyed," replied Fernando without guilt. 

"Ahhhh you are annoying, you can't tell which food is good and which isn't," Viona replied as she grabbed her bag beside Fernando. 

She then walked quickly, leaving Fernando alone in front of the hotdog shop. Seeing her leaving towards the car, Fernando followed his wife's steps. He then left the hotdog that had just been eaten on the table just like that. 

"Let's just go to the sushi place," said Viona suddenly. 


When Fernando heard that, he swallowed his saliva. He then sighed while smiling at Viona without a word. He then stepped on the gas pedal at high speed towards a Japanese restaurant to have some sushi, following Viona's request. 

"Be patient, Fernando, be patient ... this is for your hero," Fernando said to himself as he got out of his car when he arrived in front of the sushi restaurant.

To be continued.

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