Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 177 - The Attention

Arriving at the house, Viona immediately walked to her room on the second floor without waiting for Fernando. When she got to their room, Viona immediately went into the bathroom to clean her body.

Instead of taking a bath, she vomited the food she had just eaten; all eight pieces of salmon sushi she had eaten came back out, emptying her stomach again. 

Fernando, who arrived in the room, immediately frowned when he heard Viona's voice. He quickly went to the bathroom to give his wife a neck massage like the instructions William had given him.

"What's wrong with you, Honey?" Fernando asked, provoking Viona's confession while massaging her neck slowly.

"I'm fine, maybe I ate something wrong." Viona replied, wiping her lips with water.

"You've been eating wrong since yesterday?" Fernando asked again, trying to remind her that she had been vomiting like that for two days. 

Without answering the question, Viona stepped into the bathtub and asked Fernando to get out as she wanted to soak in warm water before going to sleep. He smiled slightly when Viona asked him to get out. Without a word, he finally got out of the bathroom and gave her some time to enjoy her privacy. 

After Fernando left, Viona then took off all her clothes and started lying in the bathtub where warm water had started to pool inside the bathtub. Viona leaned her head against the edge of the bath to enjoy her me-time after vomiting many times in one day.

"What's wrong, Child? Why do you seem so eager to tell your Daddy about your presence in Mommy's stomach?" Viona said softly while feeling her flat stomach.

"Forgive Mommy, Mommy is still angry with your Daddy," she added, talking to her one week old fetus.

Viona then closed her eyes slowly as she felt very tired and wanted to relax her body. Meanwhile, Fernando was informing all of his maids and servants about Viona's pregnancy, some of the maids were excited when they hear the news of their mistress's pregnancy. 

"But remember, don't you ever talk or ask her about her pregnancy, because she doesn't know that I already know that she's pregnant," Fernando said seriously.

"So you mean we have to pretend not to know about her pregnancy and act normal in front of Madame?" Asked Teddy in confusion.

"Yes, you have to act normal as if nothing happened, and please pay attention to all her movements, in case she needs help," Fernando replied with a smile.

"You all understand, right?" Asked Fernando back.

"We understand, Sir," answered the twenty maids and servants who were in front of him in unison.

"Good and remember never to talk or discuss about my wife's pregnancy to anyone else," said Fernando, glaring at everyone in front of him.

All the maids and servants in front of Fernando immediately nodded in response to his words. Not long after that, he went up to his room to take a shower because he had left Viona alone in the bathroom for quite a while. He smiled when he saw Viona was already in bed.

"When are you going to hide your pregnancy from me, Honey?" Fernando said softly, as he stroked her face as she was sleeping.

Fernando lovingly kissed Viona's forehead. He then went to the bathroom to wash his body before going to sleep.

On the first floor, Teddy was seen conducting a briefing to his subordinates. He had a list of foods that could be eaten by Viona, based on the information from Doctor William given by Fernando earlier. 

"Get rid of the prohibited food ingredients and never cook it again until Madame gives birth," said Teddy, pointing to food ingredients that were not good for pregnant women.

"Increase vegetables, fruits and fresh meat," he added to his previous words.

The maids immediately carried out the instructions given by Teddy. They looked excited when they were unloading the warehouse where the foodstuffs were stored. Food ingredients that had been long enough were taken out one by one in order to maintain the freshness of the ingredients to be cooked for their mistress. 

Teddy looked very excited to do the task that Fernando just gave him. He really understood that the master was very happy with his wife's pregnancy. Therefore, Teddy wanted to show his loyalty to his master as best as possible. Everyone in Fernando's mansion seemed to be preparing for the pregnancy of his mistress. 

* * *


The police officers on guard at night seemed to be enjoying their dinner which was brought by Andrew, the boss. They looked happy when they got free food.

While eating, suddenly one of them screamed as he read the news that became the trending topic all over social media. 

"No wonder Fernando married this doctor. Look at this doctor's face, she is really very beautiful," said the young policeman showing a photo of Viona smiling beside Fernando to his friends.

"I really think if the doctor participated in a beauty pageant, I guarantee she would definitely win," replied another young policeman. 

"Ha ha ha .... you're kidding," said the other policeman.

Andrew, who was sitting in his office, could only be silent when he heard his subordinates talked about Viona. He closed his eyes as he remembered his first meeting with Viona on the subway several years ago. Viona's beautiful face was apparent when she was still a teenager, so it's only natural that now her beauty looked even more charming.

Charlie, the main commander who had just arrived, was surprised when he heard the laughter of his men, who were eating in the front room. Out of curiosity, he inquired them on what had excited them.

After knowing the topic of their conversation, the face of the main commander immediately changed. He then walked towards Andrew's office, his deputy.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asked quietly at Andrew, who was closing his eyes.

"I'm fine," Andrew replied briefly. He opened his eyes slowly and fixed his position in front of Charlie, the commander.

Charlie smiled when he saw the screen on Andrew's cell phone displaying an article about Fernando and Viona in a busy Japanese restaurant.

"Thinking about her again?" Charlie asked back, lighting a cigarette.

"Who am I thinking about?" Andrew asked.

"The woman in the article," Charlie replied briefly, pointing at Andrew's cell phone screen.

Andrew, who realized that his cell phone screen was still displaying articles about Viona and Fernando, immediately closed it quickly. His face immediately flushed as he was embarrassed. 

"Calm down, I understand your situation, Andrew," said Charlie with a smile, trying to calm him. 

"I've never loved someone so deeply, Capt," Andrew replied honestly.

"You have to find a replacement, the woman you like already belongs to someone else and you have to move on, Andrew," Charlie replied in a rising voice.

"The more I try to forget her, the stronger the memory of her lodged in my brain, Capt," Andrew replied haltingly.

Charlie was silent when he heard him. He knew very well that his subordinate was still in love with Viona, who was now the wife of the number one man in town. No one could fight Fernando Gray Willan. Even the laws of the city could be bought with his immense power, and Charlie understood that very well.

"You don't covet what belongs to others, Andrew. You should remember that," Charlie said seriously.

"If Fernando didn't use cunning methods to separate me from Viona, maybe now Viona is married to me, Capt," Andrew replied angrily.

"Are you sure Viona will accept your proposal to marry? Aren't you just giving her a ring in the park?" Asked Charlie coldly, trying to get Andrew to realize the fact. 

"But she accepted my proposal back then ..."

"Which you haven't done officially, right?!!!" Charlie said interrupting the words. 


Andrew threw the book in front of him against the wall upon hearing Charlie's words. He felt that his boss was defending Fernando rather than him.

"You don't know what's in my heart, Capt, you can't say that s easily like that ... I know her way earlier than that bastard Willan!!!" shouted Andrew with fiery eyes. 

"And one more thing you need to know, I'm sure Viona does not love that bastard!!! I know what kind of a man Viona loves," Andrew added angrily.

After saying that, Andrew then grabbed his car keys and left the office with eyes red with anger. He felt that no one understood his current condition. His hatred for the Willan family was getting worse right now. He still couldn't take his old grudge against Franklin, but right now, Fernando was actually taking the woman he loved. 

"Just wait and see, Fernando, I'll take Viona out of your house ... arrggghh! Fuck you Fernando!!!" Andrew went crazy in his car. He then accelerated his car down the road aimlessly.

Andrew's men in the office were surprised to see Andrew was so angry like that, because Andrew had never been that angry with anyone. They were even more shocked when they saw their boss came out of Andrew's office.

"Leave Andrew alone, he needs time to cool off," Charlie said, putting his hand in the pocket of his jacket. 

"We understand, Capt," The ten young policemen in the front room replied in unison.

Charlie smiled at their answers. He then went into his private office, as he continued to enjoy the cigarette in his hand. 

"You do not know how terrible Fernando Gray Willan is, Andrew. I hope you will soon realize that you are not an opponent for that man," Charlie said softly, as he stared at the photos of Fernando and Viona that were appearing in various articles on the computer screen he was staring at.

Charlie was concerned about Andrew's condition, who still had not accepted the fact that Viona was already owned by someone else. Charlie, who knew Andrew very well, regretted the selfish and stubborn attitude of his deputy. 

Andrew, who had been driving aimlessly, was suddenly shocked when he realized that he had arrived in front of Global Bross Hospital, where Viona worked. Unconsciously, Andrew was carried to the place where he used to pick up Viona a few months ago, a habit that Andrew could not forget. Even though at first, he intended to take advantage of Viona, the longer he was with her, his love for her had grown without him knowing it, and now that love was still growing strong in his heart.




Andrew's car window was knocked by someone from outside. Andrew, who was closing his eyes as he remembered Viona, was suddenly shocked when he heard someone tapping on his window. He quickly opened the window and immediately smiled when he saw the figure who had knocked on the glass.

"Did you come to pick me up?"

To be continued.

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