Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 182 - Being Exposed

Slowly, Viona started to take ice cream using the spoon that Professor Frank gave her but her face immediately turned pale and then a second later she vomited everything inside her stomach on the floor.

It shocked Professor Frank who was in front of her, when he was about to help the girl, she refused it while waving her hand at Professor Frank. She then accidentally hit her hand against the ice cream box and its contents spilled on the floor.

"Vio... are you okay?" asked Professor Frank while trying to hide his surprise because he saw the ice cream he had poisoned using abortion medicine fell on the floor mixed with Viona's vomit, which was only water and milk.

"I ... ughh..." Viona could not finish her words because she vomited once more and it made her face suddenly full of sweat.

"Vio, let me help you ...."


The door to Viona's practice room was being opened by force from the outside, Fernando then came in with a panicked face. His eyes reddened seeing her brother's hand was trying to touch Viona, who was still bending over because she was still vomiting at this point.

"Don't touch my wife with your dirty hands, Frank!!!" shrieked Fernando as he ran towards Viona while keeping off his brother's hand.

"I just want to…."

"Get out Frank ... my wife and I do not need you here!!!" Fernando shouted at Frank, interrupting his younger brother's talk.

Professor Frank was standing frozen after seeing Fernando screamed at him like that. He quickly turned around and walked out of Viona's practice room with an anger that burned inside his chest. When he was about to go to his private room, he ran into Justin who was rushing to Viona's room.

"Damn you, Fernando. Just wait, you'll be sorry for kicking me out like that," Professor Frank thought to himself as he continued walking toward his room.

After Frank left, Fernando immediately carried Viona to the bed she used to examine the patients, he slowly wiped the sweat that had wet his wife's face, who already looked very tired. 

"Drink the water, first!" Fernando said quietly as he tried to make Viona sit down to drink the water in the mineral bottle he was holding.

"Slowly ..."

"Sir, is Mrs. Viona alright?" asked Justin, who suddenly interrupted Fernando's words.

"As you can see, she's fine," Fernando replied quickly while giving Justin a code to look at the ice cream that spilled on the floor.

"Madame ..."

"It looks like she hasn't eaten it yet," Fernando said shortly in response to Justin's words.

Justin nodded slowly to understand what his boss meant, then he glared at the floor where the ice cream was scattered mixed with Viona vomit. Justin then called the cleaning department to clean Viona's room. Not long after, two cleaning services arrived and they quickly cleaned Viona's room.

Viona was still trying to regain her strength on the bed after rejecting Fernando's suggestion to call another doctor.

Viona was afraid that if she was examined by a doctor in front of Fernando, her husband would know about her pregnancy. Viona didn't want that to happen, so she tried to strengthen herself by resting a few minutes on the bed before going home.

"Babe ... what did you just eat that you're vomiting like this?" Fernando asked quietly pretending he didn't know anything.

"Didn't you see for yourself what I ate for breakfast this morning?" Viona replied softly without opening her eyes.

"I know that, I mean after arriving at the hospital, did you eat anything else?" asked Fernando back.

"I didn't eat anything else, I didn't even eat the ice cream that your brother gave me. I didn't have time to put it inside my mouth because I already vomited before it happened," Viona answered honestly.

Hearing Viona's words made Justin let out a sigh of relief, he was glad that Viona didn't have the chance to eat the ice cream. While he was in Fernando's room for a meeting, Justin accidentally saw from the CCTV footage where Professor Frank came into Viona's room with something suspicious.

After being informed by Justin about the recording, Fernando ran as fast as the lightning to his wife's room for fear of unexpected things that he didn't want to happen. He was afraid that his brother would do something bad to Viona, so Fernando immediately ran leaving Justin who was still in his room alone.

"Good then, in the future don't accept food or drink from anyone, including from Frank," Fernando said softly as he stroked Viona's face which didn't look as pale as before.

"Yes, I understand," Viona answered softly.

"Let's go home, then. I can't allow you to keep working under this condition," said Fernando to his wife gently.

"But I still have two hours left to ..."

"Don't argue with me, I don't like it when you are not following my orders," Fernando said curtly, staring intently into Viona's eyes.

"Okay, I'll go home," Viona replied in defeat.

Fernando smiled in response to Viona's words, he then guided Viona to get out of bed and walk out of the room because Viona refused to use a wheelchair and she also didn't want Fernando to carry her to the car.

Justin could only smile at Fernando's gentle attitude towards his boss' wife, he then walked following Fernando's steps to the underground parking lot while carrying Viona's bag that was being prepared by Nurse Chloe earlier.

On the way home, Viona could only hold her head in the car since sudden dizziness had attacked her. Fernando couldn't bear to see Viona like that, but he could not do anything because his wife still had not confessed to him that she was pregnant.

He could only help by massaging Viona's head gently without speaking. Justin then gave a signal to Lucas to increase his speed in order to get home soon, he also could not bear to see Viona's condition who looked like she was so tired.

Arriving at the house, Fernando then carried Viona in the bridal style into the house because Viona almost fell when she got out of the car.

Fernando then acted quickly by helping his wife because he didn't want to take any risk. Moreover, they still had to pass the stairs to the second floor, so Fernando felt safer when he carried Viona alone.

Fernando slowly lowered Viona onto their big bed, not long after that, a waiter came to bring warm fresh tea for Viona to drink.

"How about you stop working at the hospital, honey?" asked Fernando suddenly when Viona finished drinking the tea.

"I can't stop working, being a doctor was my dream since I was a child ... I can't possibly let go of what I've achieved with these sweat and tears just like that ... I can't do that, Fernando. I don't want to give up this job ...."

"Then how long are you going to pretend that you are strong enough to carry your job? Don't you love our baby?" asked Fernando back, he was now staring into Viona's eyes sharply.



Viona's heartbeat was noticeably faster when she heard Fernando's last words.

"Why? Are you shocked because I already know that you are now pregnant with my child?" Fernando asked softly, touching Viona's flat stomach.

"S-…Since when did you know I'm pregnant?" Viona stammered back.

To be continued

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