Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 191 - The Bonds

Hearing Andrew's name was mentioned by Fernando made the blood in Viona's body rustle. She didn't expect that Fernando would still discuss Andrew in front of her. Fernando, who saw the change in her face, could only smile slightly. He knew that his wife would definitely give such an expression.

"How do you know if Doctor Cecilia was close to him? Didn't Andrew marry another woman? We went to their wedding, Fernando," Viona asked with a rising tone. 

"Look at this," Fernando replied while giving his cell phone to her.

She slowly grabbed his cell phone. She then looked at her husband's cell phone screen which showed pictures of Andrew and Cecilia walking around the hospital.

There was also a photo of Andrew and Doctor Cecilia eating junk food at a restaurant she used to frequent together with Andrew when she had trouble sleeping at night.

"He cheated?" Viona asked quickly. 

"Andrew canceled his marriage in court with his wife one week after they were married. Now Andrew has the status of a single man again," Fernando replied smoothly. 

"Why?" Viona asked unconsciously. 

"You seem very curious about his love life. Should we invite him to come to our house and hear his answer directly?" Fernando asked back to provoke her. 

"That's not what I mean. I just can't believe that someone has canceled their marriage to court. If he didn't love his wife since the beginning, why should they marry?" Viona answered quickly.

"It is his right, Viona, we as outsiders cannot ask for more details about his decision. Isn't that the same as violating his privacy?" William said in response to her words while glancing at Fernando.



Viona was silent to hear William's sarcastic words. She immediately looked down slowly because she felt bad for her husband and William. 

"We don't have to talk about Andrew's marriage and his ex-wife. Don't you want to know why we chose Doctor Cecilia? Why are we talking about Andrew?" Fernando replied with a triumphant smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask anything else. I'm really sorry I didn't mean that, Fernando," Viona replied regretfully. 

"I know, Babe, you will not be interested in other people's lives like that. As someone who has been close to Andrew, you must be shocked to know that Andrew's marriage and his ex-wife had ended in such a short time, I understand that, Babe," Fernando replied, trying to calm Viona who was feeling guilty. 

She was only silent in responding to her husband's words. She really felt guilty and ashamed to have asked that far about Andrew's marriage failure in front of William. Seeing her stay silent made Fernando stomp on William's foot with a triumphant smile. His plan to lure Viona to feel guilty to him had worked. 

"You want to know why we chose Doctor Cecilia?" Asked William, smiling, trying to break the tense atmosphere. 

"Yes, Will," she answered in a barely audible voice. 

William then explained in detail the reasons why they chose Doctor Cecilia to replace some of Viona's practice schedules.

Hearing William's explanation made Viona feel a little relieved to know that Doctor Cecilia had considerable abilities.

At first, she had doubts about Doctor Cecilia, because she knew that Doctor Cecilia didn't have much experience. She didn't want her patients to be treated by the wrong doctor.

Viona still vividly remembered the incident in the emergency room when Doctor Ammy neglected her duties, which resulted in her being suspended from work for several weeks and wasn't allowed to enter the hospital. After William ended his story, Viona finally smiled. She agreed to have her practice schedule to Doctor Cecilia.

Seeing her agreement made Fernando finally sighed, because his plan to keep Frank from Viona went smoothly. He didn't want Viona to know the real plan. Because if Viona found out about the real plan, there was a concern that she would completely reject the plan.

After talking at length, William finally said goodbye to go home. He had to prepare himself to start working at the Global Bros Hospital tomorrow. 

Fernando escorted William to the front of his house, while Viona just sat in the living room because suddenly she felt a headache. 

"Thanks for your help today, William," Fernando said quietly as he tapped Doctor William on the shoulder. 

"It's nothing. It's just a piece of cake for me," William answered with a smile. 

"I really can't get away from you, Will." Fernando replied with a feminine tone to tease William, who was now single again after breaking up with his new girlfriend. 

"Fuck!!!! Stop it, I am disgusted to see you like this," William shrieked as he threw his fist into Fernando's stomach, which Fernando managed to avoid.

"Hahaha ... There are still many women in this world, I can find a very beautiful girl for you, but for sure, that girl will not be prettier than my Viona," said Fernando, boasting, because he had a wife as beautiful as Viona. 

"Viona is not only beautiful, but she's a complete package. So you have to really take care of her well," William said, 

"Of course, that's why I ask your help to deal with Franklin," Fernando replied quickly. 

William smiled at Fernando's words. He then got into his car and immediately went, leaving Fernando and Viona. After William's car was out of sight, Fernando then went into the living room where Viona was still waiting for him.

"Are you still dizzy, Babe?" Fernando asked softly as he stroked Viona's face, who was leaning on the sofa while closing her eyes. 

"A little, take me to the room, please. My head feels so heavy," Viona answered without opening her eyes.

"With pleasure, Madame," Fernando replied quickly. He then carried her in bridal style to their room on the second floor. The maids, who saw the intimacy of the master and the mistress, could only smile without making a sound.

After they arrived in the room, Fernando immediately put her down slowly on the bed. He then covered her with a blanket. 

Fernando smiled slightly seeing her face, which was a little pale. When he was about to get out of bed, suddenly Viona held his hand tightly. 

"What is it, Babe?" Fernando asked softly. 

"Take me ... barf ... barf ...." Viona could not finish her words because she had vomited. Her vomit was scattered about the blanket and clothes worn by Fernando. 

Without disgust, Fernando approached her and began massaging her nape to comfort her. Viona finally stopped vomiting after almost two minutes throwing up her stomach contents on the bed.

All the food that Fernando had fed to her came out, messing up the bed, Fernando's clothes, and the floor of the room.

After Viona stopped vomiting, he then took off his dirty shirt and just threw it on the floor, so that his stomach muscles could be seen clearly by Viona. He slowly pushed her vomit-stained blanket away from her.

Fernando then carried her from the big bed and walked to the room in front of the main room. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable in the room which was full of vomit. Therefore, he took her to another room.

After moving rooms and making sure Viona was in a comfortable position, Fernando then asked Teddy to take care of his messy room. Soon, several maids arrived and began cleaning the main room, where Viona and Fernando usually slept.

Fernando just stood from the room whose furniture he had destroyed yesterday to lash his anger. He looked at his room, which was being cleaned by the maids to make sure they really cleaned the room properly.

"Is Madame okay, Sir? Do I need to call Doctor William back?" Teddy asked worriedly. 

"That's not necessary, Teddy, a pregnant woman is like that. I've been told by William to take care of it, so you don't need to worry. Just prepare some warm water in the room for us and bring some fruit for Viona. She will definitely be hungry after vomiting all the contents of her stomach earlier," Fernando replied with a smile. 

"Yes, Sir, I understand. Then if you'll excuse me," Teddy said to Fernando. 

"Okay," Fernando replied briefly.

Teddy then walked quickly to the first floor to prepare what Fernando had ordered. After Teddy left, Fernando walked slowly to the bed where Viona was closing her eyes. He lovingly wiped the cold sweat out of Viona's forehead. 

"How are you feeling right now, Honey?" Fernando asked softly. 

"My head is heavy, I want to sleep but I feel very uncomfortable with my stomach," Viona replied softly. 

"Your stomach is uncomfortable?" Fernando asked back. 

"Huum, it feels so indescribable," she replied briefly.

Fernando smiled at her words. He then opened the blanket over her. Slowly, he opened her clothes and let Viona's white belly exposed. She didn't expect that Fernando landed his kiss on her flat stomach where her son was.

"Hey Champ, don't make it difficult for Mommy anymore. Poor mommy, she can't eat and can't do anything," Fernando whispered softly to her stomach. 

"What are you ..." 

"Shush, be silent, Mommy can't interfere with our quality time," Fernando said, cutting off her words.

"Do you know the gender of your child? Why call him a champ? Who knows it turned out to be a cute and beautiful girl like me?" She asked Fernando.

"It doesn't matter if he is a boy or a girl, I will still make him a hero who can take care of himself and take care of his mommy when she is away from his handsome daddy," Fernando replied jokingly.

"Hahaha, really! It's annoying," she replied with a laugh. Fernando smiled to see her cheerful again. He then laid down next to her with his hands still groping for Viona's flat stomach.

He just realized that when he touched her stomach, his son, who was in her stomach, seemed happy when he did that. It was proven because Viona no longer nauseated as before. Soon, she finally fell asleep in his arms, while he was still telling funny stories. Fernando, who realized that his wife was asleep, finally kissed her forehead softly.

"Hey Champ, stay healthy in Mommy's stomach, alright? In a few months, Daddy will teach you to shoot the garden birds at the mansion," he said, softly stroking Viona's stomach.

He was sure that his son would hear his voice right now. He finally fell asleep while hugging Viona. He did not realize that Teddy had brought the food he had ordered earlier.

* * * 


Frank hadn't returned to his own room for several days where he lives with Louisa. He was still not satisfied with Ammy's service these days. Louisa could only be silent and resigned when Frank changed.

Every night, Louisa would sit on the sofa in front of the door wearing her best lingerie, ready to welcome Frank's return. 

But her efforts were in vain, because Frank, who she was waiting for, didn't come home until morning. His cell phone was not active when it was time to come home from work. 

"I really love you, Frank, I'm willing to be your sex slave as long as you don't leave me .... sob ... sob ..." Louisa cried while looking at her cell phone, where there was a photo of Frank standing, wearing his doctor's shirt. 

"I really love you, Franklin ... I accept all your shortcomings, but please ... sob sob ... come back to me, Frank sob ... sob ..." Louisa sobbed haltingly. Louisa felt that Frank had become bored with her.

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