Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 209 - Viona's Resignation

This morning at the Global Bros Hospital, there was already a commotion because of the announcement posted in front of the director's room. The hospital staff who didn't even know immediately flocked to the front of the director's room to read the announcement that Professor Dexter had just posted. The announcement was a notification of Viona's resignation as Global Bross Hospital staff, which immediately spread to all departments, both the Surgical Division and the Ob-Gyn Division where Viona's name was very popular in both departments. 

Nurse Chloe and Nurse Tina, who had just read the news, were immediately saddened. They did not expect that Viona would resign from the hospital. Because they knew very well that Viona really loved her job, as well as Doctor Cecilia, who was leaning against the wall because she felt the heavy burden on her shoulders was increasing. 

"Keep your spirit up, Doctor. As of today, you officially become the main surgeon in this hospital to replace Doctor Viona," said Doctor William quietly beside Doctor Cecilia. 

"But, Doctor, Doctor Viona's position is very heavy, I am afraid I will not be able to carry out the task," Cecilia replied sadly. 

"Don't say that, Doctor. You are a doctor who must be ready to carry out any duties. Moreover, the position as a surgeon in this hospital is very important," said William, trying to encourage Cecilia. 

"Don't you already know, Doctor, how yesterday I was bullied by Doctor Viona's patients, who refused to be treated by me? Remembering that still made me feel very tight in my chest, Doc. Especially if they know that I am replacing Doctor Viona, I can't imagine if it happened again, Doctor," said Cecilia honestly. 

William chuckled at what Cecilia said. He actually understood Cecilia's fear. Because Viona's big name was already known by patients all over the city, even some patients from other hospitals have flocked to Global Bross Hospital to get Viona's treatment, after knowing the doctor who had graduated from the best medical university in the UK had moved to Global Bros Hospital a year ago. 

"Isn't this supposed to be a place to prove yourself, Doc? Prove it to all those who have doubted your abilities in the past and show them that you're capable of doing your important job," said William, while tapping Cecilia's shoulder. 

"Get ready to join the doctor's meeting. We will hear the official announcement from Professor Dexter there, sbout your appointment as the main surgeon at the Global Bross Hospital accompanying Professor Frank and receive a warrant to replace the position of Doctor Viona," William said slowly as he walked away from Cecilia, who was still standing on the wall. 

Cecilia was silent at William's words. She was unable to say a word, because she felt that the burden she was going to bear was too heavy, as she knew that Doctor Viona was still far above her. Therefore, taking her place had backfired on her. 

The sound of the bell from the meeting room broke Cecilia's reverie. She then walked languidly into the meeting room. Usually people who was promoted would be excited, but not with Cecilia. Doctor Viona's popularity really made her invisible. Therefore, replacing Doctor Viona was more like going into a quicksand that would swallow her up one day if she couldn't stand on her ground properly. 

When all the doctors from various divisions had gathered, the meeting began immediately. The hospital officials began to arrive and sat on their respective chairs, including Fernando, who was now the highest shareholder in the Global Bross Hospital. He sat next to Professor Dexter. A host read the weekly evaluation meeting of the doctors who had worked for the past week. He discussed the progress and various problems experienced by these doctors. Until finally there came an important announcement where he read the announcement about the resignation of Doctor Viona as a surgeon at Global Bross Hospital and the appointment of Cecilia as the main surgeon, accompanying Professor Franklin, to replace Doctor Viona. Some doctors, who have not read the announcement in front of Professor Dexter's office, looked very surprised, because they did not expect that Doctor Viona would resign. And what was even more surprising was that her replacement was Doctor Cecilia, a young doctor who had only three years of experiences. The doctors doubted the ability of Cecilia, who was considered to be too young and did not deserve to replace Doctor Viona, who already had big name. 

"Is it correct to replace Doctor Viona with such a young doctor like her?" 

"What would this hospital be like if the surgeon was just a doctor who has only worked for three years?" 

"Why not just find a senior doctor to replace Doctor Viona?" 

"What a mess they are that they look for a replacement randomly." 

"How can we entrust the patient's life to a doctor who has little experience like her?"

The whispers of doctors protesting the management's decision on Cecilia's appointment were heard. They objected it when they found out that Cecilia was replacing Viona. Nurse Chloe, who sat next to Cecilia, tried to calm the doctor down. She was seen holding Cecilia's hand to provide support. 

When the atmosphere increased into a little chaos, Professor Frank suddenly stood up and walked over to the podium, where the host was still presenting the event. He then grabbed the microphone and started tapping the microphone to make a noise so that all the meeting participants returned to order. 

"Try to point your hand or please stand up for those of you who rejected the hospital management's decision in the appointment of Doctor Cecilia as a surgeon at this hospital to replace Doctor Viona," Professor Frank said aloud. 



The room was immediately silent when Frank started speaking into the microphone above the podium. Meanwhile, Fernando just smiled thinly at his younger brother's behavior as well as Doctor William, who put a smile on his handsome face when he saw Professor Frank talking like that. 

"Didn't you all at first also refused to see Doctor Viona in this hospital a year ago? You guys were immediately silent when you knew who Doctor Viona really was at that time. The point here is that you should never judge someone just because of one side only, but you can see from the other side as well, and so is with Doctor Cecilia. I am sure the appointment of Doctor Cecilia as a replacement for Doctor Viona must have been carefully considered by the Hospital management. Moreover, it is said that the appointment of Doctor Cecilia was a direct idea from Doctor Viona, where we all already know how capable she is. I am very sure Doctor Viona will not be careless in choosing her replacement," Professor Frank said in a loud voice. 

"Please, to those who whispered their doubts on the hospital management's decision, please stand directly in front of me and speak out loud to reject the management's decision. Maybe the hospital management will listen to your advice," Professor Frank added, staring intently at the row of doctors who had been whispering behind him. 

The doctors who had been whispering in the back fell silent without a sound. Their faces immediately turned pale because they knew that Professor Frank was quipping them. Seeing the doctors who had been whispering were silent, Professor Frank smiled triumphantly. 

"I'm not here to defend Doctor Cecilia or the hospital management, for sure I believe that if the hospital management has decided something, I'm sure it must have been well thought out. I just don't like people who speak in the back before knowing the abilities of the person being talked about. You are doctors who have a heavy enough oath before God to serve the community. Then how do you carry out that oath when you degrade your junior ability like that. Wouldn't that be the same as cowardice act? If you are real men, show your face in front of your rivals and say it directly. Isn't it right, Mr. Fernando Gray Willan?" said Professor Frank, glaring intently at his brother with a look full of meaning. 



Fernando's heart rustled at the words of his younger brother. He knew that what his brother had said was an indirect insinuation for him. Fernando realized that his younger brother was saying that he would not give up on getting Viona. Fernando took a deep breath to calm the emotions in his chest that was already burning because of Franklin's words. Slowly Fernando smiled and walked over to the podium where Professor Franklin was. He then tapped Franklin on the shoulder quietly, while grabbing the microphone that his younger sibling was holding. 

"What Professor Frank said is true. We, the hospital executives and the honorary board, have been thinking about this for the past few days, considering the condition of Doctor Viona which makes it impossible for her to return to work due to her pregnancy. Therefore, we immediately looked for a replacement doctor to fill her position, and incidentally Doctor Viona immediately appointed Doctor Cecilia as her replacement. If there is a doctor here who has any objection, please stand up or if you are embarrassed to say it here, please send an email to Professor Dexter for our next consideration," Fernando said with a smile. 

Because no one objected to Fernando's words or Professor Franklin's words, the meeting's decision was finally made with the absolute result that no one rejected the hospital's decision to appoint Cecilia as a surgeon. 

Finally, the meeting was over. One by one the meeting participants left the room. They then headed to their respective rooms to continue their work. Several doctors and nurses seemed to congratulate Doctor Cecilia on her new position, including Doctor Lila, who was the head of the Ob-Gyn Division, who immediately congratulated Doctor Cecilia. 

She knew that it would be impossible for Doctor Viona to choose a replacement carelessly. Therefore, Doctor Lila was happy because Doctor Cecilia was chosen. 

"Your acting was great, Frank," Fernando said quietly as he walked behind Professor Frank to his office. 

"What do you mean?" Franklin asked sarcastically. 

"You should know the direction of my conversation better, Frank. Oh right, please convey my greetings to the wicked woman to get out of Canada before I send her to Africa," Fernando replied with a smile and walked quickly to his office, following Justin and Harry who were waiting for him at the door with Professor Dexter and Doctor William. 

Professor Frank was silent at what his brother said. He had no idea that his plan to use Natasha to bully Fernando would end up like this. 

"Even if my plan to use Natasha have failed, I will not give up on getting Viona. You need to remember that, Fernando. Franklin Justin Willan will never give up his main goal," Frank said silently as he looked at the back of his brother who was walking away from him.

To be continued.

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