Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 219 - The Promise Of A Father


Fernando, who was busy with his company's big project, was in a serious meeting with the best managers in his company, along with Justin and Harry. Especially because Fernando was planning to expand his company. 

"Sir, it's past lunchtime," Justin said, reminding Fernando to stop working. 

"In a minute, I still have some paperwork to do," Fernando replied without looking up from his files. 

"But it's half past two, Sir." Harry chirped briefly, holding his stomach because he hadn't had lunch. 

"Is it nearly three o'clock?" Fernando shrieked while slamming his file roughly on the table. 

Fernando then grabbed his smartphone that was on the table. He put his cell phone to his ear waiting to be connected to Viona. Fernando's face changed when Viona didn't pick up his call. Seeing Fernando's face changed, Justin and Harry shrunk back. 

"Where are you, Babe ...?" Fernando said quietly as he called Viona again. 

"Where did you go, Babe? Why don't you pick up your phone ... ?!" He shrieked as he threw his cell phone on the sofa in anger, after calling Viona for more than five times and there was no answer. 

"Perhaps Madame is taking a nap, Sir," Justin replied softly. 

"Did she take a nap that she did not hear my call ... just like a pig who..." 

"Who is like a pig?" Asked Viona suddenly with a raised voice, cutting Fernando's words, as she stood in front of the door. 


The papers that Justin and Harry were holding immediately fell to the floor when they saw Viona in front of Fernando's office. Fernando, too, immediately fell silent when he saw Viona was in front of him. 

"Honey ...." 

"Answer my question first, who is like a pig?" Viona asked in a rising voice with her hands akimbo.

"Shh, let's go, I don't want to be yelled at by Madame too," Harry whispered softly to Justin, who was standing beside him. 

Justin nodded slowly without answering Harry's question. He then lowered his head to tidy up the files that were scattered on the floor hastily, assisted by Harry. After they finished tidying up the files, Harry and Justin then walked silently away, leaving Fernando, who was still standing silently at his desk. 

"Please come in, Madame, excuse us," Justin said quietly when he passed Viona, who was still standing in front of Fernando's open door. 

"Excuse me, Madame," Harry added slowly as he looked down and walked quickly, leaving Viona, to follow Justin, who had walked first in front. 

After the two assistants left, Fernando immediately realized. He then walked slowly towards Viona, who was still standing in front of the door, with a forced smile. 

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to come? If I knew you're coming, I could tidy up my office, Babe," said Fernando quietly, as he touched Viona's hand slowly. 

"Don't change the subject. First, answer my question," Viona replied curtly as she continued to stare intently at Fernando. 

"We'll talk inside, okay? It's not good to talk here, Honey, lest someone see us," Fernando replied, trying to seduce Viona. 

Viona immediately lowered her hands from her waist when she realized that she was outside the office. She then entered Fernando's office without answering Fernando's words.

Seeing Viona already sat on the sofa, Fernando then came in and closed the door slowly from the inside. He knew his mistake, then he walked to the small refrigerator in his private office, then took out some ice cream and soft cakes that he had bought this morning, which he had planned to take home later in the afternoon for Viona. 

Fernando smiled broadly as he put the ice cream and soft cake in front of Viona, who was still staring at him. He then cut the soft cake slowly with a knife and put it on a small plate to give to her. 

"Try this first, Babe, it's delicious," said Fernando quietly, trying to seduce Viona. 

"What's the flavor?" Viona asked curtly. 

"It's your favorite flavor, of course, blueberries," Fernando replied with a big laugh. 

Viona immediately grabbed the small plate of soft cake that Fernando had just cut and spooned a piece of the cake and put it in her mouth. Her cold face immediately changed after she had a slice of cake. She enjoyed the soft cake alone without talking to Fernando. 

"Do you like it, Babe?" Fernando asked quietly as he handed a tissue to Viona, who was looking for napkin. 

"Thank you." Instead of answering her husband's question, Viona thanked him for the napkin. 

"You are welcome, Babe," Fernando replied with a big smile. 

"Don't touch my ice cream!!" Viona snapped suddenly when she saw Fernando was about to take the ice cream that was on the table. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to take it I just ..." 

"Just what? Just saying that I look like a pig?" Viona said with a sob. 

Seeing her crying made Fernando panic. He then moved the seat beside his wife and immediately hugged her tightly to calm her down and stop crying.

"Am I already fat huh, that you called me a pig? Hoo hoo hoo," Viona sobbed.

"No, babe, I didn't call you that," Fernando stuttered because he felt guilty.

"I heard you call me a pig! Waaaaa ..." Viona screamed while crying with a louder voice. 

"You probably heard wrong, Babe, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about other people named Justin and Harry," Fernando replied slowly trying to calm Viona. 

"Really? But earlier you said my name sob ...." Viona replied softly. 

Fernando released his embrace from Viona and wiped the tears that wet his wife's beautiful face slowly with a smile.

"How could I call the wife I love so much that she looks like a pig? Am I crazy?" Fernando said quietly, trying to win her heart.

"Then who did you call like a pig earlier?" Viona asked with a sigh.

"Oh that. Babe, there was a female employee whose name was similar to yours and had made me angry, that's why earlier I blurted out like that," Fernando lied.

"Really? Who's the employee who has the same name as mine? "Viona asked quietly as she wiped the tears that still welled in her eyes.

"Her name is Liona, at first it sounded like Viona, right?" Finally, he was able to find a reasonable excuse, because indeed a few months ago he had just fired an employee named Liona as she had been absent from work too often. 

Fernando's words made Viona speechless. She suddenly remembered her adopted sister who was also named Liona, who had come to her house with Amber yesterday. 

"Oh, right. I forgot to ask you, Babe. Yesterday how did my adopted sisters come home from our house? You haven't told me what you guys talked about after I went up to the second floor with William at that time," Viona asked softly.

"They have been taken care of by Justin and Harry. Well, later tonight, I will tell you everything. There is certainly one good news. You must be very happy," Fernando replied softly while tidying her messy hair.

"Really? What's the news?" Viona asked curiously. 

"All your younger sisters have quit working as sex workers. They have entered a rehabilitation center to restore their confidence again before returning to the society," Fernando replied excitedly.

"Oh my God ... thank God I, sob I ... hoo hoo ... Mommy ..." 

"Don't cry anymore, I can go crazy if I see you crying like this, Honey," Fernando said quickly as he pulled and hugged Viona tightly in his arms. Instead of stopping her cry, Viona's cry was even louder, while occasionally saying the name of Maria in between her cries.

Viona's cry this time was not sad, but a happy cry, because her siblings had left the dark world. The heavy burden on her shoulders immediately lifted along with the tears coming out of her eyes.

Fernando could only stay silent hearing her cry. This time he let his wife cry because he knew that those were happy tears.

"Come on, Honey, stop crying. Remember our poor child if you keep crying like this," Fernando said softly as he touched her stomach where their five-week-old child was in. 

"I'm just too happy, I can't help myself," Viona replied haltingly. 

"Yes, I know, but don't cry like this. I can go crazy when I see you cry, Honey," Fernando replied quickly while kissing Viona's forehead with great affection. 

"Babe ..." 

"Hm, what?" Asked Fernando quickly.

"I want to go to mother's place ... Mother must be happy to hear the news," Viona replied briefly. 

Fernando nodded his head slowly, agreeing to his wife's request. He then lowered his head to Viona's stomach and put his ear on her wife's stomach. Even though nothing was heard and felt, but Fernando was happy to do that. 

"You have to be a great hero, Dear, then protect your whiny Mommy," Fernando whispered softly as he kissed Viona's stomach, after he lifted the clothes Viona was wearing.

"Ahhhh don't do that, it's ticklish!" Viona chuckled.

"Mommy, don't disturb our quality time. 

"It's ticklish … hahaha … Don't do that, I feel ticklish aghhh!" Viona shouted, amused because her stomach was licked by Fernando. He then released his kiss on Viona's stomach as Viona shouted for mercy. He then looked into Viona's eyes with great love. 

"I will take care of you both with all my heart and soul. I will make our son the greatest man in this country," said Fernando quietly, holding Viona's cheeks with both hands. 

"Yes, Daddy ... we trust you," Viona replied with a smile. 

To be continued.

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