Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 224 - Jennie And Amina's Visit

It has been two days since the incident happened where Viona was slapped by Fernando. Since that incident, Viona didn't want to talk to Fernando at all and she just sat on the balcony looking at the view. Sometimes, she knitted some clothes for her child. The servants who knew that their master and madam were in a cold war could only remain silent. They did not dare to say anything when they were in front of Fernando or Viona.

When breakfast time arrived, Fernando would eat first without Viona since she would wake up early in the morning to go for a walk in the park to get fresh air in the morning before doing yoga. Fernando could even see how Viona was doing various yoga postures and styles when he went to the office. Even in the office, Fernando seemed unable to focus on his work and he kept checking his phone. Staring at his phone, he was hoping that there would be an incoming message or just a miss call from his wife.

"If the flight isn't delayed, they should arrive this afternoon Sir," said Justin, handing over the file to Fernando.

"That's good then," Fernando replied with a smile.

"Their apartment is also ready," Harry added in response to Justin's words.

"Good job, you guys should get ready in ten minutes for our meeting," he wasn't sure what else to say as his mind was clouded with so many things.

"Got it, Sir. We will excuse ourselves then," Harry and Justin said one after another.

Both Fernando's assistants came out of the room and walked to their respective desks without speaking, they knew that Fernando was in a very bad mood. Even though they didn't know what had happened, they could already guess that Fernando's change in character had something to do with Viona. The day before, Fernando was rushing home and he immediately looked for Viona, the next day Fernando began to talk less, comparing the previous days.

Not only that, Fernando suddenly ordered Justin and Harry to pick up Viona's two sisters from England. After Jenni was kidnapped by her ex-lover, the two girls closed their muffin shop and only received pre-order in a smaller number than before. That was why Fernando asked his men to bring Viona's two adopted sisters to come to Ontario so they could live closer to Viona.

Shortly afterward, Fernando walked out to the meeting room followed by Justin and Harry, when the meeting took place Fernando did not talk as much as usual. He only spoke a few words when correcting the reports of several managers who made mistakes in making the report. Justin and Harry just smiled when they saw Fernando had turned into a cold unambitious person like a few months ago when he was not married to Viona.

An hour later, the meeting was finally over. All reports made by those who had presented in the meeting were asked to fix some errors on the reports according to the instructions given by Fernando. Everyone returned to their respective room including Fernando who immediately returned to his desk because they had to take care of several important files before he was officially nominated himself as a candidate for the parliamentarian to run in the elections in four months to represent the Ontario area. In this case, Fernando was certain that he would win.

When he was rereading the requirements that had been completed, Fernando suddenly surprised by the sudden opening of his office door from the outside, he was ready to throw tantrums at anyone who dared enough to disturb him in the room. But when he found out who opened the door to his office, he calmed down and smiled at the person who just came in.

"Hi, my brother-in-law. How are you doing?" Amina said, raising one hand in the air.

"Yo, what's up brother?" Jenni added in a rapper-style greeting to Fernando.

Fernando just smiled at the behavior of his two sisters-in-law, he then got up from his chair and walked to the door to welcome Jenny and Amina. He hugged them alternately like a brother who had been separated from his sisters for so long. He then invited them to sit down knowing that they must be tired after a long journey from England. Fernando then ordered his secretary to bring food for Amina and Jenny and a drink for himself.

"Was there a problem on the way here?" Fernando asked quietly as he put his glass on the table.

"No, the trip was okay. We don't find any trouble coming here," Amina answered quickly with a mouth full of food.

"There was no way a problem could occur, we fly all the way here using your private jet. So everything felt fast and smooth," Jenny added in reply to Amina's words.

"You guys are amazing, no wonder my wife cannot be separated from you. It turns out that you are very fun to be around with," Fernando replied with a smile.

Amina and Jenny just laughed softly in response to the words of their brother-in-law, they both continued to eat the food that had been prepared on the table by Fernando's secretary with full apatite since they had not eaten anything since their departure from England. The reason was that Jenny and Amina couldn't eat any food when they were going for a trip. If they ate something before boarding, they would surely get motion sickness. That was why they chose to hold back their hunger until they arrived in the country.

"How old is Viona's pregnancy now?" Jenny asked softly, wiping her mouth with a tissue when she finished eating.

"It's been five weeks," Fernando replied to her question quickly.

"Wow, that means Viona's stomach is getting bigger now?" Amina asked excitedly.

"It's not visible yet because she often skips a meal, she has such a low appetite during her pregnancy. I'm getting worried," Fernando replied softly, he recalled his fight with Viona once again.

Jenny and Amina immediately fell silent when they saw the change in Fernando's expression. They both looked at each other because they felt Fernando was hiding something from them.

"Are you fighting with Viona?" Jenny asked in a serious tone.

"No, we are not. We are fine," Fernando said while trying to smile.

"Yeah, of course we would believe that! Both you and Viona seem to be compatible with each other because you guys are not very good at lying," said Amina while holding back his laughter.

"What do you mean, Amina?" Fernando asked in an elevated tone.

"Don't lie to Amina, she is a psychology student at the moment. And she is very good at reading people's facial expressions," Jenny whispered to Fernando.

He immediately turned to look at Amina who was now standing in front of the mirror, he then smiled faintly because he realized that he was indeed lying to them by saying that he was fine when in fact his relationship with Viona was not okay. He then leaned back on the sofa while closing his eyes using his hands as support.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Jenny asked worriedly after seeing his reaction.

"I don't know where to start. I'm the one at fault this time," Fernando replied without opening his eyes.

"If you don't tell us everything, how can we give you the solution though?" Amina said softly as she observed Fernando's office thoroughly while walking around, she then smiled when she saw Viona and Fernando's wedding photos beautifully placed on his desk.

Hearing Amina's words, Fernando instantly got up and opened his eyes quickly, he then sat in an upright position on the chair while staring at Jenny sharply.

"What is it?" Amina asked suddenly as she lifted Fernando's candidacy registration form into the air.

"Oh, that is my registration form," Fernando replied.

Amina just froze at Fernando's words, she then walked to the sofa where Jenny and Fernando were sitting. Jenny grabbed the paper Amina was holding right when Amina was sitting next to her, Jenny's eyes widened when she saw that Fernando's name was already listed on the form as a parliamentary candidate in the election which will be held in four months.

"Are you going to participate in the election?" Jenny asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes and I plan to come to the government office to submit my documents which will be processed today. That way, my name can appear on the website for the election of parliamentarian," Fernando replied confidently.

"Does Viona know about this?" Jenny asked back quickly.

"Yeah, she knows about it, and…"

"In the end, both of you fought over this, right?" Amina said while cutting off Fernando.

Fernando raised his eyebrow at Amina's words, he was thinking how Amina could find out the reason they were fighting this time.

"How do you know that?" asked Fernando in response.

To be Continued

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