Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 232 - The Return Of The Lioness

Fernando was speechless when he heard Viona's words that rejected Fernando's plan to find her biological parents. He still couldn't understand why Viona didn't want to know her biological parents who had given birth to her in the world. 

"Mrs. Maria and her husband George are still your parents, but you also have to know who your real parents are, Babe," Fernando said softly while holding Viona's cold hand.

"Why should I look for parents who had abandoned me since I was a baby? Don't they really don't want me from the start? Then why am I'm trying to find them now? I just don't want to open up old wounds anymore," Viona replied in a barely audible voice.

"You hate both of your biological parents?" Fernando asked quietly.

"How can I hate them when I don't even know them. I just don't want to make this hard-to-heal heart to hurt again. Let Mrs. Maria and Mr. George fill the deepest hole in my heart, for me they are both my biological parents," Viona replied and looked into Fernando's eyes wistfully.

"Well, if that is your wish, I will not continue my search for your biological parents. From now on I will also consider Mrs. Maria and Mr. George as your biological parents," Fernando replied softly.

Viona nodded her head slowly in response to his words. She then paused in Fernando's arms, remembering her childhood with Mrs. Maria, whom she hadn't had the chance to make her happy. Smelling the scent of Fernando's body really made Viona feel comfortable. When she was about to close her eyes, suddenly she remembered the wound on Fernando's hand. She immediately opened her eyes quickly and was shocked when she saw that the wound on his hand was open again. She saw clearly that the white bandage had turned red because the wound on Fernando's hand was bleeding.

"Let's get up," said Viona quickly while standing up.

"What's wrong, Babe?" Fernando asked, confused.

"Come on, get up, don't talk much," Viona answered, as she tried to pull Fernando's hand to get up.

Fernando then followed his wife's order. He immediately got up from the floor and now stood facing her, as she stood there with her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong?" Fernando asked, confused because he saw anger in her eyes. 

"Sit on the bed and be quiet and don't talk much," she replied quickly as she walked away from him. 

Viona then walked to her equipment box which was stored in a special cupboard next to Fernando's desk. Soon she brought back a box of medical equipment complete with sealed alcohol. She also had brought a pair of special gloves that were used to treat patients.

On the bed Fernando looked confused when Viona took out her medical equipment again. He didn't realize that his hand was bleeding again.

"Give me your right hand," said Viona curtly.

"What's wrong with my right hand ..."

Fernando couldn't finish his words when he saw that the white bandage that William put on had turned red. He immediately smiled like a fool at Viona who was staring at him.

"You are really stupid," Viona said quickly as she opened the bandage on his hand with a pair of scissors.

"What is it, Babe? What are you talking about?" Fernando asked quietly because he didn't hear clearly what she said, as she had already worn a mask.

"Ouch ...!" Fernando shouted loudly when his injured hand was pressed violently by Viona.

"It hurts!" Fernando said pitifully.

"If it hurts, don't play tough. Do you really think this hand is made of steel that it won't hurt when it was hit with a bottle like that?" Viona replied quickly while pulling the mask.

Fernando immediately covered his mouth with his left hand when he heard Viona's words. He could only stay quiet when he saw Viona was removing the bandage and dressing his bleeding wound again. He even could only grimace silently when he felt the pain in his hand when Viona gave some ointment on William's stitches.

After putting the ointment on her husband's hand, Viona then wrap his wound with a new bandage. Before wrapping it with a bandage, she also covered her husband's wound with a foam dressing that could absorb fluid and keep the wound moist so that the liquid in the wound didn't evaporate too much and also prevent bacteria to enter into the wound. 

Fernando took a deep breath when he saw that she had finished taking care of his wounds and put her medical box back into the special cupboard, but his attention was again focused on her, as she carried an arm sling, a supporting tool commonly used by people who have broken hands. Therefore, he was confused when he saw his wife bringing the arm sling to him.

"What's this for, Babe?" Fernando asked in confusion when he saw Viona take out the arm sling from its place.

"Just shut up and don't be noisy!" Viona replied curtly as she kept trying to get the hand support out of its place.

Ten minutes later, the arm sling was attached to Fernando's injured right hand. Meanwhile, Fernando looked confused when he had to use the elbow brace. The reason was that he was only slightly injured on the back of his hand. It wasn't even broken or cracked, and the wound had been perfectly sewn up by William.

"Babe, my wound is only a minor wound, there was no broken or cracked bones that requires me to use a brace like this," Fernando said quietly to Viona, who was throwing away the packaging of the hand support that were now attached to Fernando's shoulders and hands.

"If you don't use a tool like that, I can't guarantee that the wound on your hand won't open again. That's why I deliberately put it on you to help your hand heal faster," Viona replied with a smile.

Even though in fact he still wanted to protest, but Fernando canceled his intention because he didn't want to find trouble again with Viona. He finally could only surrender and obeyed Viona's wish to use the hand support.

Fernando then took her down to the first floor after his invitation to take a vacation was rejected by her. She refused Fernando's invitation on the grounds that Fernando's hand was still hurt, so she didn't want to take risks and asked Fernando to just rest at home instead of going on vacation. When walking out of the room, some of the maids who were cleaning the hallway on the second floor looked surprised when they saw Fernando wearing a hand support, and so were the people on the first floor. Their mouths were opened wide when they saw Fernando come down from the stairs.

"What happened?" William asked quietly with confusion to Fernando.

"I don't know, I can only obey my wife's wishes." Fernando replied in a half whisper to William.

Viona only smiled thinly at the whispers of William and Fernando. She knew that William must be confirming why Fernando was using a hand support. Justin and Harry could only remain silent when they saw their master using a hand support and did not dare to speak. 

"Sis, why are you making him use a hand support?" Jenny asked Viona, who had just sat on the sofa without guilt.

Everyone in the room immediately looked at Jenny, including Fernando, who was shocked because he didn't expect Jenny to say that to Viona.

"What? Why are you all looking at me? Is there something wrong?" Jenny asked quickly when she saw everyone glowering at her.

Amina, who realized the situation, immediately pulled Jenny away from the living room. She was a little annoyed with her little sister.

"Why are you pulling me, Amina?" Jenny asked irritably as she tried to get her hand out of Amina's grip.

"You've been annoying for a while now, Jen," Amina answered in a half whisper, while glancing at Viona, who was sitting on the sofa while enjoying almonds.

"What did I do that's annoying? I don't understand, Amina!!" Jenny fiercely with exasperation.

"Why do you have to ask about the support device used by brother-in-law? Let Sis Vio put it on! Do you really want to get scolded by Sis Vio too?!" Amina said in a rising tone.

Jenny immediately closed her mouth when she realized her mistake. She immediately looked at Viona, who was sitting casually on the sofa.

"Ouch, Sis Vio is angry with me, isn't she?" Jenny asked softly.

"Just pray that she isn't ... I can't guarantee that," Amina replied curtly with a forced smile.

"Amina, I'm serious ..."

"Amina, Jenny let's eat!" Viona called then in a loud voice, that made Jenny unable to finish her words.

"Yes, Sis," Amina and Jenny replied simultaneously.

They both walked to the dining room while everyone else was also went to the same direction, including Viona, who walked in front. When she arrived at the dining table, everyone sat on the chairs previously prepared by the maids.

"Give Master's plate to me, Teddy," Viona said quietly, as she opened the napkin on her plate with slowly.

"Sorry Madam ...

"Give your master plate to me, I will feed him, Teddy," Viona said, repeating her previous words.

"Babe …"

"Why? Is there a problem?" Viona asked coldly, as she looked at Fernando.

Fernando immediately shook his head when he saw Viona glared at him. Without daring to utter a word, he finally could only obey Viona's wishes and accepted a mouthful after a mouthful from Viona in front of everyone.

"There goes my pride," Fernando thought as he opened his mouth as Viona feed him with a chunk of roast beef.

To be Continued

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