Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 237 - Louisa's Promise

After putting her shopping in the pantry, Louisa then got out of her new apartment because she wanted to meet the prospective buyer of her old apartment. Using a taxi, Louisa went to a restaurant that she and the prospective buyer agreed to meet at. Many have asked Louisa about her old apartment, but she hadn't found a suitable buyer and only one week ago she found a newlywed couple who was interested in buying her place.

"Thank you, Sir," said Louisa quietly as she handed the money to the taxi driver.

"You're welcome, Ma'am," the driver replied with a smile, since Louisa got into the taxi he couldn't take off his eyes from Louisa's sexy chest who looked challenging.

Louisa quickly got out of the taxi because she felt uncomfortable since she got in. She felt that the taxi driver was behaving inappropriately because he kept stealing glances at her through the rearview mirror. Louisa walked a little faster into the restaurant where the prospective buyer was waiting and she didn't forget to tidy up her coat so that her body didn't look too sexy. Louisa's sexy breasts looked bigger than other normal women and she got it from her mother's genetics. She could get such great size even without breast implant surgery.

She often felt uncomfortable at first because she felt that the size of her breasts looked bigger than other women. However, since her ex-lover named Eduardo praised her, she slowly became more confident. In the end, she found out that Eduardo had been approaching her just because he wanted to have sex with her to satisfy his lust only. Not because he was in love with her.

"Thank you, I hope you guys like the apartment," said Louisa while shaking the hands of a husband and wife in front of him who had already paid her in full.

"You're welcome, Miss Louisa, we already like it when we see the photos from the first time you post it on the apartment buying and selling forum," said one of them, the other seemed to agree with that statement as well.

Louisa smiled at the words of the husband and wife in front of her, she then handed over the key to her apartment to the two of them after she confirmed that the money had been transferred to her account.

They then separated after all matters were settled because Louisa still had a lot of things to do in her new apartment. Louisa wanted to go home, but her steps stopped when she heard laughter from a man she knew very well. Even the smell of the perfume from the man was very familiar to her. She canceled her intention to turn around because she saw Ammy was walking towards her.

"Frank…" Louisa said to herself with teary eyes as she tried to cover her face with the collar of the coat she was wearing when she saw Ammy walking over to Frank who was standing not far from her.

"I hope you are now happy, Frank. I will try to forget you from now on even though it feels so hard to do so," Louisa sobbed quietly while holding back tears when she saw the man she loved hugging another woman in front of her.

Because she couldn't stand it, Louisa finally ran away from the restaurant because she didn't want to see the intimacy of the man she still loved with the woman she knew very well. While still holding back the crying, Louisa stood on the side of the road and managed to stop a taxi to get back to her new apartment. Along the way, her tears flowed non-stop and she could not control her emotions.

"Do you want some tissues, Miss?" said the friendly taxi driver as she handed a box of tissue to Louisa.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Louisa replied quietly as she received the tissue given by the female taxi driver who took her home to the apartment.

"You're welcome, Miss, you are still so young and beautiful, I hope you are not crying just because of a man. Look at me, even though I'm only a taxi driver but I've been married three times, Miss," said the taxi driver back with a laugh, trying to comfort Louisa.

"I know, Ma'am. I have promised that this is the last time I cry for that man," Louisa replied while stammering.

The female taxi driver smiled back after hearing such a response from Louisa, as a result, they talked a lot along the way so that Louisa forgot what she had just seen at the restaurant.

"We've arrived, Louisa," said the driver happily.

"Thank you, Mrs. Pamela, if you have time you can stop by the hospital where I work. We can meet and talk there," Louisa replied quietly as she handed over the money to the driver.

"I still want to live healthily, Doc. So I don't want to come to the doctor's hospital," Pamela, the taxi driver said jokingly.

"Hahaha, you are so good at making jokes. You don't have to be a patient to come to the hospital, right? Thank you though, Mrs. Pamela for taking me home, I'll go now," said Louisa while giving a tip to Mrs. Pamela.

"Ma'am, this is too much I think…"

"Just take it, you can use it for you and your children. I will excuse myself now, goodbye," Louisa said quietly as she interrupted the taxi driver.

Pamela smiled gratefully when seeing the ten-dollar bill that Louisa had just given, she felt very lucky because of the tip given by Louisa because the taxi cost was only eight dollars. After wiping the tears, Pamela stepped on the gas of her car, she then left Louisa's new apartment to continue her work.

"I should be happy just like what Pamela said earlier, I believe there will be an angelic prince who will accept me as I am," Louisa said to herself as she walked to her apartment.

Along the way to her apartment, the taxi driver named Pamela told Louisa about her life story, she shared many things about what had happened during her marriage. She even told Louisa that she had been married more than five times. Therefore, she encouraged Louisa to be optimistic about life since there were still many men who will accept her sincerely regardless of her condition.

After hearing this, Louisa calmed down a little and the fear in her deepest heart gradually disappeared. She had always thought that there would be no man who would accept her broken condition like this. Her last experience with Frank, who only used her body, made her even more afraid to love again. However, after hearing the story and the enthusiasm given by Mrs. Pamela she just met seconds ago, she became more excited again. She was now so sure that there would be a man who would truly be sincere to her.

She suddenly realized that she had a lot of work to do in her new apartment and she accelerated her pace. Her feet headed into the building and she could not wait to lay down on her bed. Her eyes felt very heavy this morning after she woke up at three in the morning after hearing the commotion going on in front of her old apartment room that she had sold today.

"Hi Lou," Robert said to Louisa who was standing in front of the elevator.

"Oh, hi Robert," Louisa said, she was stuttered in surprise when she saw Robert was already standing beside her.

"Are you okay?" Robert asked Louisa.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Louisa replied quickly.

"Your eyes are so red and your face looks pale too," Robert said softly.

"Oh yeah, I slept late last night and woke up at three in the morning because I needed to take care of many things, now I'm like a zombie," Louisa said jokingly with a big laugh, she then stepped into the elevator when the door had just opened.

"Take care of your health, Lou. If you don't take care of yourself who will do it then? It's not like you have a husband who will help you out all the time," Robert was fierce and full of emotion to Louisa while following the woman into the elevator.

Louisa immediately fell silent when she heard Robert's last words, she did not expect to hear such advice from someone she just met. An awkward atmosphere emerged when the people who were in the elevator got off one by one, leaving only Louisa and Robert. The elevator door finally opened after they arrived on the ninth floor. Robert instantly came out quickly, leaving Louisa behind without speaking. Seeing Robert's change in attitude made Louisa confused. She didn't understand what kind of mistake she had made that Robert got that angry.

"You are such a strange man," said Louisa quietly when he saw Robert leave.

She also stepped into her room which was to the left of the elevator while Robert's apartment unit was on the right. After entering her apartment room, Louisa quickly arranged her clothes into the wardrobe. She also put several photos of herself with her parents on the table, she didn't have many items so it wasn't tough for her to move to the new apartment this time.

One hour later, all the clothes in her two large suitcases were placed neatly in the cupboard. Some of the glassware in the third suitcase was neatly arranged on the table near the bed. Because she was too tired, she finally fell asleep in her new soft bed without eating. Her drowsiness overcame her hunger.

Global Bross Hospital

The morning atmosphere at the Global Bros Hospital looked more noisy than usual, some of the staff who had heard the rumors circulating seemed to be chatting with other friends to share the gossip again. Louisa, who had just come in, looked confused when she saw many people chatting in the hallway towards the locker, taking several days off making her miss a lot of information circulating in the hospital.

"So, Cecilia got married?" Louisa asked in surprise to Nurse Chloe.

"Yes, Cecilia is currently enjoying her honeymoon with her husband so that the last few days Professor Frank has taken over her duties," Chloe replied without any enthusiasm because she felt exhausted after working with Professor Frank for the last few days, someone who was known to be a perfectionist.

"No wonder there were so many people gossiping around when I came, they were talking about this then?" said Cecilia, recalling when she first came to the hospital this morning.

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked again, she was confused about the direction of Cecilia's conversation.

"I mean, about Professor Frank who took over Cecilia's duties because she got married," Louisa replied quickly.

"I think they were not talking about that, there is something else," said Chloe with a laugh.

"Oh, I feel more and more confused when talking about rumors like this. We better get ready immediately because the meeting will start soon," Louisa said, changing the conversation as she walked to the locker room.

She didn't like gossip at all, so she was not interested in what was being discussed by some of the staff she had seen earlier when she walked to the locker room. Chloe laughed seeing Louisa sulking, she then went into the locker room to change into her official clothes because the morning briefing schedule will begin in the main meeting room.

After changing clothes, Chloe walked with Louisa to the meeting room together with other staff including Ammy and her assistant who looked very flirtatious. Many staff did not like Ammy and her assistant but they couldn't do anything because she was currently being supported by Professor Frank.

Since Viona stopped working, Ammy seemed more arrogant and pretentious, she even dared to give orders to the young doctors who were interning at Global Bros Hospital. Even when Viona was still working at the hospital, she didn't dare to do that at all. So, many staff missed Viona's presence in the hospital.

The staff entered the meeting room one by one including several high-ranking officials who walked to their respective seats. An MC who was in charge of leading the meeting looked ready on the stand while holding a microphone. After making a small talk, the MC gave information that shocked many people, especially Louisa, who didn't know anything at all. Shortly thereafter, the MC gave a microphone to Professor Dexter who would make an important announcement.

"Thank you for your time and for shortening this meeting. Without further ado, I will introduce the surgeon to change the position of Doctor Viona. As we all know that her position is currently vacant, especially after Doctor Cecilia got married and decided to take leave for a honeymoon. The executive members and shareholders held a meeting and we came out with this decision. We would like to introduce the new doctor who will fill the vacant position." Professor Dexter said aloud.

"Please, give a big round of applause for the Doctor..."

Doctor Louisa looked surprised when she saw a doctor who was called in by Professor Dexter.

To be Continued

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