Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 248 - The Biggest Fear

Viona immediately fell silent as soon as she realized that she had just blurted out. She slowly closed her mouth with one hand. Meanwhile, Fernando was staring at her with a sharp gaze, like a tiger staring at its prey. 

"Do you want to be honest or should I find it out myself?" Fernando said coldly as he continued to glare at Viona, who was in his arms. 

"We'll talk inside, okay?" Viona replied haltingly. 

Fernando immediately stepped into the house when he heard Viona's words, without saying any word. Meanwhile, Viona was racking her brain to find an excuse that could make Fernando not angry. However, she knew that whatever excuse she made would definitely make her husband angry. Therefore, she planned to tell the truth to avoid even bigger problems coming because in this case she was also guilty. Fernando slowly lowered her on the sofa in the living room. He sat next to her, folded his arms in his chest, waiting for the answer he wanted to hear. 

"Speak, I'm ready to hear it," Fernando said expressionlessly. 

"Um ... but promise me first," Viona replied softly. 

"What promise?" Fernando asked impatiently.

"Promise me that you won't be angry at me," she answered quickly, as she moved her seat away from him.

Fernando raised one eyebrow to see her changed seats. He finally moved closer to Viona who moved towards the end of the sofa. She finally resigned when Fernando got closer to her again. She really had no way out of getting away from Fernando. 

"If you want to talk, just talk, you don't need to sit away like that from me," Fernando said quickly as he put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him again. 

"Ah ... don't hug me like that, I can't breathe," she replied while looking at him, trying to get away from his embrace. 

Fernando finally let go of his right hand which he used to embrace Viona. When he was about to sit back down, he suddenly realized there was something strange about his wife's clothes. He repeatedly swept Viona's body with his death gaze from toe to head. 

"I know you have something you're hiding from me, Babe, now you better tell me honestly or I will find out myself. But if I found out what it is that you hide it in my own way, then you have to accept the consequences," said Fernando with an elevated tone, as he continued to stare into Viona's eyes, which seemed to be hiding something. 

"How can I talk if you haven't agreed to what I ask you to," Viona replied quickly. 

"What do you mean, Babe? I really don't understand ..." 

"Promise me, I want you to promise me not to be angry before I start talking," Viona screamed, quickly cutting his words.

"Oh promise, okay, I'll promise you I won't be angry," said Fernando quickly. 

He could not wait to hear what his wife was going to tell him. Instead of starting to speak, Viona actually lifted one pinky finger in the air and asked Fernando to tie his pinky finger on Viona's little finger to seal the deal. It was a promise. Fernando quickly hooked the little finger of his right hand to her little finger, which was already in front of him. 

"Are you satisfied?" Fernando asked Viona, while removing his pinky finger from Viona's finger. 

Viona smiled at her husband's words, she then sighed while closing her eyes briefly to assure herself that everything would be all right if she spoke honestly to the husband. 

"After you left for work, it wasn't long before I went outside to get some fresh air without anyone knowing." Viona said quickly without pause. 

"Babe, this is not a fast-talking race!! Try speaking slowly so I can hear it properly," Fernando replied, holding Viona's cheeks gleefully. 

"This morning after you left for the office, I went out to get some fresh air and to look for some snacks alone without any escort," Viona said, repeating her previous words.

"Where did you go?" Fernando asked quickly, as he removed his hand from Viona's face in shock. 

"I went out looking for food outside then I went to the shop, forgive Jenny and Amina ..." 

"Wait, wait, wait ... do you mean you went for a walk without anyone's company?! Is that what you mean, Babe?" said Fernando, cutting off Viona's words quickly.

"Yeah, I only went to two places, I went to a restaurant that sells Split Pea Soup and then went to my sisters' muffin shop," Viona replied quickly.

"Then how did you get out of the house without anyone knowing?" Fernando asked again. 

Viona smiled thinly at the words of her husband. She finally told him in detail how earlier she got out of the house without being noticed by all the maids. Fernando, who was listening to her, could only swallow his saliva because he could not believe that his wife got into a dirty box car to get out of the house. 

When Viona had finished, he then grabbed his cell phone and called William to come to his house immediately. He also asked all the bodyguards who were guarding at the gate to gather together because he wanted to ascertain how they worked so far. Viona was silent when she saw Fernando standing without speaking with his hands on his hips in front of her, while waiting for the bodyguards to gather in the living room. 

"I want to know how you guys work all this time," Fernando said in a raised voice when he saw that all of his bodyguards had gathered in front of him. 

"We use the shifting system three times, sir, and for our outpost, there are five people on guard," Bruno replied quickly. 

"Then how do you check the people or guests who come to the house every day?" Fernando asked more specifically. 

"Of course we check the car, sir, from the trunk to the inside of the car using sniffer dogs to check for explosives," said Roger, Bruno's assistant, firmly. 

"Really? Then how do you explain what had happened today?" Fernando said coldly. 

The bodyguards who were standing in front of Fernando seemed confused by the master's words. They didn't understand what their master meant. 

"Do you know that my wife today went out of the house by hiding in the box car that I called here to build my baby's room on the second floor?" said Fernando in a rising voice. 


"Madame went out hiding in the box car?" 

"This is serious! How could we not see it earlier when we clearly checked it?" 

The bodyguards whispered to each other with puzzled faces, while Viona, who was sitting on the sofa, felt guilty for putting them in big trouble. She could only remain silent and did not dare to speak because she knew that Fernando was angry. 

"Teddy, go and take the CCTV footage this morning when the box car came out, I wanted to see if they really checked the box car or not," Fernando said softly giving orders for Teddy to go to the CCTV control room to take the footage for this morning. 

"Yes sir." Teddy answered quickly. 

Teddy immediately went to the CCTV control room according to the orders given by Fernando. After Teddy left, the atmosphere in the living room was quiet, because no one spoke, including Fernando. He just stared far ahead where the door of his house was wide open. He was waiting for William to come to his house to check on Viona. 

Soon Teddy returned to the living room with a laptop on his left hand. He then placed the laptop on top of the table and played the footage from the CCTV cameras at the main gate as the box car containing furniture for the nursery left. It could be seen clearly in the recording how the three bodyguards who were guarding the front gate were seen checking the box car by opening the rear door, they were even seen going inside. Fernando finally believed that his bodyguards were doing what he had said before. 

"If you did go inside to check the box car, did you not find my wife there?" Fernando asked back while glancing at Viona who was sitting silently. 

"No, Sir. I really did not see Madam in the box car, because the container were full of boxes which were neatly piled up so I did not suspect anything, Sir," replied a bodyguard who was on guard at the gate, looking down in fear. 

"Okay, I trust you. Please go back to your respective guardhouses. And Bruno, bring ten more guard dogs to help you guard around this house, especially in the front gate, put 4 guard dogs there and do a more detailed check of every car that comes in and out of the mansion," said Fernando firmly. 

"Yes sir," All the bodyguards, 15 people in total, answered simultaneously. 

Because Fernando had ordered the bodyguards who were guarding the house to return to their respective places, the living room was empty, leaving Fernando and Viona alone. 

"Why would you do such a dangerous thing, Babe? Aren't you afraid of being kidnapped by them? Don't you consider how I would be if it happened?" said Fernando in a low voice as he put his hands on his face. 

"But you can see that I'm okay," Viona answered without guilt while laughing broadly. 

"Babe ... I'm serious!" He shrieked in a rising voice as he turned to Viona with teary eyes. 

"I will go crazy if something bad happens to you, Babe," Fernando added in a barely audible voice. 

"Sorry ... I'm sorry that I was naughty..."

To be Continued

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