Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 250 - Little Secret

Viona swallowed her saliva slowly, her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat and couldn't come out. Seeing Fernando's face scared her, she then turned to William as if she was asking for help. William, who was staring at her, immediately understood the gesture in Viona's eyes. He then walked and approached Viona and sat next to her. As soon as William sat near her, she quickly grabbed the pen in the doctor's shirt pocket and began writing in the handsome doctor's hand quickly, giving a message for him to read when she had gone to the second floor.

"Okay, I understand," William whispered quietly as he read Viona's last writing on his hand.

Viona nodded slowly, she then got up from the sofa and walked slowly towards the stairs and slowly went up to the second floor. Fernando, who did not understand, was only confused when he saw Viona left the two of them in the living room without speaking. He then turned to the Wiliam in confusion, trying to get an explanation from his best friend.

"Come here," said William quietly, asking Fernando to sit next to him.

Without being ordered twice, Fernando then shifted and sat next to William, where Viona had been sitting before.

"What's up, Will?" Asked Fernando, curious.

"I don't understand either, but earlier your wife wrote something in my hand and asked me to read it when she went up to the second floor," William answered quietly, showing the little note that Viona had written on his hand.

"Alright then, let's open your palms ..."

Fernando could not decipher his words, when he saw Viona's writing on Williams's palm.

"A secret room ... is there a secret room in your house?" William asked, surprised, when he read Viona's writing on his palm, which said that In the wine cellar there was a secret room.

Instead of answering the personal doctor's question, Fernando got up from the sofa and ran towards the wine cellar while shouting at everyone to head to the wine cellar following him. Everyone who heard Fernando's shout immediately ran. They quickly headed to the wine cellar, including William, who ran right behind Fernando.

"Unlock it," Fernando said, giving orders to his bodyguards to open the lock that was installed on the door to the cellar where his wine was stored.

"Yes sir," Bruno replied quickly. 

As soon as the door opened directly into the wine cellar, Fernando was quickly followed by the William behind, and some bodyguards.

"Find out if there are secret doors in this cellar," Fernando said aloud.

"Yes, Sir," everyone who had entered the wine cellar replied in unison.

Not long after, they looked for the secret door ordered by the master. Even though in fact they didn't know what the great master was talking about. After searching for almost five minutes, no one saw nor found the secret door mentioned by Fernando.

"Get your feet up, Fernando," said William quietly, as he looked at Fernando's feet, which were treading on the asymmetrical floor.

Fernando, who was shocked, immediately looked at his feet and saw what William saw. He saw that the floor he was stepping on looked asymmetrical and like there was a large enough cavity from another floor.

"Master, step aside from the floor. I think that's the secret door. I'm afraid it will collapse if you stand on it," said Bruno half shouting, because he was afraid that Fernando would fall down if it was true that what he was stepping on was the secret door.

"Come here you fool," shouted William loudly, as he pulled Fernando's hand to move from the floor.

As soon as Fernando moved away, the bodyguards immediately gathered on the floor that Fernando had previously stepped on. They quickly tried to lift the floor and the result was really surprising, because the floor turned out to cover a hole large enough to be entered by an adult male. Everyone in the room looked surprised, including Fernando, he couldn't believe that in his house there was a secret door that he didn't know.

"Sir, let me go in and check things out down there," said Bruno, asking permission from Fernando.

"Be careful, Bruno," William replied quickly, to replace Fernando, who still looked surprised.

Bruno nodded his head slowly then started to go downstairs using the light from the cell phone as lighting. He slowly descended the stairs which were stuck on the wall.

"Master, I have reached the bottom, I will follow this tunnel," said Bruno from inside the tunnel in an echoing voice.

Soon Bruno was out of sight, the sound of his footsteps began to disappear. The other two bodyguards immediately descended down following Bruno, afraid that something might happen to the head of the bodyguards, who had come down earlier.

Fernando, who was very surprised, seemed speechless, only his sharp eyes could be seen clearly. A cold aura emanated from Fernando's body which could be felt by everyone, including William, who didn't seem brave enough to reprimand his friend. They all fell silent waiting for Bruno and his two men to come out of the newly found dungeon.

While everyone was quiet, suddenly the footsteps of the three people hurrying over were heard inside the wine cellar.

"Bruno!" William shrieked in surprise when he saw that Bruno, who had recently entered the dungeon, was coming from the outside.

"It is a secret door, sir. The secret door is connected to a sewer outside," said Bruno in a faltering voice.

"What do you mean, Bruno?" Asked Fernando coldly.

Bruno then explained in detail to Fernando slowly. He explained the conditions in the dungeon along the tunnel until finally he found another hole that was none other than the end of the tunnel.

"So you mean that the underground passage is enough for one person to stand while walking?" Fernando asked in an elevated tone.

"Yes sir, even the street below is also well lit because sunlight can enter through the gaps above the underground passage," Bruno replied.

Fernando almost fell if he was not held by William, who was standing next to him. His body was shaking which showed that he was very angry right now.

"Fernando remember you have to be patient ..."

"Viona!!!" Fernando shouted loudly, cutting off William's words, as he ran out of the wine cellar to the main house.

to be continued

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