Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 278 - The Result Of Forbidden Intercourse

After escorting Robert away in an ambulance, Louisa then returned to her apartment to get ready to go to Cecilia's reception party. She had to come early to the party to accompany Cecilia. She chose not to immediately wear her beautiful gown for fear of being the attention of people on the street. 

She only wore light make-up when going to the event, with a bag containing her party gown that she bought when she went with Cecilia. She sent a message to Frank, informing him that she was going to Cecilia and Andrew's reception, so she wouldn't upset her fiancé. 

After driving for nearly thirty minutes, finally the taxi that Louisa was in arrived at the venue. When she went inside, no guests had arrived, because the event was still three hours away. Louisa immediately went to the room where Cecilia was being made up. Her arrival made Cecilia happy. 

"What can I do for you?" asked Louisa with a smile, while patting the shoulder of Cecilia who was sitting in front of a dresser. 

"Nothing. Come sit next to me. You also have to be done up, Lou," Cecilia replied cheerfully, pointing to the chair next to her. 

"But ..."

"Sit here, Lou," said Andrew quickly, as he got up from his chair and invited Louisa to sit down.

"Thank you," said Louisa briefly with a smile. 

Andrew, who had previously sat next to Cecilia, who was being made up, finally went aside because he didn't want to disturb his wife and her best friend. He chose to sit by the window reading articles that passed by on the internet. His attention was immediately drawn to an article that caught his eyes. It was the news about Frank's engagement to a woman who was still mysterious. Frank, whom he hated so much for being the cause of his only sister's death a few years ago. 

"This devil seems to be tired of looking for his prey. Pooh! Only a stupid woman who wants to be his wife," Andrew said in a heart full of hatred. He then put down his cell phone after deleting the article he had just read. Andrew then chose to eat first before the event started, so he wouldn't be starved. 

A luxury car carrying Fernando and Frank finally stopped at an old cemetery complex in the western suburb of the city. Not long after, the two brothers got out of their car. Walking side by side, they headed to the entrance of the cemetery. Only important people could be buried in that place. So it was not surprising that many officers were on guard. 

At first, Fernando just wanted to go to the cemetery by himself. But because he saw his younger brother had come to the office, he finally decided to take him too, especially since this was the first time Frank visited the grave of Jacob Gray Willan, their biological father, who had died several years ago. 

"Put these flowers at daddy's grave," Fernando said quietly, handing Frank a bouquet of flowers who was standing behind him. 

"No, you just do it yourself. Besides, he's dead, so actually he doesn't need flowers," Frank replied curtly. 

Fernando sighed at Frank's words. He knew that his brother had not forgiven his father until this moment. Fernando held his anger in order not to explode, because for him to see Frank was willing to go to their father's grave, Frank had already made a rapid progress. Fernando slowly put the flower bouquet he had bought earlier on the street above his father's grave, which still looked very neat, because he ordered a special officer to take care of it. 

"Because of your selfishness, you ended up like this, Jacob," said Frank, coldly insulted his father. 

"Frank …" 

"Alright, alright, alright," said Frank quickly. 

Fernando returned to focus on praying, even though he rarely went to church, but he knew that when he was at the grave, he would definitely pray for his father, the man who made him exist in the world. Meanwhile, Frank only looked at the tombs in the complex with a cynical smile on his face. 

"Only selfish people choose to be buried in this place," said Frank quietly, staring at the graves. 

"They have money to choose where to bury themselves, Frank, so we can't judge them like that," Fernando replied. quickly. 

"Yes, I know, you are a big supporter of people like them. Never mind, let's go. I'm getting sick of being here. The atmosphere really makes me uncomfortable," said Frank quickly as he walked away from his father's grave without looking back. 

Fernando just smiled at the words of his younger brother. He finally left his father's grave after his younger brother left. 

"Where are we going?" asked Frank curiously, seeing that there was still a bouquet of flowers in the front seat next to the driver. 

"To Mom's grave." Fernando replied briefly. 

"I want to know why you took me to a place like this. It's really very strange to see you take me to their grave. What is your goal, Fernando?" Frank asked dryly. 

He really hated their parents, especially when he found out that his parents were involved in a scandal with his uncle, who was the first love of his mother, who had given birth to them both. 

"In the past, after I proposed to Viona, she invited me to go to the grave of her adoptive mother. Therefore, I want to do the same now by inviting you to go to the graves of our parents," Fernando replied quickly, staring at Frank's face meaningfully. 

"After all, you're a jerk, Fernando. Why do you bring Viona's name right now? Do you want to test whether I still like Viona or not?!!" Frank said fiercely with a rising tone. 

"It's not like that, Frank. I have no intention to do that kind of thing. I'm sure this time you really love Louisa and you will never bother my wife again," said Fernando with a smile on his face. 

Hearing his brother's words made Frank speechless. He then turned his face toward the window, staring at the trees that flourished along the path they were passing. 

"At least when you want to start your new life with the woman you love, you have to give the happy news to our parents, Frank," Fernando said quietly, breaking the silence in the car. 

"I don't have to tell them. They are long dead anyway, so they won't know what I'm doing here now," Frank replied quickly without turning to Fernando, who was staring at him from behind. 

"I know you really hate our parents. But you have to remember, without them, we would never be in this world, Frank. No matter how bad they are, they are still our parents," said Fernando quietly, tapping Frank on the shoulder. 

"You are very good at talking, Fernando," pouted Frank. 

Fernando only sighed at the words of his younger brother. They both then fell silent again all the way to the grave of their mother which was located quite far from the grave of their father. Arriving at the grave of their mother, Frank walked ahead of Fernando. He smiled faintly when he reached their mother's grave, which was next to the grave of their uncle, who was his mother's first love. 

"All of you are the most selfish people I know," murmured Frank dryly. 

"Frank ..." 

"Honestly I'm very embarrassed by their behavior. Why did they have to be selfish like that? Isn't mother the legal wife of Dad? Then why did she choose to be buried with uncle?! If people didn't know, they would think that mother was uncle's wife," said Frank quickly.

"I know, but it can't be helped. This is an agreement between Mom and Dad when they were alive, so we can't say anything, Frank," Fernando said trying to calmly answer his younger brother's words.

"Never mind, Fernando, I don't want to argue with you again. It's better to quickly leave this place before I get angry at you. I have to immediately catch up with Louisa," Frank replied flatly.

"Catching up Louisa? Where did your fiancée go?" Asked Fernando curiously.

"Following her to the apartment, of course. Do you think she can go anywhere else if ..." Frank couldn't finished his words because the cell phone in his pocket was vibrating. 

He then reached for his cell phone to see who was calling him. Frank's expression immediately changed when he read the message that came in his cell phone. He then turned quickly to face Fernando, who was standing behind him. 

"Looks like you have to come with me too, Fernando," said Frank with a knowing smile. 

"What do you mean?" asked Fernando, confused. 

"Looks like your wife will come to Andrew's reception party and ...." 


To be Continued

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