Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 280 - Can’t Stop Being Jealous

Fernando headed home escorted by several police cars in front and behind him, he immediately remembered his goal of returning home when the police asked him. He almost forgot that Viona was going to Andrew and Cecilia's wedding reception. On the way home, Fernando just sat in the back and let Luke drive the car. 

"Isn't this too much?" asked Frank quietly as he looked at the four police cars escorting them. 

"I didn't order this, they were the ones who kept insisting to escort me," Fernando replied without guilt. 

"You are so annoying, Fernando." Frank sneered. 

Fernando fell silent to hear his brother's words, he was in a bad mood and didn't want to waste any energy to debate with him. He also couldn't wait to go home to meet Viona, that was why he didn't contact her to test whether she appreciated him as a husband or not. 

After traveling for almost twenty minutes, the motorcade escorting Fernando finally arrived at his mansion. Several bodyguards who were on guard at the front gate were shocked when they saw two police cars pull up at the gate. They were initially hesitant to open the door, but after seeing Fernando's car arrive, they quickly opened the gate for the policemen to enter. 

After arriving at the lobby of his mansion, Fernando got out of the car and entered his house, leaving the policemen who had escorted him home without speaking. From the look on his face, it could be seen that he was not in a good mood.

"I am Franklin, on behalf of my brother I want to thank all of you who have escorted us home safely," said Frank politely to thank the police for guarding them home. 

"You're welcome Professor, this is also part of our duty as public servants. I would like to thank and apologize to Mr. Fernando for making him uncomfortable before," replied Keanu, the young police officer who led the motorcade.

Frank only smiled slightly at Keanu's words, he then stepped up the stairs to see the policemen leaving the Fernando residence one by one in their respective cars. Not long after the police left the house and no longer visible, Frank went into the house following Fernando, who had gotten inside first. 

It had been a long time since Frank didn't come to his brother's mansion, a smile crossed his face when he saw Fernando and Viona's large wedding photo, which was proudly hung on the wall of the living room. 

"What are you doing here?" asked Frank, he was surprised when he saw Fernando sit on the sofa in the living room. 

"I thought she didn't appreciate me, Frank, I was wrong," Fernando replied quickly as he closed his eyes and leaned back on the sofa he was sitting on. 

"What do you mean?" asked Frank again, he was not sure he got the message Fernando was trying to deliver.

"Before you told me that Viona was invited to Cecilia and Andrew's wedding reception, I already knew about it since last night when Viona told me this. She said that she had received an invitation from Cecilia, but at that time I had not given her permission to go. That's why when you said that Viona was going to leave, I immediately remembered our conversation that night, I rushed home to make sure whether she respects me as a husband or not. And it turned out that I worry too much about her," Fernando replied with a smile while opening his eyes.

Professor Frank, who did not understand the direction of Fernando's conversation, was silent while tilting his head to the right with eyes that looked confused. Fernando just laughed when he saw his younger brother's expression. He then explained slowly the meaning of his previous words. 

"Are you saying that you were rushing to go home just to make sure whether Viona went to the reception or not?" asked Frank, clarifying what Fernando just said.

"That's correct," Fernando replied briefly. 

"And you've confirmed that Viona didn't go to that reception? Is that what you are saying?" said Frank quickly. 

"Apparently she did not go to their wedding, I've checked it and she's sleeping in the bedroom soundly but…"

"But? What are you going to say, Fernando? If you want to tell the story clearly, don't cut it like this. You annoy me!!" Frank fiercely cut Fernando's words because he went on and on slowly instead of telling the entire story.

"I found a beautiful dress that she prepared beforehand as well as a pair of shoes. I suspect that Viona wanted to go but she canceled it because she didn't get my permission. She might wait for me to go home until she fell asleep," Fernando said softly with a smile.

"So she wants... "

"Yes, she was waiting for me to give her permission. I thought Viona would just leave, but she didn't," said Fernando, interrupting Frank's words. 

When the two brothers were talking, Teddy arrived with a tray of drinks and snacks that had been prepared by the other waiters in the pantry. He smiled at the conversation between the two young Willan, it had been a long time since the last time he saw the two young masters chatting so casually. Every time Frank came to Fernando's mansion, he would get angry and Fernando would just do the same. He will not warmly welcome his younger brother to his house.

"Madam was actually ready to go, Sir," said Teddy suddenly to join in the conversation. 

"What do you mean Teddy?" asked Fernando quickly, raising one of his eyebrows. 

"One hour ago, Madam got a call from Louisa who said that she had arrived at the venue. At that time, Madam had just returned from Miss Jenny and Amina's cafe with two boxes of muffins that she made herself there. She went straight to her room, leaving the box filled with muffins on the table. Twenty minutes later, Madam came down wearing a party dress and brought a pair of shoes in her hand. But, she stopped in front of the door as if she remembered something, she then sat on the sofa for almost fifteen minutes or so. After that, Madam went up to the room and did not come out again until now, Sir," Teddy replied quickly, retelling the story of what happened earlier before Fernando went home. 

"She was waiting for my permission, Teddy," said Fernando with a smile. "She didn't go because I didn't let him. That's why she went back to her room even though she was ready to go," added Fernando.

Teddy nodded his head slowly in response to Fernando's words, while Frank was silent at his brother's explanation. There was jealousy building inside of him when he heard the entire story from Teddy. He believed that no woman would cancel her plan to attend a party when she was already dressed up like that, just like how Teddy said to him and Fernando. 

Frank then got up from the chair and grabbed Fernando by the collar. Fernando was shocked by what Frank did, he could feel that Frank was suddenly angry at him. Soon, Frank hit him on the face. Teddy who was still in the room could only remain silent to see his employer being hit by Professor Frank. He couldn't do anything because Frank's movement was very fast and everything happened in seconds.

"Arrgghhhh… CIH… what are you doing Frank!!!" shouted Fernando while spitting on the floor because he felt blood coming out of his mouth after being hit by Frank.

"You have to take good care of Viona, you don't deserve to have her as your wife. Viona is too good for a bastard like you!!" said Frank angrily, a fire of jealousy was seen inside his eyes. 

Fernando's heart started beating fast when he heard what Frank said, his emotions immediately disappeared with a strange feeling when he realized what Frank meant. 

"You ..." 

"Yes, I'm jealous of you, bastard. You are very lucky to find a woman as good as Viona. That woman should have been my wife hadn't you intervened," said Frank with a raising tone, cutting off Fernando's words. 

After speaking like that, Frank immediately left Fernando who was still holding his cheek, he got out of the house with an explosive feeling in his chest. Driving Fernando's car that he used earlier, Frank drove faster to leave Fernando's mansion. 

"I should be the one who becomes your husband, Viona, a woman as good as you don't deserve that bastard!!! Aarggghh..." Frank got even madder while driving the car, he didn't know that he could get jealous again.

To be continued

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