Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 298 - The Real Fernando Gray Willan

Chloe couldn't move when she being hugged by Robert, even though the man was sleeping but his hug still felt very tight. 

"Irina ... Irina, please don't go, don't go away from me, Irina ..." 

"Honey ... why do you have to go with this cruel way? Why do you have to go and take our child to a place that I can't reach? Irina, I love you, Dear."

"Irina, I'm sorry ... please don't go, Irina, I beg you."

Chloe, who was still being hugged by Robert, could clearly hear the voice of Robert calling a woman named Irina.

"Who is Irina? I have never heard of the name," said Chloe quietly, her eyes closed as she tried to concentrate. 

When her eyes were open, she then looked over to the nightstand beside Robert's bed, where there was a photo of Doctor Robert with a blonde woman with blue eyes that was typical of Russian women. 

"Yes, I remember, Irina is Doctor Robert's wife," muttered Chloe quickly. 

She had once read Irina's name when she read Doctor Robert's portfolio by accident, where in it, Robert had included the name Irina Ivanova, a Russian woman who married Doctor Robert two years before she died in an accident, while she was seven months pregnant. 

"Irina, you said you would be loyal to me ... but why did you leave me so fast?" A sad moan sounded from Robert's mouth in his sleep. He did not realize that he was hugging Chloe and that in the real world he finally returned to work as a doctor after almost eight months leave, until finally six months later he got an offer from Fernando to work at Global Bros Hospital. 

Robert's crying voice sounded more and more heartbreaking for anyone who heard it, and so was Chloe, whose eyes now look teary. She knew then that Robert, who was hugging her, was unconsciously really missing his wife. Because she couldn't stand being hugged like that, she finally tried to get herself out of Robert's arms. 

Quickly, she looked for medical equipment in Robert's room. After searching for almost ten minutes, she finally found Robert's briefcase. Without his permission, Chloe opened the bag and took out some medical equipment. She finally gave him an IV drip because she was worried that Robert would run out of fluids because of the sweat that came out of his body. 

Slowly, Chloe grabbed Robert's photo on the nightstand. She looked intently at the photo. The happy smile of Robert and his wife, who was still six months pregnant, was very clear. Robert smiled broadly while holding the number 6 next to Irina Ivanova, who was posing beautifully in a chair. 

"I hope you rest in peace, Mrs. Ivanova," said Chloe quietly, praying for the late wife of Robert. 

She carefully put the picture back in place. When she was going to tidy up her things to go home, suddenly Robert was shivering violently. She quickly gave the man a blanket. He even put her finger his mouth so that Robert would not bite his tongue. After struggling and kicking, which hit Chloe, she was finally relieved because Robert was calm again. She was also able to get her finger out of his mouth. The torn wound on her two fingers showed that Robert was really in a dangerous condition earlier. Frightened that her hand was infected, Chloe then went to the kitchen to clean the wound under running water, before giving it an antiseptic solution. 

Due to hunger, Chloe ventured into Robert's kitchen. She then opened his refrigerator and smiled when she saw a packet of instant noodles. Without thinking, Chloe immediately cooked it. After it was cooked, she enjoyed the instant noodles with gusto. 

"Yes," said Chloe quietly, as she sat on the sofa in the living room while looking at her cell phone. She tried to find a taxi from the application on her cell phone. Because she was too tired, slowly Chloe's eyes began to close until she finally fell asleep, while Robert, who was already in a stable condition, was already asleep without knowing that Chloe had treated him until she was exhausted. 

* * *

Fernando, whose mood had been ruined since morning, looked inconsolable in the office. Almost everyone who met him was affected. Even a financial manager who never made him angry had received his lash of anger today. Justin and Harry, who already knew about the cause of Fernando being angry, could only be silent. 

"Sorry, sir, it's nearly ten at night, don't you want to go home?" Justin asked slowly carefully. 

"It's been almost thirteen hours you have been in front of your computer, sir," Harry added in response to Justin's words. 

Hearing the words of his two best assistants, Fernando then lowered his hand from his laptop keyboard, he then glanced at the door where his two assistants stood.

"Do you guys still have my toiletries in the office?" asked Fernando suddenly. 

"Not only your toiletries, sir, but your clean clothes are still kept neatly, sir," Justin replied quickly. 

"Good, get everything. I want to take a shower. After that you accompany me to go to a pleasant place which I haven't been to for a long time," said Fernando excitedly.

"Yes, sir," said Justin and Harry. 

Shortly thereafter, Justin was busy preparing Fernando's toiletries, while Harry took out Fernando's clean clothes from a special cupboard. Seeing all his necessities ready, Fernando then walked to his private bathroom after turning off his laptop. He wanted to freshen up before going to a place he wanted to go. After bathing for almost 15 minutes, Fernando then put on the clothes Harry had prepared. 

"Didn't you guys take a shower?" Fernando asked quietly as he tidied his shirt in front of the large mirror in his office. 

"No, sir, we ...." 

"Didn't you bring a change of clothes?" Fernando asked quickly cutting off Justin's words.

"We bring them, sir, but ..."

"Hurry and take a shower, I'll give you twenty minutes to shower," said Fernando, cutting Justin's words again. 

Justin and Harry quickly carried out Fernando's orders. They then went to their respective rooms to take a shower. Twenty minutes later, Justin and Harry looked handsome and fresh, having changed into fresh clothes.

To be Continued

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