Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 303 - One Body, Two Lives, One Soul

After William returned home, several maids were seen walking towards Viona, who was still sitting by the lake. They then took Viona in on Fernando's orders. 

"Come on, Madame, you haven't had breakfast," asked Rita, the senior maid, in despair. 

"Wait for a while, Rita, I still want to enjoy the fresh air here," Viona replied, refusing her maid's invitation. She still wanted to be away from Fernando. 

"You have been outside for an hour, the sun is already high," added another maid, inviting Viona, joining in Rita's words. 

Hearing the words of the maids made Viona finally relented. She felt that she could not bear it if the maids were also affected by Fernando's actions. However, the maids were not at fault in this matter. Therefore, Viona finally agreed to return to the house, without knowing that she was now under house arrest by Fernando, where all the maids and bodyguards would watch over her for twenty-four hours and did not allow anyone to meet her without Fernando's permission. 

Arriving at the house, Viona stopped in front of Fernando's study, where right now Fernando was standing with his hands on his waist, staring at her sharply. His stare made Viona shudder. She felt confused seeing her husband's attitude. At this point, she should be angry because her husband had brought another woman home. However, right now, her husband was angry with her. Remembering that the woman her husband brought home again made Viona's chest feel tight again. Her stomach that hadn't been filled since morning was suddenly full. She then stepped back towards the stairs to go up to her room on the second floor, ignoring her husband. 

Seeing Viona went up to the second floor made Fernando angry again. He was going to follow her, as she walked slowly up the stairs. When Fernando almost reached the stairs, suddenly the cell phone in his bathrobe pocket rang. He quickly grabbed his cell phone and looked confused when he saw an anonymous number calling him. 

"Yes ..." 

"Master, it's Laura," said Laura, cutting off Fernando's words. 

"Laura, a- are you home?" asked Fernando in a loud voice. He deliberately shouted so that Viona could hear the conversation. 

"Yes sir, I just arrived. Thank you for letting the driver take me home," Laura replied with a seductive tone.

"It's nothing for me, Laura, as long as you are happy, I can do anything," said Fernando arrogantly.

"I should provide the best service to you last night, sir , I should have…"

"Don't discuss it, you better rest. I know you're tired after serving me all night. You better rest, we'll meet again tonight," Fernando said, cutting Laura's words quickly while glancing at Viona, who was still calmly walking up to the second floor. 

"Yes sir, I will rest. See you tonight, sir," said Laura coquettishly. She then hung up the phone. Laura stood in front of her cupboard, looking at herself in the mirror. 

"We haven't made love yet, but I'm sure tonight you will give me the warmth of your body, Fernando," Laura muttered softly. 

She remembered what she had done with Fernando last night. Even though Fernando had time to play with her breasts until he was very aroused but Fernando did not do it. He just said that he needed a friend to talk to. As a result, all night, she and Fernando talked nonsense, discussing things she considered to be interesting to make Fernando laugh, until finally she fell asleep in Fernando's arms without making love, even though she was already naked. Therefore, this morning she felt that her throat felt very dry after talking all night. 

After his telephone connection was disconnected, Fernando then looked up to see that Viona was not there anymore. Apparently, Viona had arrived on the second floor. Seeing that Viona was gone, Fernando went up the stairs and followed her, who had entered the room. 

The maids were silent when they heard the conversation of the master, who openly showed intimacy with another woman in front of their Madame. They did not dare to comment on anything, even though they actually felt sad because they saw their Madame was being treated like that. Teddy soon ordered all the maids to return to their respective works. 

Viona, who had just sat on the sofa, was seen massaging her sore neck with one hand. She was trying to cover up her hurt after hearing her husband's conversation with another woman on the phone. When Fernando entered the bedroom, she slowly opened her eyes. She saw clearly how Fernando stood in front of her with his hands on his waist with an unfriendly look. 

"You have repeatedly provoked my limit of patience, Viona. From now on, you will never be able to come out again and this ..."


Fernando did not finish his words because he grabbed Viona's cell phone that was on the table and slammed it with all his might to the floor so that the expensive cell phone shattered. The glass screen cracked irregularly and immediately went off. It was a sign of how hard it was slammed by Fernando. 

"You ..." 

"Yes, what's wrong with me?!! You don't like what I do? You deserve this, Viona. A self-defiant woman like you should get more than this! You're lucky that I'm still patient with you yesterday. From now on, you won't be able to go anywhere or have anything to do with anyone. You can only stay inside the house and contemplate your mistakes yesterday. Remember, Viona, no one dares to fight me. So don't think you can ask someone else for help," Fernando said in a raised voice. 

After finished talking, Fernando left without guilt, leaving Viona who was still sitting on the sofa while looking at her destroyed cell phone on the floor. 

"I always comply with all your wishes, Fernando, but you don't consider all my sacrifices so far," Viona said softly as she touched her stomach. 

"You can be free with your women, while I'm put under house arrest. Why are you so selfish, Fernando? Sob ... sob .... It's my fault for trusting you too much, sob sob ... this is all my fault," Viona's cry finally broke out, after she tried to endure it from last night when she saw Fernando brought the woman she met in the kitchen this morning. 

The baby in her womb reacted again. It made Viona felt an excruciating pain. She felt the same contractions as last night. Because she didn't want anyone to see her like this, Viona bit her lower lip so that no one could hear her moaning sound. As a result, her lower lip was torn because she was biting too hard. 

"Darling, don't be angry ... Mommy is sick, kid," Viona said many times, as cold sweat was already coming out all over Viona's body. 

She was groaning in pain on the sofa. Blood that came out of her lips was swallowed up again. In pain, she tried to stop herself from screaming. She didn't want anyone to see her like this, especially if it was Fernando. She didn't want to look weak in front of him. After fifteen minutes, the pain in her stomach gradually disappeared. She then walked limply to the bed to lie down, afraid that if she remained on the sofa, the pain would attack her again and made her fall to the floor. 

She finally fell asleep after trying to calm herself down. She now realized one thing that her son would definitely get angry if she confronted Fernando. On the first floor, Fernando seemed to be enjoying his breakfast calmly, as if nothing had happened. 

The maids, who were waiting at the table, seemed afraid to speak, even to tell him that their Madame had not eaten anything since yesterday. They all looked down at the floor, standing in an upright obedient manner, as did Teddy, who only spoke when Fernando spoke or asked for something. A tense atmosphere was felt in the dining room. They all hoped that the master would finish his breakfast and left for the office. 

"Have you done what I told you to do, Teddy?" Fernando asked quietly, as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Yes sir, I have told all the guards and bodyguards not to allow anyone to meet Madame," Teddy replied quickly. 

"Good, you are reliable. Oh yes, one more thing. Starting tonight, I'm going to sleep in the room where I slept last night, so you tidy up the room and prepare my clothes in that room," said Fernando coldly as he turned to Teddy. 

"Yes sir, I understand," said Teddy obediently. 

Hearing Teddy's words made Fernando smile. He then got up from his chair and tidied his clothes then walked with steadfast steps towards his car, which was ready in front. Teddy escorted Fernando to the main door as usual, making sure the master really got into the car and that nothing was left behind. The sound of the car horn that was driven by Luke made everyone bow their heads to pay their respects to Fernando. 

After Fernando left, Teddy finally entered the house. His steps immediately stopped when he saw several muscular maids in front of him with worried faces. 

"What's wrong?" Teddy asked, trying to be calm. 

"Madame ... Madame, since yesterday she hasn't eaten, sir, we have to deliver this food to our Madame. We're afraid that she ..." 

"Don't talk about nonsense. Master will be very angry to hear that. You better immediately deliver the food to Madam," said Teddy, cutting the words of the maid with a rising tone.

"Yes sir ...."

To be Continued

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