Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 317 - See You Again

The sound of the helicopter blades was deafening as they landed on the helipad in the courtyard of the Saint Carolus Hospital. Several people who had been informed of Fernando's arrival immediately rushed to the helipad, where an expensive helicopter landed. Shortly thereafter the owner of the helicopter got off with a face full of worry, he was seen walking hastily toward the Saint Carolus hospital, followed by his best friend behind him.

"Wait, Fernando, wait for me..." "Fernando, remember this is the hospital room, don't act rashly." 

"Fernando, stop!" William's screams were heard many times, he tried hard to hold back Fernando who was running towards the hospital. 

Fortunately for William, he loves running, so he can easily catch up to Fernando, who almost reached the lobby of Saint Carolus Hospital. 

"Let me go, Will!" Fernando screamed loudly as he tried to fend off William's hand that was already gripping his arm. 

"I'll let go if you want, but stop and listen to me first," said William in a rising voice.

"Will, my son..." 


A slap sent by William stopped Fernando, everyone who saw the scene immediately fell silent. They did not expect to see Fernando slapped by someone in a public place. 

"Will, you ..." 


William returned to slapping Fernando in the same place. Fernando, who was always diligent in sports, felt that William's slap meant nothing. He was seen spitting on the ground and getting ready, and threw his fist at William and… 


William fell to the ground when Fernando threw his fist at William's stomach. Fernando, who had just thrown his punch, seemed stunned to see his friend on the ground, because William should have been able to avoid Fernando's beating. He would, but he didn't even flinch and gave up his body to be hit by Fernando's very hard fist. 

"Why don't you avoid, stupid!" Fernando shouted irritably as he stretched out his hand towards William. 

"Because I deserve to be hit," replied William quietly while he grabbed Fernando's hand in front of him. Slowly, William was finally able to stand in front of Fernando, and came back well even though his stomach still ached after being hit by Fernando. 

"I shouldn't have only hit you, bastard, but immediately killed you." Fernando replied carelessly as he turned and walked back to the Saint Carolus hospital. 

"Fernando, wait!" Called William while chasing Fernando, who almost reached the hospital lobby.

"What now, Will? I have to quickly get inside, I have to see my son's condition and…"

"His mother!" said William interrupting Fernando's words quickly. Hearing William's words made Fernando speechless, his eyes flashed again with great anger when he remembered Viona. 

"You have to know one thing, Fernando, the most important thing now is his mother's condition. Your son's chance to survive is great, but if…" 

"Just let his mother die I don't care, the important thing is my son, Will," Fernando said interrupting William.

"You're crazy, Fernando! You can't do that. Without Viona, your son… Fernando, hey!" William was again unable to finish his words because Fernando had gone into the hospital leaving William who was still talking in front of the hospital. 

For fear of seeing Fernando do things in the hospital, William finally caught up with his friend who was out of control. He did not want to make things even more chaotic if Fernando went crazy in the hospital by running. William followed Fernando, who had arrived in front of the receptionist. After being told where Viona was being treated, Fernando immediately ran to the emergency room where Viona was still being handled by several doctors who were trying to save the baby. When he arrived at the ER, several of his men who had arrived first immediately got up and paid their respects to Fernando. However, no one received a reply from Fernando. He then looked at the glass where he only saw white curtains because some of the nurses had closed the glass. They did not allow anyone to see the process that was happening inside, even though it was her husband. 

William, who had just arrived at the ER, nodded slowly at Fernando's men who paid him respect as he was going to Fernando. William's attention was diverted to the figure of a middle-aged woman who was sat behind the standing bodyguards. He was still holding Viona's bag tightly without making a sound, William slowly approached the woman and sat beside her, politely. 

"Sorry, who are you, Ma'am?" William asked, slowly. 

"My name is Jasmine, I was the one who brought the poor woman to this hospital from the pier. Are you..." 

"I am Doctor William, I am the woman's personal doctor," replied William interrupting Mrs. Jasmine's words. 

"Personal Doctor? Isn't that woman a doctor? Earlier, when I was looking for her cellphone in her purse, I found nothing, I instead found her ID card which showed that she was a surgeon at the big hospital in the city," said Mrs. Jasmine confused. 

Hearing Mrs. Jasmine's words made William. With a slight smile, she then briefly explained what she had said to Mrs. Jasmine. After talking, Mrs. Jasmine nodded her head slowly, she was even surprised to find out that the woman she was helping turned out to be the wife of Fernando Gray Willan, the person she idolized. all this time. 

"So, that woman..."

"Yes, Ma'am, she is Fernando's wife. That Fernando was standing in front of the emergency room door, but I advise you not to approach him, he is very messed up right now," whispered William cutting off Mrs. Jasmine's words.

"Yes, I understand doc, a father-to-be who loses his child must be very sad," replied Mrs. Jasmine, softly.

"What do you mean? Why do you talk like that Ma'am?" William asked quietly with a meaningful look. 

"I have lived for 58 years in this world, Doctor. I am a woman who has six children. So, I can know that the baby that the beautiful doctor is carrying must have been miscarried, considering the amount of blood that came out In my car, it's possible, Doctor," replied Mrs. Jasmine without guilt. 

William immediately fell silent when he heard the words of the middle-aged woman in front of him. His hope of seeing the little baby in Viona's stomach grow healthy was now faded. The instinct of a woman who has given birth to many children cannot be doubted. William then asked Mrs. Jasmine in detail about her meeting with Viona. Starting from how she could meet Viona at the dock and when she found out that Viona was bleeding. William tried to find a little information from the Mrs. Jasmine. She described in detail, the beginning of her meeting with Viona, where she had just finished work and wanted to return home when she realized Viona was banging on her windshield and asked her to help her. Hearing Mrs. Jasmine's words made William speechless. He felt something was wrong here. 

"This is the beautiful Doctor's bag, Doc. Look at the bag, it's still covered in blood. Oh, yes, Doctor, because it was late, you'll have to excuse me. I'm afraid my children and my husband will worry," said Mrs. Jasmine as she said goodbye to William. 

"Ma'am, let me take you outside," William answered, slowly, as he reached for Viona's bag that was given by Mrs. Jasmine. 

He raised an eyebrow when he saw the contents of Viona's bag. The white bottle without a brand made him curious, but he kept his curiosity at bay for now. William then escorted Mrs. Jasmine to the front door of the Saint Carolus Hospital. Because Mrs. Jasmine's car was still full of Viona's blood, William finally ordered Fernando's men to take Mrs. Jasmine home. He also left some money for Fernando's men to give to Mrs. Jasmine as a thank you for helping Viona, when they arrived at Mrs. Jasmine's house. Because when he walked out earlier Mrs. Jasmine refused the money he gave. Therefore William entrusted the money to Fernando's men who drove Mrs. Jasmine home. 

After the car that had taken Mrs. Jasmine drove away, William then went back into the hospital. He could not leave Fernando alone in the hospital, he was afraid that Fernando would do things if he was alone inside. William was stunned when he arrived in front of the emergency room, he saw clearly, as Fernando cried silently while leaning against the wall. Where in front of him were two doctors who had just come out of the emergency room. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" William asked quietly as he stretched his hand towards Fernando's shoulder. 

"I have to make calculations on Viona at this time, Will. How dare she abort her baby? How dare she kill my son, Will!" Shouted Fernando suddenly, full of emotion while trying to walk into the emergency room, where Viona's condition was still very weak due to the heavy bleeding. She even had to get two bags of blood transfusions to replace the blood that came out due to the abortion drug she was taking.

"Fernando, don't be crazy... She's your wife, Fernando!" shouted William in panic as he tried to hold Fernando from entering Viona's treatment room. He was afraid that Fernando would act recklessly to Viona. 

William then asked the bodyguards for help to keep Fernando from going inside and asked him to take Fernando out of the hospital. Fernando, who was furious alone, could overwhelm six adult men. They even had to lock Fernando's hands so that they could be easily taken out of the hospital on William's instructions. 

"You two take care of the mistress here until Justin comes. Let me know whatever happens to the mistress. I have to take him home first, his condition is currently unstable." William gave a message to two large men who were still in front of Viona's ward. 

"Okay, Doc, we understand." the two men replied compactly, nodding their heads. 

"Okay, I'm going home, remember my message, contact me for any developments," said William again. 

The two men nodded their heads again at the same time as they heard William's words. Soon William walked out, immediately following Fernando who was already inside. The car was in a parked position. After William left, the two men returned to sitting on the bench in front of Viona's nursing room, they tried to carry out the orders given by William properly. In Viona's room, she was still very weak. She could hear all the conversations of people outside, she even listened in. It was clear what Fernando said, he wanted to make calculations with her, not to mention the curse words that Fernando had shouted at her. Viona's tears flowed profusely from her eyes, the pain in her stomach was not equal to the pain in her heart when she heard Fernando's cursing at her.

"Thank you, my son, for giving Mommy the opportunity to bear you for three months, sobs... Goodbye, Dear. Maybe this is the best way God has for you... sobs... Go to heaven and send greetings to mommy Maria, tell your grandmother that mommy really misses her, sobs… Mom ... I need you, Mom ..."

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