Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 319 - Going Away

Viona's hands shook when holding the file brought by Justin and Harry. The file was a divorce certificate and an agreement where Viona didn't receive any compensation money from Fernando as the party who demanded the divorce. She only got 10 million dollars in her savings, of which five million dollars was Viona's personal money, her savings over the years working as a doctor. 

The pain in her stomach had even disappeared when he read the file, replaced by a feeling of intense tightness in her chest. It was a feeling that couldn't be described by Viona. Her tears poured down endlessly, flooding her still pale face. Justin and Harry who saw Viona's condition could not say anything. They only did the task given by their master without being able to refuse. 

"W - where do I sign?" Viona asked haltingly. 

"On the last sheet, Madame. There is your name and the name of Mr. Fernando, after you sign, your status is officially separated," Justin replied, trying to be strong. 

Viona nodded her head slowly. One by one, she opened the files in her hand slowly until she reached the last sheet where there were the two names as mentioned by Justin. Viona grabbed the pen given by Harry. When she was about to sign the divorce papers, suddenly she burst into tears. She cried out loud. She had never cried like this. When her mother died, Viona was never this hurt, but for some reason when she was about to sign the divorce papers that Fernando gave her, her heart was very sore. It was as if there was a giant hand gripping her heart right now. 

Justin and Harry's eyes glistened at the condition of the mistress. Her cry made the innermost side of the two young men tremble, even though they had been working for seven years with Fernando as his assistants, this was the first time they both saw a woman completely crushed. After crying for nearly twenty minutes, Viona finally regained control of herself. She then opened the divorce papers that were a little messy in her hands. She opened the back sheet again. Trembling, she put her signature on her name, which was already stamped. Her beautiful signature looked a little messy. 

"And Madame, this is the bag containing your change of clothes. Master said you have to change into these clothes to attend the trial divorce in court," said Harry quietly as he put a large bag on the bed.

"You said I was officially divorced when I signed this file. Then why do I have to come to court again?" Viona asked in a barely audible voice. 

"Your status is indeed officially divorced, but your presence in court is important, Madame, because if you appear in court, the whole world will know that you and Master have no relationship whatsoever, so for example ..." 

"I know, Justin, okay, I understand. You go home and tell your master tomorrow I will come," said Viona, cutting Justin quickly.

"Okay, then if you will excuse us, our task is finished here and thank you for your cooperation. Have a good rest too, Madame, and be at the court tomorrow morning, "Justin replied quickly as he lowered his head. 

Viona was just silent and did not answer Justin's words. She could not say any more, her vocal cords were like being locked so that her voice seemed to be caught in her throat. Her two eyes stared at the bag that Harry had just set in front of her. She slowly moved her hand towards the bag and opened the bag slowly. 

"You're amazing, Fernando, I've been wrong to judge you," Viona said to herself. 

She got out of bed and carefully removed the IV needle. She then walked to the bathroom with the bag given by Harry. After fifteen minutes in the bathroom, Viona finally got out of the bathroom dressed in casual clothes. With no fetus in her womb, she was thinner than before. Viona slowly touched her stomach where there was no more baby. 

"Thank you, Dear, for having lived in your mother's womb. Goodbye," Viona said softly as she sobbed. 

She tried not to cry because if she cried, her chest became tight again. In the large bag filled with clothes that Harry brought before, Viona was accustomed to keeping a small bag in a big bag to save storage space. She then put in the painkiller given by the doctor and a few dollars in ten and five dollar bill notes. 

"I don't need anything from you, Fernando. I don't need your money or your attention. From this day I let you go, Fernando, thank you for teaching me to be a patient person. Hope you are happy," Viona said quietly as she walked towards the door. 

She smiled seeing all her belongings on the bed. Viona did not bring anything that Fernando gave, such as bank accounts books, ATM cards, jewelry in the bag that was carried by Harry. Instead, Viona put her wedding ring on top of all that stuff. She only brought a hundred dollars from her wallet. She would use the one hundred dollar bill to start a new life somewhere somehow. What was in her mind right now was to immediately leave from Fernando's life. Viona slowly opened the door of her room. She then walked carefully out of the door, past three bodyguards who were fast asleep. She continued to walk to the janitor's room to look for the clothes of the medics who were there to disguise herself. Luckily, when she was out there, there was no one in the hallway as all the officers were asleep after a night visit. 

Viona was finally able to get out of the Saint Carolus Hospital through the back door of the hospital. With the pain in her stomach that was still torturous, she walked a hundred meters from the hospital to a bus stop. After waiting for almost 15 minutes in the cold and silence on a very early morning, finally the bus that Viona had been waiting for arrived, the first bus to go to the western city border area. Viona's smile widened when she saw the bus arrived. 

"I'm coming, Mom," Viona said quietly.

* * *


William could not do anything when Fernando asked his personal lawyer to prepare divorce papers for Viona. Not only that, he silent when Fernando spoke very loudly on the phone with Abraham Washington, the personal lawyer. Fernando at first did not even give Viona a penny, until finally William said that what he did was a mistake. In any way, Viona should still get the alimony for divorce because he and Viona were legally married to many people, it would be a problem in the future if someone found out that Viona was divorced without getting her alimony payment from Fernando. Fernando wanted to make Viona live in trouble so he didn't want to give money to Viona, but finally he listened to the advice of his friend, William, where he finally gave in and sent 5 million dollars into Viona's savings account without knowing that Viona actually had her own savings of 5 million dollars. 

"Hopefully you don't regret your actions, Fernando. Viona was not an ordinary woman. She was not like your other women," William said quietly while continuing to tidy up Viona's personal files that Fernando tore, starting from the doctor's certificate and some of the certificates she had. earned from college and several organizations in London while she was a volunteer doctor. 

"Looks like you really want to make her destroyed, Fernando, how can she continue her life and career again in the future if you destroy all these diplomas?" thought William, full of regret. 

In front of her, there were already laid out pieces of Viona's files. He could only sighed deeply while continuing to carefully tidy up her ripped up files. William hoped that he would be able to put together these important documents, even the certificate stating that Viona was a surgeon was destroyed in Fernando's hands thirty minutes ago. 

While he was tidying Viona's files on the floor, William was startled by the sound of footsteps from Justin and Harry who had just returned from Saint Carolus Hospital. Regret appeared on the handsome faces of the two young men. 

"What's wrong with you guys?" asked William curiously. 

"We just want to resign, Doc ... we already ...." 

"What? Do you want to resign? Who do you think your boss is? He is Fernando, you know who is Fernando, right?!" asked William again, interrupting Harry's words.

"We don't want to experience the same fate as Madame: alone, injured, and broken ... my heart ached when I saw Madame cried, Doctor. I'm indeed a jerk, but when I saw a woman who was on an IV and was still in pain after a miscarriage signed a divorce papers, my heart ached," said Harry, stammered.

"This is the first time I've seen a woman cry like that, Doc. I'm really sad to see Madame earlier," Justin added in response to Harry's words. 

William was silent at the words of Fernando's two personal assistants. He then sighed and walked over to the two young men who were currently sitting on the floor, bowing down.

"Tell me in detail what happened to her in the hospital when you gave her the divorce papers," William said quietly.

To be Continued

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