Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 321 - Gone

"Mifepristone and misoprostol, who is this cruel person?" said William, speaking to himself as he read the incoming message on his cell phone. 

"What, Will ... what did you say?" asked Fernando again. 

"My guess is right Fernando, there is someone who trapped your wife so that she experienced all of this," replied William, glaring at Fernando who was enjoying his white wine elegantly. 

"Talk to the point, don't ramble," Fernando said dryly, hearing William discussed Viona made him not in the mood. 

"Mifepristone or what is called Korlym and misoprostol or what is called Cytotec is in the bottle that is in your wife's bag. They are both the most potent abortion drug. Both of these drugs work by inhibiting the progesterone hormonal works, which is needed by the embryo to grow and develop. This drug will also trigger uterine contractions and push the embryonic tissue out. So it's no wonder that after she took it, soon she got miscarried," William said quietly, staring intently into Fernando's eyes. 

"Do you mean ..." 

"There was someone who deliberately put the drug in your wife's bag, and she must be someone who is close to Viona, because this person knows Viona's habit of eating sweets," said William, interrupting Fernando's words.

"Don't defend her, William, I know you are colleagues so you will definitely continue to defend her just like last night. You are my best friend for a long time, but you are defending that evil woman," Fernando replied casually. 


William hit the table so hard that it made everyone startled, including Fernando, who did not expect to see William to do something like that.

"Will, you ... "


"Arrgghhhh ..." Fernando groaned in pain from being hit by William in the face, so he fell on his knees and fell to the floor.

"Master!" shrieked Teddy, Justin, and Harry at the same time while the maids could only cover their mouths when they saw their master was beaten by William. 

"Your wife was framed, Fernando, open your eyes wide, don't fill your brain with selfishness. The one who is hurt and disappointed is not only you right now, but your wife as well. She is the most sad and is suffering right now. Don't be selfish, Fernando, you are human, right? Use a little bit of your sane mind," shouted William full of emotion. 

"Hahaha ... how do you know she was framed?! Didn't you yourself just said that the abortion drug was in her bag? How could anyone deliberately put the medicine in Viona's bag except for herself?" said Fernando, laughing broadly, sneering at what William said. 

"Before your wife came to the dock, she had stopped at a pharmacy and bought some orange-flavored candy for nausea relief, and just so you know, I have the proof that Viona bought those candies, not abortion medicine. Second, the bottles do look alike, because they are both white and without any brand, but I can prove to you that what Viona bought before was orange-flavored candy. I have ordered two people to investigate this and managed to get accurate evidence. If you don't believe me, look at this video," said William, full of emotion, as he threw his cell phone at Fernando. Without difficulty, Fernando managed to catch the cell phone thrown by William. 

He then looked at his friend's cell phone and played a video that was being paused by William. His eyes turned red when he saw a pharmacy cashier testifying that Viona had actually come to her pharmacy to buy candy. She even showed Viona's receipt. Fernando then played the second video which turned out to be a CCTV footage which showed Viona who had just come out of the pharmacy and was seen enjoying her orange-flavored candy while closing her eyes due to its sour flavor. She even offered the candy to the bodyguards, who escorted her to the dock. 

"There are people who have planned this crime, Fernando. They deliberately came to your brother's wedding because they knew Viona would definitely come. After getting a chance, they then exchanged Viona's candy bottle for a bottle containing the abortion drug," William said quietly. 

"Who dared to do that ... who would dare to do that cruelty to my wife, Will?" asked Fernando in a trembling voice. 

"What is certain is that there's someone who really hates Viona or hates you or even hates you two," replied William. 


Fernando was speechless at what William said. While everyone was silent, they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps from several people who came into the room in a hurry. They were the ones in charge of guarding Viona at Saint Carolus Hospital. 

"What's wrong?" William asked quickly.


Instead of answering William's question, the three big men actually knelt in front of William with their heads bowed. 

"What's the matter? Don't you have mouths to answer to William's question?" Fernando snapped as he got up from the floor slowly. 

"S - sorry sir, forgive us sir. Don't kill us sir ..." 

"We know we were wrong, but we are really sorry, sir ... my child is still small sir, please don't kill me." 

"Spare our lives, sir…"

The three men who were kneeling spoke in turns, asking for forgiveness from Fernando, even though Fernando had not done anything to them. Seeing his three bodyguards acting like that really annoyed him. He then walked over to the three men with his hands on his hips. 

"Tell me what's wrong, if you speak honestly then I will not kill you," said Fernando with a rising voice. 

"Madame ... Mrs. Viona is gone, Sir ..." replied a bodyguard who was in the middle, stuttered to answer Fernando's question. 

"What do you mean?" William asked in a rising voice. 

"Mrs. Viona left without carrying anything. Her belongings were still intact in the room and ..." 

Fernando's heart stopped beating at the report of his bodyguards, his chest felt tight suddenly. Unconsciously he walked slowly towards the door. Seeing Fernando left made William follow him from behind as well as his two assistants. 

"No way ... you can't go away from me, Viona ..." 

To be Continued

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