Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 328 - Acting Fast

After taking his anger out on Fernando, Franklin drove his car to his club. He wanted to deploy his bodyguards in the club to find Viona. Many big people made transactions at nightclubs like that, so Franklin wanted to use that method to find Viona. He forgot his marriage status as soon as he found out about Viona's condition, his whole brain immediately thought of Viona. 

When Franklin's car entered the club. Big men immediately saluted him, seeing the treatment of his subordinates made Frank smile. He then got out of his expensive sports car and threw the keys at one of the bodyguards to park the car. Then he continued his steps again into the club to his private room. 

"How many ladies do you want, Sir?" Douglas, Franklin's right hand man who run the club, asked his boss who had just sat in his chair. 

"I don't need women right now. Call all the bodyguards and ask them to gather in my room," Franklin replied quickly.

"Yes, Sir," replied Douglas quickly. 

Franklin then turned on his laptop and looked for files about Viona that he had collected over the past year. Viona's beautiful photos while she served as a volunteer Doctor in Ireland were still neatly stored on his laptop. Franklin slowly touched the photo of Viona who was smiling broadly at the camera. Seeing that photo had made Franklin feel that Viona was smiling at him. 

"Why did you choose that bastard, Vio? If you had chosen me, now we would have been happy, Vio," Franklin said quietly with tears in his eyes. Somehow, his heart hurt like that when he found out that Viona had a miscarriage. Even though the baby Viona was carrying was not his. 

The sound of knocking on the door made Franklin realize, he immediately wiped his tears with his fingers and invited the big men in.

"Listen to me, I will not repeat myself. I'm giving you all a job to search for a woman named Viona Angel as soon as possible. I will give her bio and photo to all of you. For those who find Viona Angel, I will give you a luxury house in the Beverly Hills area and a new Lamborghini Aventador series, as long as you can find and bring the woman home to me without any scars or injuries on her body," said Franklin in a loud voice, holding up the photo of Viona in her doctor's uniform.

"A doctor," whispered a darker skinned man commenting on the photo of Viona in Franklin's hand.

"A beautiful doctor, more precisely hahaha..." said the man with the dragon tattoo as he commented on the words of his friend. 

Hearing the words of the man with the dragon tattoo made everyone in Franklin's room laugh. Seeing his subordinates laugh made Franklin laugh wide. 

"She is my woman, whoever dares to touch an inch of skin on her body, I will make that person's life a living hell. Not only that, their family will suffer, I will make his wife a slave in the coal mine and his child: if he is a boy, I will kill and sell his internal organs, if it's a girl, no matter what age, I will make her a sex slave in this place until she can't walk," said Franklin with a loud voice blaring throughout the room. 

Everyone in front of Franklin immediately fell silent as soon as they heard his boss's words. They knew that his boss was a cruel man and could not possibly lie. Frightened look appeared on the faces of dozens of these big men in front of Franklin, because they had given their personal data to Franklin during their first day of working as bodyguards. So if they ran away, they would definitely be caught, because Franklin used their fingerprints and irises in the personal data he collected. It was when they heard Franklin's last word everyone immediately fell silent without a sound. Even the first two people who commented on Viona's photo immediately shook violently. They immediately thought of their wives and children at home. Franklin laughed seeing the forty large men in front of him fell silent without a word. He then opened the safe and threw several packets of 100 dollar bills to the man in front of him. 

"Divide the money equally across all of you, I will give you all one week to find Viona all over the country. I don't care where you go. All I want is a daily report from you on the progress of my search for this woman," said Franklin with a raised voice with his hands on his hips.

"Yes, Sir," replied all forty large man in a compact manner. 

"Well, you guys immediately do what I command, prepare yourselves and leave tomorrow morning. Remember, I need a report from each of you. Report the slightest progress of this case and remember one more thing. I would rather be disappointed because of your honesty than deceiving me with a lie." Franklin added to his previous words. 

As soon as Franklin finished talking to the forty large men who stood in front of Franklin, they immediately walked out leaving him alone with Douglas who had not said anything. He only smiled slightly at the words of his boss when someone commented on the nonsense of the woman whose photo was held by the boss. He knew that Franklin never played games, he still clearly remembered the incident three years ago when someone teased Jessica, who was at that time Franklin's woman. The man's fingers was smashed with a hammer by Franklin himself and castrated by a doctor who was hired by Franklin. The process of castration the man who dared to tease Jessica was witnessed by all the bodyguards. Again, who dared to argue or disturb the woman who belonged to him? They didn't have the guts to play with death. 

"You got all their data, don't you, Douglas?" Franklin asked quietly, as he put Viona's photo into his desk drawer. 

"Yes, Sir, I know the people you are giving that task to, sir," replied Douglas, quickly. 

"Good, then you can leave, Douglas. I want to be alone, and don't disturb me," said Franklin, throwing his right hand man that helped him run the club without hesitation.

"Yes, Sir, if you'll excuse me," said Douglas, as he said goodbye to Franklin, who had closed his eyes and was leaning back in his chair. 

Franklin only raised one eyebrow in response to Douglas's words. He did not want to open his eyes because he didn't want the image of Viona that he was seeing in his memory gone.

"Where are you going, Vio? You should look for me or at least contact me. I am the only man who will accept you gracefully, I love you, Vio. I want to be your husband even though you were once Fernando's wife. You are the only woman I accept even though you've been touched by that jerk. I want to accept you, Vio... Where are you, Vio? Give me directions to find you," said Franklin to himself.

Meanwhile, Fernando was still crazy at his house, he was annoyed because Franklin knew that Viona left him. He was afraid that Frank would find Viona first. He knew that Franklin, his younger brother was not a man who just talked nonsense. 

"You just got married, bastard, how dare you threaten me? Viona is my wife. I won't let anyone take her away from me, even if it's my own biological brother," Fernando said emotionally as he threw the flower vase in his office toward the large glass cabinet next to his desk. 

The sound of the vase colliding with the glass sounded very stressful to the ears. Everyone outside Fernando's office could only help but being quiet. No one dared to speak. What Fernando was doing at that time reminded his maids of the incident seven years ago when Zevanya died. When in fact at that time Fernando went crazy because of Viona, not because of Zevanya's death. He was sincere when he found out that Zevanya died, but when he found out that no one had succeeded in finding Viona, his emotions immediately peaked. It was not much different from his current condition. However, his current anger increased tenfold, because right now, Viona's position was as his wife, his woman. He didn't want his woman to be seized by anyone, including his own brother. 

"I'll look wherever you are, Dear, you are mine. Your soul, your body, and your right to live in this world are mine, no one can take you from me. Even if you die," Fernando said, furiously. His hand was bleeding after he hit the glass table in front of him. 

"You are mine Viona... mine..."

To be Continued

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