Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 333 - The Unseen Illness

The master came out in his expensive suit with black glasses on his sharp nose. Without saying a word, the men who had been running immediately lowered their heads when they saw the master descending the stairs. An expensive, luxurious car that was parked neatly was waiting for the master to enter. 

"Welcome back, sir," Lucas said respectfully to his master. 

"Thanks," replied the master, who was none other than Fernando, expressionlessly. 

Fernando immediately got into his expensive car followed by his two personal assistants. After living in France for almost eight months, they had not changed at all, except for Fernando, whose cold demeanor scared the men even more. 

As soon as Fernando got into his car, Lucas immediately started the car towards the new residence of his master. When he was in his luxury car, Fernando did not remove the Dolce Gabbana sunglasses from his face. He stared at the streets of Ontario through his sunglasses. 

It had been nine months since he left Ontario, during which time he had not received any news about Viona. During the first month, he was crazily looking for Viona here and there until finally the big job that had become his dream was abandoned. Fortunately, Mr. Xavier understood Fernando's condition. He gave Fernando a little leeway to organize his heart, until finally Fernando returned to focus on his big project. Even though he prepared the project for his son, who was now no longer alive, but he continued it on the basis of professionalism and in order to maintain good relations with Mr. Xavier. As a result, during the construction period of his new company he had to be there for quite a while. 

"It's been ten months and I still don't know where you are, Vio," Fernando said to himself.

When he was in France for nine months, he didn't think about Viona at all. But as soon as he set foot again on Canadian soil, Viona's shadow immediately approached him without him being able to prevent it. 

"We have arrived, Master," Justin said softly, breaking Fernando's reverie. 

"Oh yes, thank you Justin," Fernando replied quickly. He then tidied his clothes and got out of the car, whose door had been opened by his bodyguards. 

Fernando stared at his new residence, he decided not to return to his mansion again for a while. Fernando had bought a luxury apartment in a luxury apartment building in the city. He chose to live in a penthouse so he could go anywhere easier because right above where he lived, there was a helipad that he could use to park his private helicopter. Because Fernando lived in his penthouse, he had a private elevator that no one else could use. Moreover, the elevator was also heavily guarded by the people in the basement. So not just anyone could get into the elevator that connected directly to the penthouse. 

"We're home, sir, have a good rest," said Justin and Harry in unison when they were going to say goodbye to Fernando, who had just finished taking a shower and was enjoying a glass of wine in a sparkling glass. 

"Ok, you must be tired. Rest in your apartment, we still have a lot of work in the office tomorrow morning," said Fernando giving permission to Harry and Justin. 

"Yes sir, we understand. Good night and have a good rest, sir," Justin and Harry said in unison. 

Fernando nodded his head slowly responding to the words of his two personal assistants. He then walked towards the reading room which was his favorite room, where from the reading room he could see a view of half of the city. The flickering lights of the residents' houses gave a beautiful view for anyone who saw it, but not for Fernando. His heart was cold and frozen. No one could warm his heart again. While in France, hundreds of women were summoned by Mr. Xavier to please him, but none of them managed to make him smile. The women would come home disappointed because they didn't do their job properly. Usually they would just accompany Fernando to drink without getting into the rich man's bed, even though the invited entertainers were top models who were accustomed to entertaining wealthy businessmen, but again, nothing made Fernando smile. 

Mr. Xavier initially thought that the failure of Fernando's marriage was not something big, but after he saw for himself how cold Fernando's attitude was to the best women he prepared, Mr. Xavier was sure that Fernando really loved his wife. Finally, when he was going back to Canada last night, Mr. Xavier personally apologized to Fernando for bringing many women for him. Fernando could only smile to hear his colleague apologize. Basically, he felt there was no problem, because for him it was not a big thing. In the business world, it is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to prepare women to please their coworkers, just as Mr. Xavier did for Fernando.Fernando downed his expensive wine that had been left a little in one gulp. He then put his glass of wine on the table and walked slowly towards the bulletproof glass installed in the reading room. 

"Until when are you going to punish me like this, Vio?" said Fernando quietly. This was the first time he mentioned Viona's name again since nine months ago where he decided to forget Viona by leaving to France. 

"Isn't there the slightest bit of love left in your heart for me, Vio?" Fernando said again hoarsely. Slowly, he touched the pendant attached to the necklace that he had never removed in ten months. 

Fernando closed his eyes slowly while clutching his pendant made of a pair of wedding rings belonging to him and Viona's. He remembered the day he first put the ring on Viona's ring finger in front of the altar when they tied the sacred promise sixteen months ago. Even though he stopped the search for Viona openly, but without anyone knowing Fernando still ordered his two best people to keep looking for Viona. 

"If you are happy with your new life, let me congratulate you for the last time, Vio, but if you ..."


Fernando immediately opened up his eyes suddenly. 

"No, I'm sure my Viona is still alive, she's just hiding somewhere. My Viona is still alive, I'm sure of that," Fernando stuttered. He tried to erase his bad thoughts about Viona.

"Hide as long as you want, Viona, but give me the opportunity to apologize to you. Dear. Let me apologize to you, Vio, to our child. I'm the one who was at fault so that this happened, I'm sorry, Vio …"

It had been hundreds of times that Fernando had said the same words every night. He would say his apologies to Viona. Expressing a sentence of regret for what he had done a year ago, especially when he found out that Viona was indeed framed by someone on Franklin's cruise ship. At first, he still didn't want to admit that Viona was framed. He still believed that Viona was the one who was guilty of the death of their child. However, after the investigation was made and the results came out that Viona was indeed framed, that was when the beginning of the destruction began, Fernando began to refuse to talk to anyone. He isolated himself and regretted all the words that were spoken on that bloody night. He was sure that Viona must have been very hurt by his words. Finally, the police officers who were going to investigate the case were disbanded, even though they wanted to find out who was the mastermind behind the incident that happened to Viona. Fernando decided that he didn't want to find out who the culprit was, because if he knew who did it, then he would regret even more to what he had done to Viona. 

After standing for a long time in the reading room, Fernando decided to sleep. His body was already feeling very tired after a long journey from France. Before going to bed, Fernando was doing his routine which no one knew. Fernando would take out a photo of Viona that was attached to his wallet, a photo of Viona who was smiling broadly when she was carrying out her duties as a doctor in England. 

"Good night, my wife, I'm sorry, Dear. I hope I can find you again, Dear," Fernando said softly in a husky voice. His eyes were always filled with tears when he did his routine. 

Not long after that Fernando finally fell asleep, tears seemed to flow from one corner of his eye, wetting the goose feather pillow he slept on. 

* * *

<Elora Village>

In her little bed, Viona, who was menstruating, felt an extraordinary attack. She curled up on her bed, touching her stomach which was very painful. Ever since the miscarriage, she always had excruciating pain in her stomach during her period. She had repeatedly checked with the obstetrician, and none of the doctors found anything strange. They always said that the uterus was fine. They were even surprised when they heard the confession from Viona, who said that she always felt excruciating pain during her period. 

"How long do I have to feel pain like this, God? It hurts, God ... all this is your fault, Fernandoooo!"

To be Continued

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