Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 347 - Life Experience

Instead of accepting Fernando's extended hand in front of her, Viona turned her face towards Adam, who was sitting quietly enjoying his warm jasmine tea. She then looked away and chose to sit next to Adam. 

"Do you want a cup?" Adam asked quietly when he realized Viona was sitting in front of him and looked at him without blinking. 

"Hm," Viona replied briefly. 

"There are still some tea on the table that have not been drunk, Anji. You can get a cup and ..." 

"I want to have your tea," said Viona quickly, cutting Adam's words and immediately grabbed the teacup in Adam's hand. Without hesitation and disgust, Viona immediately drank Adam's cup of tea. 

Justin and Harry who sat on the sofa beside Adam and Viona sat, almost choked when they saw Viona drank Adam's tea. They both immediately looked at Fernando who was standing with Mrs. Deborah. Justin and Harry swallowed their saliva when they realized a very strong aura of anger was coming out of Fernando's body. They both could guess very well that Fernando was very angry right now. They had not yet lost their surprise when they saw the mistress drinking from the same cup as another man, now they were almost lost their lives, when they saw that the mistress was tidying Adam's hair without the slightest feeling of guilt in front of the great master. 

"After a bath, get used to comb your hair neatly, Adam. You are a doctor and a doctor must maintain his appearance properly so that your patients are sure that you are a doctor," said Viona quickly, as she continued to tidy Adam's hair.

"Indeed, are there really patients who are not sure of their own doctor?" Adam asked with a laugh.

"Of course there are. Imagine if there are patients who come to your clinic but your appearance was messy. They will definitely underestimate you before they know that you are the doctor. So pay attention to your appearance, Adam. After all, how could doctor has a disheveled appearance? That's like dropping the pride of doctors," said Viona coquettishly, smiling broadly so that her pair of rabbit teeth could be seen. 

Adam chuckled at Viona's talkative words. He then squeezed Viona's sharp nose with exasperation while smiling broadly. 

"You are very knowledgeable. Okay, I'll take the advice. From now on, I will pay more attention to my appearance," Adam replied quietly. 

Viona gave Adam two thumbs up in response to her brother's words. She then sipped Adam's tea again, which she had previously put on the table when she was tidying Adam's messy hair. Mrs. Deborah could only remain silent seeing what Viona and Adam were doing. She shook her head slowly with a beautiful smile. The fine lines on her face did not hide her natural beauty which had been eaten by age. 

"Mr. Willan, this is how our daily life is at this orphanage. Fellow brothers and sisters love each other," said Mrs. Deborah softly as she touched Fernando's tense hand.

"Y-yes, what is it?" Fernando asked, stammering. 

Apparently, Fernando had been watching Adam and Viona without blinking, so he didn't pay attention to his surroundings and did not hear what Mrs. Deborah was saying before. Instead of answering Fernando's question, Mrs. Deborah actually invited Fernando to walk to the backyard, leaving Adam and Viona and their men. 

Viona herself did not realize that Fernando had been left with Mrs. Deborah. She continued to joke with Adam freely. Justin and Harry could only remain silent when they saw the mistress was joking with another man. Likewise with twenty bodyguards Fernando who had been standing, none of them spoke a word. 

Fernando, who did not understand why he was asked by Mrs Deborah to the back yard, could only followed her silently. He was asked to sit on a chair on the back balcony, where the beautiful lake not far from the orphanage can be seen clearly from where he was currently sitting. 

"This place is very peaceful and beautiful, Mr. Willan, perfect for calming down," said Mrs. Deborah quietly, opening the conversation. 

"I just found out that there is a place like this in Canada, Madam," said Fernando honestly.

"Well, people who live in the city do not know that there is a hidden paradise in a remote area like this," said Mrs. Deborah softly with a smile. 

"Like me, for example," joked Fernando. 

Mrs. Deborah smiled at Fernando's words. She then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly while closing her eyes.

"And so it is with your daily life, Mr. Willan. Many people do not realize that he already has super beautiful diamond in his house, but because of his selfishness and arrogance, he preferred gold, which is far below diamonds," said Mrs. Deborah suddenly as she opened her eyes and stared at Fernando with a meaningful gaze. 

Fernando, who was staring at the lake, fell silent when he heard the words of the head of the orphanage beside him. He slowly turned to Mrs. Deborah, who was smiling meaningfully at him. 

"What do you mean, Madam?" asked Fernando in a trembling voice. 

"You certainly know what I meant by that, Mr. Willan. Without me having to say it specifically," Mrs. Deborah replied softly, tapping Fernando on the shoulder slowly. 

"But I really don't understand what you mean, Madam," said Fernando honestly. 

"I have lived in this world for more than 65 years, Mr. Willan. Although I don't have a husband and a complete family, my long life experience had taught me so that I can easily find out what you are really hiding. My message is only one, Sir, if you are really serious about your heart and regret all that you have done in the past, you have to prove it to her and convince her that she returned to be the same girl as when you got her love the first time," said Mrs. Deborah softly as she squeezed Fernando's hand gently.

"Madam, you ..."

"I already know everything from the first time I saw you enter this orphanage. My feelings have immediately told me that you are the ex-husband of my dear daughter," whispered Mrs. Deborah softly.

"E-ex-husband," said Fernando stuttered with teary eyes, holding back his anger and stared intently at Mrs. Deborah. 

Seeing the expression shown by Fernando made Mrs. Deborah silent for a few seconds. She felt that something was wrong with her words. 

"Didn't you divorce Anji the night she had a miscarriage ten months ago?" Mrs. Deborah asked him in a soft voice that was almost inaudible. 

"I - I don't divorce her, Madam. We are still husband and wife in the eyes of the law and the state," Fernando replied in a trembling voice, holding back the turbulent feelings in his chest, being reminded of the bloody incident that Viona had experienced and made him feel guilty and hurt again. 

Both of Fernando's eyes had been teary, as he was unable to hold back the tears anymore. He could not hold back the water droplets finally flowed down his handsome face. It was the first time Fernando had cried again in front of people after nine months, after his departure to France. 

"We are still legally husband and wife, Madam ... Viona is still my wife, the wife I love and miss, Madame ... I was almost crazy looking for her for ten months, Madam. I'm sorry I hurt her, Madam ... I want to apologize to her ... I regret all my ignorance ..." Fernando sobbed, tears had poured out of his beautiful eyes. 

Mrs. Deborah was silent to see Fernando cry. She then got up from hers chair and went into the kitchen and closed the door from the inside. After that, she came out of the kitchen again and walked to the balcony back where Fernando was still crying silently. 

"I've heard from Anji. I want to hear clearly from you, my son," Mrs. Deborah said softly as she wiped Fernando's tears slowly.

"It all started from ..."

to be continued

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