Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 358 - Shaking

Viona who never woke up late, woke up after 8 in the morning, because last night she couldn't sleep until 2am. She, who had never woken up late, felt very bad for her mother and siblings, because she woke up when the sun was high.

"It's okay, Anji, the other kids also wake up late, it's only natural, yesterday we were busy all day at the orphanage," said Mrs. Agnes, quietly, as she gave the bread that had been smeared with jam to Viona, who had just joined her at the dinner table. The children in the orphanage and their administrators did the cleaning inside and outside the orphanage after they got new items donated by Fernando. 

"Yes, Ma'am, I'm very tired," Viona replied shyly. 

"It's ok, it is weekend, after all. Don't you have a day off? You can get up freely at whatever time, Dear," said Mrs. Agnes, softly, as she pinched Viona's chin exasperatedly. 

Viona smiled broadly at her words, the deputy caretaker of the orphanage, who was very kind. She then enjoyed the bread before her voraciously. After she had been at the dinner table for almost 10 minutes, Viona realized that she had not seen Mrs. Deborah before, even though usually Mrs. Deborah always sunbathed near the lake behind the orphanage. 

"Adam brought Mrs. Deborah to the hospital for her routine check-up, Dear," said Mrs. Agnes suddenly, she seemed to be able to read what Viona was thinking at the moment. 

"Is she sick, Ma'am?" asked Viona in a rising voice. 

"No, Dear, Mrs. Deborah only does routine check as it is usually done every month," replied Mrs. Agnes quickly. 

"But it hasn't been one month since the last time she did the check up, shouldn't it still be next week for check up, Ma'am?" said Viona quickly, as she remembered the last schedule of Mrs. Deborah to carry out routine checks at the hospital in the city, which took forty five minute drive from the village of Elora. 

Mrs. Agnes, who tidied up the dining table smiled at Viona's words. She then explained why Mrs. Deborah went to do routine check-ups earlier than the previous schedule to Viona, who looked very worried. Viona actually knew Mrs. Deborah condition from when she just touched her pulse, but because she didn't want to show her true identity to everyone in the orphanage, she could only stay silent and controlled Mrs. Deborah's food without giving much needed input. Viona felt that what Adam had done was good enough even though he was only a general practitioner. 

Viona finally helped Mrs. Agnes and tidied up the dining table and washed their previously used tableware, while the children, who used to play outside on weekends, chose to stay inside the orphanage. They were still happy with the new games given by Fernando in the playroom next to the library. The sound of Adam's car was heard in the yard of the orphanage, so that Viona immediately ran towards him. She couldn't wait to hear Adam's report regarding an update on Mrs. Deborah's health condition. The beautiful smile on Viona's face suddenly disappeared when she saw Adam got out of his car alone with a face that looked sad. 

"What's wrong, Adam?" Viona asked in a trembling voice. 

"Anji, Mom's condition is deteriorating, Anji. Right now, she has to be treated in the ICU," Adam replied softly. 

"Mom... is in the ICU?! Speak clearly, Adam, I don't understand," said Viona with a rising voice. 

Adam who looked tired, tried to hold back his emotions so as not to explode at that moment, he seemed to take a deep breath and exhaled slowly while he closed his eyes when he heard Viona's words. Viona, who could not wait for Adam's answer seemed to start wringing her fingers, and Adam seemed to be slowing down time. 


"Let's just talk at the lake, Anji, I don't want your siblings to hear this news," Adam said quietly, and interrupted Viona's words.

"Alright, let's go to the lake," Viona replied quickly, she then stepped quickly towards the lake according to Adam's words. 

Adam then walked towards the lake and followed Viona, who had walked first. He held the sadness on his face when several children at the orphanage greeted him, who had just arrived.

"The doctor said that the condition of her kidney was getting worse, Anji, and…" 

"And what, Adam?" Asked Viona impatiently.

"They say that she wouldn't last more than one month," Adam replied, as he held back tears with a trembling voice.

"No! Adam, you must be mistaken, Mom's health can't be that bad! Haven't we been taking good care of her all this time? Wasn't the kidney transplant done to her a year and a half ago successful" Viona asked repeatedly.

"The condition of the transplanted kidney was successful at first, but seeing that her condition was not young anymore, with complications from other diseases, the transplanted kidney eventually begins to refuse to perform its duties in the mother's body. Even if for example we do another transplant, it would be very unlikely because she is not able to endure another major surgery, Anji," Adam replied, he tried to calm down Viona, who was already teary. 

Viona's tears immediately dripped profusely, and wetted her cheeks without her being able to contain it. In fact she could have predicted that her condition was like this from a few months ago where at that time Mrs. Deborah suddenly fainted for no reason so that she had to be hospitalized. Viona, who was a specialist surgeon, knew that Mrs. Deborah's condition was not good. Even by any medical action, especially for a major operation. 

"Then what should we do now, Adam?" asked Viona quietly, while she wiped her tears." 

"Inevitably, she has to be in the ICU and..."

"And then what?" Viona asked again. 

"And that will definitely require quite a lot of money, while we know that the orphanage's finances for the past few months have been in trouble. In addition, our younger siblings have not paid their school fees," Adam replied softly, as he closed his eyes. So far he was the only person who had been the backbone of the orphanage. 

They couldn't continue to rely on generous donors to help the orphanage, while the salary that Viona had as a chef's assistant at her place of work was only enough to buy daily groceries. 


"Calm down, Anji, I will find a solution. You don't need to be sad and afraid, I'm the one responsible for you." Adam said quietly, as he interrupted Viona's words. 

Viona's tears actually flowed more profusely when she heard Adam's words. She knew that Adam's salary was not high. Especially in a remote village like Elora, whose people live in a simple manner. 

"Don't worry, Anji, for now, she will receive the best treatment at the hospital. Let me think about costs," Adam said slowly, and tried to strengthen Viona. 

"Yes, Adam," said Viona softly. 

Adam then left Viona at the lake. He had to immediately check the finances of the orphanage to ensure the continuity of Mrs. Deborah's care in the hospital. After Adam left, Viona cried once again, she looked at her face that was reflected in the lake water. 

"You want to take my loved ones again, God? Why don't you want me to be happy... Why, God... Mom ..."

to be continued

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