Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 367 - Doctor Viona

Fernando walked towards the front door with a steady step, he then put his left hand on the door and closed it tightly so that it made his hand pinched.

"Fernando, noooo!" 

"Arrggghhhh!" Fernando's voice sounded very painful when his hand was pinched. 

Viona, who could not believe what Fernando was doing, could only shout and was unable to stop her husband's actions. When Fernando was about to do the same thing the second time Viona immediately ran towards Fernando and pulled his bloody left hand away from the door. 

"Stopp ... you're crazy, Fernando," Viona shouted in a trembling voice as she touched Fernando's left hand that was bleeding. 

"I'm punishing my hand, Vio, let me punish me. My hand had hit you ... let me punish it!"

"Don't ... don't talk anymore, let's go to the hospital," Viona stuttered. 

She guessed that Fernando's hand was badly injured when she saw the scar that was bleeding quite a lot. 

"What ... Sir!!" screamed Justin and Harry at the same time when they saw Fernando's left hand was bleeding. 

"Don't talk much, let's take my husband to the hospital!" Viona said loudly without realizing that she called Fernando as her husband. 

Justin and Harry immediately ran out with Adam's car keys, while Fernando, guided by Viona, walked to the car. Mrs. Agnes, who initially panicked when she saw Fernando bleeding, then smiled when she saw Viona's gentle attitude. Mrs Agnes could clearly see In Viona's eyes that she was very worried about Fernando. 

"Hopefully with this you two can make up," said Mrs. Agnes, sincerely praying for Viona and Fernando. She then cleaned the remains of Fernando's blood that dripped around the door with a tissue so that the children wouldn't see it. 

On the way to the hospital, Fernando's face looked pale, making Viona a little worried. She was afraid that the wound on Fernando's hand would hit the vital nervous system. Viona repeatedly asked Justin to speed up their car to the hospital. Harry also did the same thing as the mistress so that it made Justin a little distracted. Adam's battered car finally arrived at the same hospital where Mrs. Deborah was treated. Justin and Harry slowly helped Viona lower Fernando and took him into the emergency room with a wheelchair. 

"This must be taken seriously, sir," said a nurse to Justin when he saw the serious wound on Fernando's hand. 

"Yes, do it, what are you waiting for?" Justin said quickly. 

"But our doctor ..." 

"What's wrong with your doctor?" Asked Harry impatiently.

"Since last night, Doctor Raul and his assistants were arrested by the police. Our hospital is short on doctors, because the doctor who is on duty at the ER is currently replacing the Doctor Paul," the nurse replied softly. She was afraid that she would make the men in front of her angry. 

"Are there no other doctor in this hospital?!" Harry snapped emotionally.

"There's no other…"

"How many nurses are here today?" asked Viona suddenly. 

"There are 5 nurses," replied the nurse of Mt. Elizabeth Hospital stuttered. 

"Details ... how many people can be my assistant in the operating room?" Viona asked again. 

"Two ... wait for you ..." 

"Yes, I am a surgeon, prepare the operating room. I will operate on my husband," Viona replied firmly as she let go of Fernando's right hand which was still gripping her arm tightly.

"But ..."

"Come on, Nurse! What are you waiting for?!" Viona shouted in a rising voice. 

The nurse who stood by at the emergency room immediately ran to the operating room as ordered by Viona. She had time to call some of her friends who were on guard at the front to help her prepare the operating room. Viona seemed a little worried because she saw Fernando's condition which seemed to be getting weaker. She was really worried about the condition of the wound on her husband's left hand which had started to turn blue. She was afraid that if the wound was not treated immediately it would become blood rot and it would be very dangerous, because the skin of Fernando's hand around the torn wound appeared to turn blue and tended to be black. 

"Madame, are you sure you will do it yourself?" Justin asked incredulously. 

"I am a doctor, Justin, even though I haven't touched a scalpel for one year, but I haven't lost my ability. So you don't have to worry," Viona replied confidently, as she checked Fernando's weaker pulse. 

Not long after, the nurses notified Viona that the operating room was ready. She quickly asked the 3 nurses to take Fernando to the operating room, followed by Justin and Harry. When they almost arrived in front of the operating room, Viona grabbed the nurse's hand that she saw for the first time in the ER. 

"Where are the operating clothes?" Viona asked the nurse whose name was Demi, slowly. 

"Oh my God, I almost forgot. Come on, come on, Doc, come with me to change clothes first," said Nurse Demi, quickly inviting Viona to walk to a changing room for doctors and nurses before entering the operating room. 

Viona quickly grabbed the clean operating uniform on the table. Without difficulty, she then put on the clothes she used to often wear on the operating table. Even though this was the first time she had touched the operating table again after quitting being a doctor for 1 year, Viona did not have the slightest doubt that her ability as a doctor for years had made her self-confidence very high. Especially now that her first patient was her husband after a year off, so she was sure she could finish this job very easily. 

After wearing the operating uniform, Viona then entered the operating room after washing her hands thoroughly and wearing special gloves assisted by Nurse Demi, who acted very quickly. When she entered the operating room, Fernando looked unconscious with an IV in his right hand. The wound on his left hand had also been cleaned with alcohol by the nurses awaiting her arrival. 

"Have you prepared the appropriate blood for this patient?" Viona asked quietly from behind the mask that covered her face. 

"It's ready, Doc, the patient has blood type AB rhesus positive and incidentally in our hospital there are plenty of AB blood type, rhesus positive."

"Well, then before we start it is better if we pray that our operation will run smoothly without any hindrance," Viona said quietly. She always prayed first before carrying out her duties on the operating table with the nurses, who were served her back then in the hospital. Not long after, the nurses seemed to close their eyes for a moment to pray following Viona. 

"Ok, prayer over, give me a scalpel ..."

to be continued 

Nb. Please read my other Novel " I'LL Teach You Marianne" and " His Soul" 

thank you

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