Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 377 - Viona's Revenge

Both of Fernando's eyes seemed to focus on reading point by point in the wedding agreement made by Viona, he really didn't understand there was an idea from where Viona made such an agreement which made Fernando inevitably have to agree because Viona threatened to ask for a divorce at this time. also if he doesn't agree. 

"Read all the points one by one so you can remember them well," Viona said quietly as she sat on the chair gracefully.

Fernando lifted his face and looked at Viona with a look of disbelief, he then took a deep breath before opening his mouth to mention one by one the points in the wedding agreement he was holding. 

Party 1. Viona Angel 

Party 2. Fernando Gray Willan

"The two names mentioned above are important parts of this agreement letter, they are both bound by an agreement that is legal in the eyes of the law because previously the one party has ratified this agreement document in a notary," Fernando said. quietly reciting the top point.

"Got it this far babe?" asked Fernando softly trying to divert the discussion.

"I only brought a Fernando agreement, not a divorce suit," Viona replied casually insinuating Fernando.

Fernando was helplessly unable to answer Viona's words, he really couldn't choose no. The paper he was holding forced him to say yes to all his requirements, because he was on the weak side.

"Go straight to the point," said Viona without guilt asking Fernando to read it again. "How do you object to those five points?" Viona asked quietly when Fernando had finished reading.

"But these points do not make sense babe, you are my legal wife, how could you forbid me to touch you babe," Fernando replied looking unsatisfied.

"I didn't say from the start, if you mind we can just divorce," Viona said calmly without guilt.

"No !! Don't hope and don't think in that direction, I won't divorce you. We won't be divorced until anytime," Fernando said in a rising voice.

Viona bit her lower lip holding back laughter, she almost let go of laughing when she heard Fernando's last words. She is happy because she has succeeded in getting into Fernando's deepest side, with this in the future she will easily manage Fernando again.

"Everything I wrote makes sense Fernando considering how bad what happened in the past, you can rest assured Fernando I will not hug and kiss other men in front of you as long as we are still married ...

" Viona watch your words !!! "shouted Fernando went crazy, his emotions rose when he heard Viona's words that he had just heard.

"Ha ha ha ... I was just talking but you were very angry, how about you see it in person Fernando," Viona said provoking Fernando again.

"Don't try Viona, you. my wife. You can't do something that low, Vio !! "Fernando snarled.

" You are the most selfish Fernando, I just talked like this. You're already angry. Then what about me who saw you bring home a whore ten months ago? Finally, I almost forgot everything Mr. Fernando Gray Willan did was never wrong right, "Viona said softly as she grabbed her hair to make one of her left shoulder, she deliberately did something sensual like that to torture Fernando.


Fernando was back in checkmate by Viona for the umpteenth time. The next time, Viona made him suffocate again. His face, which is usually fierce, looks like a confused person who can't do anything, seeing Fernando's expression makes Viona really can't bear but she has to do this so that Fernando knows that she can't do anything wrong. -with other people, including his own wife.

"Well, if you mind, we better cancel it, we can solve it in the easiest way that won't be difficult for anyone," Viona said softly teasing Fernando again.

"With or without your help. I can make those two demonic women retaliate for what they did in the past, I will find another way to repay a "What did he do to my son?" Viona added back in a sad voice as she turned around and prepared to leave Fernando's treatment room.

Seeing that Viona was leaving, Fernando immediately realized he then shouted to forbid Viona from leaving his treatment room.

"I agree babe, I agree !!!" Said Fernando many times trying to convince Viona.

"Don't go babe, I can't go through life without you. I agree with your terms but may I ask you one question," Fernando added quietly.

"Ask about what?" Viona asked briefly while leaning against the wall behind her.

"After I do well all your requirements for the next six months then what about ...

" I will reconsider coming back to you Fernando, within six months will see if you deserve to be forgiven or not. In such a short time, whether my pain can go away or not we will see in six months, there is definitely one thing you need to know, Fernando. All the rough things you've done to me I can still forgive, but not with infidelity. Because for me, adultery is the highest mistake in domestic life, people who cheat not only betray their partner but also betray God, "Viona said slowly cutting off Fernando's words. 

Fernando didn't say any more, he really couldn't reply to Viona's words. each sentence issued Viona very pierced his heart to make it unable to speak, his eyes also reddened hold all the flavors churned in her chest. 

"Oh well, then I have to go you have to rest well in order to hand a speedy recovery," goodbye Viona on Fernando . 

"you're going where?" asked Fernando involuntarily.

"Enjoy life as a woman, you do not have to worry about Justin would escort me away. After finishing with all my business, I will return to your luxury apartment, "Viona replied quickly.

" Alright, be careful, "Fernando said softly. Viona nodded his head slowly in response to Fernando's words, she then walked slowly to the exit and left Fernando. in the treatment room, staring at the wedding agreement in his hand. 

"That's just the beginning of Fernando, then it will be more fun," Viona said quietly when she was in the elevator to the lobby.

Today she hasn't started work because the room is still being tidied up by several staff chose to go shopping with Justin to buy some necessities. Last night Justin was picked up by Justin in the village of Elora, she had decided to give a little lesson to Fernando. Therefore, she made a wedding agreement like that which all the points made it difficult for Fernando, at first Viona suspected Fernando will reject all the contents of the wedding agreement he made.

"I will compete I am like a mirror, I will return everything I got so far including the treatment of you two female devils, "Viona said silently when she got out of the elevator and came across doctor Ammy and nurse Lucia who seemed to be rushing to follow Professor William's steps. "I won't let you live free for too long. Ammy, you have to pay dearly for the death of my baby, I swear I'll soon make you rot in prison for everything."


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