Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 38 - You Both Are The Same

Seeing Viona crying made Frank feel guilty. He scratched his head which was not itchy roughly, Frank then walked over to Viona who was still crying on the floor by folding his hands on his knees just like a child who was crying.

"I'm sorry, Viona" Frank said, touching Viona's cold hand.​​

"No ... don't touch me .. please go" Viona shouted, shaking off Frank's hand who tried to touch her.

Hearing Viona's screams made Frank awry, he chose to walk to the kitchen to get a drink in the refrigerator. Frank quickly drained the cold water in the glass then threw it on the floor so that it made a loud sound and was heard by Viona who was in the living room.

"Arrgghhhh .... bastard !!! You bastard, Franklin!" Frank shouted from the kitchen cursing himself.

After being satisfied screaming like a crazy person, Frank finally walked into the living room approaching Viona who was still sitting on the floor, Frank then sat in front of Viona.

He repeatedly apologized to her for his mistakes that he didn't realize, while Viona still didn't respond to his words.

The sound of the cellphone that kept ringing forced Frank to look at it, he got up from his seat and walked to the kitchen because he put his cellphone near the microwave.

After seeing his cellphone, Frank suddenly panicked, he quickly ran towards Viona who was still sitting where it was.

"Let go of meee..." Viona shouted trying to release her hand which was held by Frank.

"Fernando is already on the way, in five minutes until here, Vio !!!" Frank shouted emotionally.

"Fer .. Ferr nan ...

"Let's quickly enter my room, hide there, and don't come out whatever happens, "Frank said as he forcefully pulled Viona and carried Viona's bag.

"Remember what I told you. Don't open the door, whatever happens. Lock the door from the inside. . You understand, right Viona!!!"Frank asked when he arrived in front of his room.

Viona nodded slowly while wiping the tears that fell, she quickly closed the door according to Frank's instructions. Actually, Viona was no longer afraid of Fernando but yesterday's events in the apartment immediately weakened the courage she had built for six years. That year.

After leaving his room, Frank immediately walked into the kitchen and tidied up the broken glass that he had thrown earlier, he didn't want to make Fernando suspicious. Shortly afterward, Fernando's car stopped in front of his house, Frank quickly sat on the sofa while turning on the television to turn it on. made Fernando unsuspecting.


The sound of the door slammed by Fernando harshly.

"Damn it!! "shouted Fernando irritably.

" Can't you slowly go into my house? "Frank said irritably.

Without paying attention to Frank's insinuating words, Fernando sat on the same sofa as Frank by leaning his feet on the table.

"Why? "Frank asked sarcastically.

"It's useless to pay dearly for my escort they can't work! "Fernando replied with a sigh.

Frank then walked to the kitchen and took drinking water for the upset Fernando, Fernando received the water Frank and then finished it in one gulp.


The sound of the glass that Fernando threw hit the table and made the living room at home. Frank mess.

"If you want to destroy my house you better get out !!! "Frank scolded irritably as he stood up because he was shocked to see Fernando throw a glass.

"I'll use your bathroom for a while, "said Fernando as he stood up and walked towards Frank's bedroom where Viona was hiding in.

Realizing Fernando was going to enter his room made Frank panic, he immediately thought. Viona is in. quickly he grabbed the hand of Fernando to stop walking toward her room.

"I'm hungry, while you're there here, make my favorite food," asked Frank quickly on Fernando were still shocked because his hands held by Frank.

"Are you kidding me? Its not funny Frank!!! "Fernando shouted irritated.

"No, I'm serious, it's been a long time since I ate your food. Come on, I'm hungry "Frank replied, pulling Fernando's hand toward the kitchen.

Fernando was forced to follow his younger brother's steps, Fernando walked slowly. in his sister's kitchen. He then opened the refrigerator and took out a few eggs, vegetables, tomatoes, and bread.

Fernando was very good at making sandwiches. Not long after, finally, Fernando was busy with ingredients in the kitchen. Frank just sat watching his brother work, luckily he was already Tidying up the kitchen so that Fernando didn't suspect it.

After thirty minutes finally, Fernando's sandwich was served on the table he also added two glasses of orange juice to accompany the sandwich.

Frank smiled with satisfaction seeing his brother's sandwiches ready on the table, with a broad smile on Frank. enjoying the food in silence, Fernando who was still annoyed with his men, and Frank who was worried that Viona would be discovered by Fernando.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you tell me?" Frank asked, putting the last bite of the sandwich into his mouth.

"I only gave them a small task but they are incompetent !! It just makes me angry," Fernando replied curtly.

"You're still temperamental as usual. By the way, how is Nessie? Is your relationship good?" Frank tried to change the subject.

"Tch. Who would want me to marry a woman like that!!!" scolded Fernando as he threw his last sandwich into the trash, irritated.

"Never mind, I'm sick of you mentioning her name !!! I want to freshen up in your bathroom. I'm using your towel, Frank." added Fernando as he walked quickly toward Frank's room.

Frank, who was enjoying orange juice, could not hold Fernando anymore, he choked when he saw Fernando was standing in front of his room.

By enduring the pain of choking Frank following Fernando who was ready to grab the doorknob, Frank was again surprised when he saw Fernando could enter his room even though he clearly ordered Viona to lock the door.

Fernando immediately walked into the bathroom while Frank looked very panicked in his own room, he couldn't find Viona and even Viona's backpack he couldn't find. Frank waited in chaos, he did not dare to mention Viona's name or look for Viona in his wardrobe for fear Fernando would see him.

Not so long ago, Fernando finally came out of the bathroom using only a towel to cover his lower body, he walked slowly to Frank's wardrobe then took his clothes which he had left at his brother's house because he used to come to his younger brother's house.

Fernando changed clothes. in front of the wardrobe quickly. After wearing his clothes, Fernando followed his younger brother sitting on the sofa in the room.

"Did you bring home another woman, Frank?" asked Fernando suddenly.

<to be continued>

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