Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 380 - Viona's Day

The day Viona has been waiting for finally comes, today she will be officially introduced in front of all the hospital staff in the main briefing room. Since morning she has been awake and made breakfast for herself because Fernando is still in the hospital, on her first day working at the hospital, Viona deliberately wears her best clothes with light makeup but still shows her beauty. Viona wears a skirt above the knee from a black Chanel and matches it with a white ruffled blouse that makes her look five years younger than her 27 years old, even Justin who picked her up was amazed to see Viona's very different appearance.

"Morning Justin, would you like breakfast?" Viona asked quietly while enjoying a glass of warm almond milk.

"No, ma'am, thank you, I've been drinking coffee before," Justin replied refusing Viona's offer. 

"It's not good to drink too much coffee, you have to fill your stomach with food before drinking coffee," Viona said quietly.

"Yes, madame, I understand, thank you for your advice," said Justin briefly, looking down, he could not take a longer look at the mistress who looked very different.

Viona then walked to the pantry to put down the plate she had eaten. She then grabbed her oversized coat which she put on the sofa along with his best Chanel bag, after which Viona walked towards the elevator gracefully. In the elevator Viona is busy with her cell phone, she checks the timetable given by Professor William. Meanwhile Justin was restraining himself from looking at his mistress, as a normal man he was a little tempted when he saw the wife of his master who looked very different from the one he had known.

Arriving at the basement, Justin immediately got out of the lift leading the mistress to the car, which was parked nicely at the Fernando special parking lot. Several bodyguards immediately helped open the door for Viona. After Viona entered Justin immediately drove his car to the Global Bross hospital, during the trip there was no conversation between Viona and Justin because Viona was busy studying the patient files given by Professor William, as the main surgeon she had to understand every case that was being handled by doctors at the surgical division. A habit that was not lost from him a long time ago.

Thirty minutes later the car that was brought by Justin finally arrived at the Global Bros Hospital, he quickly got out of the car and helped open the door for the mistress. But when he was about to walk toward the back door, apparently the mistress had opened the door herself, she then came out quickly without Justin's help.

"Don't be too formal, Justin, Fernando isn't here," Viona said softly, holding back laughter.

"Yes, Madame, I understand, but this has become part of my job, Madame," Justin replied quickly.

"Your job desk is his personal assistant not a driver, so you don't have to act like that to me," Viona said back, putting her white coat on her left arm.

Justin was silent to hear the words of the mistress, he did not dare to look at her for fear. Not long after, Viona immediately entered the hospital with grace, when Viona walked to her room, many young doctors from other divisions were amazed to see the wife of the hospital owner. Those who didn't know Viona's identity didn't stop stealing glances at Viona without blinking.

"Is that the new doctor?"

"Has an artist changed professions?"

"It would be nice if he joined the internal medicine division ha ha ha,"

"Beautiful, so beautiful I was almost after her."

Professor Frank, who had just arrived with his doctor's wife Louisa, raised one eye when he heard the words of the young doctors, he then stood behind the young doctors with his arms folded across his chest.

"Is this what you learned while on campus?" asked Professor Frank coldly.

The five young doctors who had been talking about Viona immediately turned to the source of the voice, they immediately closed their mouths tightly when they saw Professor Frank standing behind.

"Why are you quiet?" Professor Frank asked again in a rising voice.

"Please don't ...

" They must know the ethics of a good doctor like Doctor Louisa so that in the future they will not behave like this again, doc, "said Professor Frank, cutting off Dr. Louisa. When they were at the hospital they would be professional with mentioning their respective titles even though they are husband and wife.

"Sorry, Prof," said the five young doctors who were in front of him in unison.

"I will forgive you after you make three patient reports and bring them to me before lunchtime, that is if you still want to work at home. It hurts, "Professor Frank replied coldly.

" Yes, Prof, we'll do it. We excuse me, Prof, "said the five young doctors stuttered, and soon they left Professor Frank and Doctor Louisa to do what the professor asked.

When the five young doctors left, Professor Frank immediately grabbed Doctor Louisa's arm and looked at him sharply.

" You've been Doctor Lou for a long time, don't act like a new doctor. I hated being argued the most when I was punishing young doctors like them. Lou, you realize you're just an ordinary doctor who can't argue with a professor like me. If you don't want to study and continue to stay in your current position then don't be surprised if one day you will be caught up again by young doctors like them Lou, "said Professor Frank coldly.

" Get your professional degree or at least you are equivalent to a doctor in Viona, then you can. denied me, "added professor Frank again, releasing the hand of Doctor Louisa, who in fact was his own wife, after saying that he just left Doctor Louisa without turning around. He was still annoyed at Doctor Louisa who failed the first test of enrollment for young professors and this is what the third time he failed in the first stage just like Cecilia's doctor who also failed the first stage selection test, even though professor Frank had hoped a lot from his wife that he could pass the selection and could follow the advanced selection for the next professor candidate selection, but apparently his hopes had vanished because of his wife. failed in stage one.

"I'm not as good as the doctor Viona, I'm not as smart as her. But can you stop comparing me to other people Frank, I'm your wife Frank. After all, the professor selection test was also followed by senior doctors, if for example I failed in the first stage, it's very natural, Frank ... I'm not a senior level in this hospital, "Doctor Louisa said softly with teary eyes, she knew that her husband was. Expect a lot in her career but because she is still lacking in experience, finally Doctor Louisa must be willing to give in to his seniors.

After being able to master her doctor Louisa then walked to the locker room to get ready to go to the briefing room which will be held in a moment, when almost arrived in the dressing room she was shocked by Doctor Cecilia, who turned out to have just arrived.

"Are you ok doc?" asked Doctor Cecilia quietly.

"My husband, as usual, he must be angry when I failed the selection process," replied Doctor Louisa softly.

"Ha ha ha ... I if you were both husbands you would definitely get angry, take the test many times and always fail in the first stage. Look at me, I passed just one test. It's better for you two to study again in the campus ha ha haha, "sneered doctor Ammy suddenly interrupting doctor Louisa and doctor Cecilia, after saying that she then walked with her assistant Sister Lucia to the briefing room leaving the two beautiful doctors in front of the dressing room.

Viona who was standing behind the wall hearing everything Doctor Ammy said to Doctor Cecilia and Doctor Louisa, she did not expect that the woman who had killed her child had been so arrogant all this time. Suddenly a smile appeared on Viona's face, she then continued her steps towards the briefing room through another road.

"Your opponent is not them Amelia Smith but I am Viona," Viona said to herself.


At seven in the morning all the doctors, nurses and several other staff had gathered at the main meeting place. One by one the hospital officials began. arrived and began to sit in their chairs. Shortly thereafter came Professor William, Professor Frank and professor Dexter the hospital director. 

"Good morning everyone, as usual for every Tuesday morning we will do a morning briefing together in the main hall. But this time there is something different because we will introduce one of the best surgeons who will return to join this hospital. after having stopped a few months ago, "said Professor Dexter opening the morning briefing. "Let's call Doctor Viona Angel to come in," added professor Dexter, inviting Viona to enter.

The applause from the surgical division staff was very loud, especially Nurse Tina and Nurse Chloe who whistled when Viona was called in. Viona entered the briefing room with a big smile, she then walked towards where Professor Dexter was. The five young doctors who talked about Viona this morning fell silent, they looked down when they accidentally met Professor Frank who was sitting staring intently at them.

"Thank you for the welcome speech, professor Dexter and all of his colleagues, introduce me to Viona Angel, a surgeon, who starts today to join Global Bros Hospital," Viona said quietly using a microphone.

"For the future, please cooperate and help, thank you," added Viona again in response to her previous words. 


The sound of applause accompanied Viona's brief introduction, she then returned the microphone to Professor Dexter who was standing next to her. Not long after that the briefing session ended, the doctors and staff who already knew Viona immediately ran to Viona. They congratulated Viona on returning to the Global Bros. hospital. 

"Welcome, doctor," said Doctor Cecilia sincerely as she took Viona's hand.

"Thank you doctor, it feels very nice to be able to see you all again," Viona replied quietly.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you, doc," added Doctor Cecilia with tears in her eyes.

"It's ok doc, that's the best for everyone. My son is also fine there, so there's nothing to be sorry about. I'm quite happy to be pregnant for four months," Viona replied with a smile.

Doctor Cecilia immediately hugged Viona tightly, she knew what Viona was going through was very hard, but she did not think that Viona could be this tough.

"Your child must be very proud to have a mother like you, doc," said Doctor Louisa quietly as he patted Viona's shoulder who was being hugged by Doctor Cecilia.

"You could, doc. Come on, let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry," said Viona slowly trying to change the subject. She didn't want to keep discussing her dead child. Because it will remember the doctor Ammy and nurse Lucia who killed their child.

Doctor Louisa and Doctor Cecilia nodded their heads together, they then walked to the cafeteria for breakfast together where Nurse Tina and Nurse Chloe had left first. By using a little make-up Viona looks even more different, the aura that comes out from her makes Doctor Ammy and nurse Lucia who meet her not dare to speak. The two of them immediately left when they saw Viona even though before that they were going to the canteen.

"Why is he that person, very strange today," said Nurse Tina quietly opening the conversation.

"Who do you mean sus?" asked Doctor Louisa as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Who else, doc, usually they always bother us," replied Nurse Chloe quickly, pointing to doctor Ammy and nurse Lucia who had just arrived at the canteen.

"Troubleshoot you? Interrupt how?" asked Viona curiously.

Sister Tina and Sister Chloe then told in detail what doctor Ammy and her assistant had done to the four of them recently, Viona at first did not believe what the two nurses said, but after doctor Louisa and doctor Cecilia opened their mouths she finally believed. 

"Why are you all silent, why don't you report the professor in charge?" Viona asked in surprise.

"Professor Frank already knows doc, but he did not give any punishment to doctor Ammy. Even when doctor Ammy insulted Doctor Louisa, who was not pregnant, he was silent and did not give any punishment to the bad woman doc," replied Nurse Chloe quickly.

"Is it true?!" Viona asked again, widened her eyes staring at doctor Louisa in disbelief. 

"Never mind doctor, no need to discuss it again. Here it is I who is wrong, because I have not been able to give offspring to my husband," replied doctor. Louisa smiled.

"Matches, death and children are God's secrets, we never know who we will be matched with. We also don't know how many children we will get as well as death, so if there are people who dare to talk like that to us who don't have children. or those of us who do not have a soul mate, that person should reflect again whether he believes in God or not. Because basically humans only carry out what HIS plans are, as long as we believe we can have children then we can definitely get them. God didn't give us children. He just delayed it until we were really ready, "Viona said quietly, holding Doctor Louisa's hand and Doctor Cecilia's hand tightly.

Doctor Louisa and Cecilia's tears immediately flowed profusely when they heard Viona's words, they both really wanted children during their marriage for almost a year. This is what makes Doctor Louisa and Doctor Cecilia even closer to each other.

"Losing a child makes me believe that God loves me very much and I'm sure God also loves you two, HE is currently looking and waiting for the right time to give little angels in your life, doc," Viona added softly as she wiped the water. Doctor Cecilia's eyes and Doctor Louisa took turns.

"Thank you doc, to be honest when I was often insulted by Sister Lucia I wanted to be angry. But when I think about it again I don't deserve to be angry with her, because what she said is true. I'm not a perfect woman because I can't give Andrew a child yet," replied Doctor Cecilia, stammering.

"Likewise I am a doctor, it hurts so much when Doctor Ammy bravely and guiltlessly insinuates me in front of my husband. I really wanted to feel that moment to go, but when I think again that I am the legal wife of Professor Franklin I can only be patient and endure. here, "Doctor Louisa said softly, wiping her tears. 

"That's how insolent Amelia Smith is?" Viona asked in a trembling voice holding back her emotions.

"Yes doc, there are many doctors who don't like her. But because she got support from Professor Frank, no one dared to reprimand her anymore," replied Nurse Tina quietly as she calmed Doctor Cecilia. 

Viona shook her head slowly while closing her eyes, she really didn't expect Doctor Ammy to go this far. Not long after, Viona said goodbye to her friends to go to the 20th floor, because she got a call from Justin, her husband's personal assistant. 

"Ok, later we will continue this discussion. Now I have to go first, my VIP patient has called," Viona said quietly trying to break the ice.

"Yes doctor, you better go to Mr. Fernando's place. Thank you for the advice, my heart is really very relieved to hear all the advice from you, doctor," replied Doctor Cecilia quickly with a smile.

"Yes, I'll go first, I'll see you all," Viona said good-bye, after saying that Viona then walked again to the elevator that would take her to the 20th floor.

While in the elevator she saw two girls she had never seen before. , because her stethoscope was left in her private room Viona finally got down on the 5th floor and got out of the elevator to go get her stethoscope in her hand room on the 2nd floor leaving two beautiful girls who turned out to go to the 20th floor.

"Why did the two girls go to the 20th floor. , isn't there only Fernando on the 20th floor. Oh maybe there was a new patient who came in last night, so it's better I immediately took a stethoscope and quickly came to Fernando's room otherwise he'd be screaming, "Viona said to herself as she walked. quickly headed to his room.


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