Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 384 - Heart To Heart

Viona smiled as she held the keys to Justin's Porsche which was parked in the front row, with confident steps Viona walked towards the silver sports car with Fernando following her from behind. As she walked to the car, many hospital staff saw her, they looked in disbelief when they saw Viona sitting in the driver's seat because all this time they knew that Viona could never drive a car including Professor Frank who stared at Viona without blinking who had just entered an expensive sports car.

"Are you ready?" Asked Viona quietly to Fernando, who had just finished wearing a seat belt.

"Whenever you want, I'm ready," said Fernando with a smile. Viona smiled at her husband's answer, she then started stepping on the gas of her car and walked slowly leaving the Global Bros hospital yard followed by 5 black cars containing Fernando's bodyguards in back.

Not long after, the motorcade escorting Fernando Finally was out of sight in the hospital Global bros, the people who saw Viona and Fernando began to disperse, except for Professor Frank who still didn't budge beside the glass on the second floor. He was still in his original position when he watched Viona enter the car with Fernando, with an unpredictable facial expression.

"Why do you have to go back to him Vio, what do you expect from a crazy man like Fernando ?! My wealth is not much different from Fernando, even if you want to know, I'm even richer than that bastard. I just don't want to expose him. Just like that arrogant bastard, "Professor Frank said softly. At first Professor Frank was happy when he saw Viona back to work at the hospital, but when he found out that Viona was still in close contact with Fernando his happiness slowly faded. He really couldn't stop thinking about Viona, why would she still want to return to the man who dumped her.

"What your heart is actually made of, Viona, why do you still want to live a household life with the man who gave you divorce papers when you miscarried Viona," murmured professor Frank, holding back his emotions, remembering what Fernando had done to the woman he loved made him very much. angry. He really did not accept Fernando's treatment of Viona, his affection for Viona really made him unwilling when he saw Viona hurt. He did not understand why that feeling had never disappeared from within him, even though at this time his status had become the husband of Doctor Louisa, who was very close to Viona.

The vibrations from the cellphone in the pocket of his oversized white coat made Professor Frank finally leave where he was standing at this time, he received a call from the emergency room because there was a patient who had to get treatment immediately after a work accident fell from the gondola on the 5th floor in a offices.

Without realizing it, Professor Frank seemed to have noticed that Doctor Louisa had been watching him from a distance, when she saw her husband go slowly, Doctor Louisa then walked over to where Professor Frank was standing and looked out, which was now nothing but people passing by. admitted to Global Bros. hospital. Doctor Louisa did not know that what Professor Frank saw were Viona and Fernando, because she felt that there was nothing strange, Doctor Louisa then resumed her work because her working hours had not yet finished. 

Meanwhile, Viona seems to be still concentrating on driving Justin's car to the luxury apartment where she is currently living with her husband. She has been looking for an opening to escape from the escort of Fernando's bodyguards who are stuck behind her car. Meanwhile, Fernando had not said anything, he just sat there and smiled as he saw Viona driving really well.

"I never thought that your ability to carry a car this good, dear," said Fernando, having opened the conversation after they had traveled for nearly 10 minutes.

"I can be even better than this," Viona replied softly with a meaningful smile. 

"What do you mean babe?" asked Fernando, not understanding the direction of Viona's conversation.

"You want me to show it directly to you?" Viona asked back, glancing at Fernando who was staring at her.


"Fasten your seat belt !!" Viona quietly interrupted Fernando as he swerved suddenly to the left, making the fifth car behind the bodyguard Fernando could not pursue it because they could not immediately turn as Viona.

Because right now they're on the toll road, Fernando, who did not expect Viona to make such a sharp turn, looked very shocked. He looked at Viona with a look of disbelief, if only his left hand didn't hurt he might have grabbed the steering wheel from Viona when his wife made a sharp turn.

"Babe ...

" It's not finished yet, "said Viona, quickly cutting Fernando's words back as she stepped on the gas of her car and drove at high speed toward the eastern border of the city leaving the toll road where she parted from the escort of Fernando's 5 bodyguards. 

"What are you doing babe?" asked Fernando in disbelief when Viona had stopped the car.

"Exercise," Viona replied guiltlessly as she removed the seat belt that held her body, she then got out of the car and sat on a swing not far from where she had parked her car.

Fernando then followed Viona who was already sitting on the swing, his anger vanished when he saw Viona playing the swing alone. 

"Actually, what do you like about me Fernando?" Viona asked Fernando who was standing not far from where he was.

"I am just an orphanage who doesn't have a clear identity, I don't have a family name, I don't have siblings and I don't have wealth like you and the women who chased you in the past. Then why did you choose me among those beautiful women? " Viona asked as she stopped her swing and glared at Fernando.

"Why do you talk like that ...

" If you are tired of this fake relationship I am ready to sign your real divorce lawsuit Fernando, "Viona said quietly interrupting Fernando's words. 

Fernando froze at Viona's words which looked very serious, the words of his wife who said she was ready to sign the divorce papers. made him sick. Suddenly he did an unexpected thing that made Viona shocked.

"Fernando what are you doing !!!" Viona screamed in disbelief when she saw Fernando kneel on the dirty ground in front of her, bowing his face to the ground.

" Sorry ...

"Wake up, Fernando, don't be like this !!!" scolded Viona in panic as she knelt in front of Fernando to ask Fernando to wake up.

"I'm guilty babe, I'm too selfish. I'm just too afraid of losing you," Fernando said softly in a trembling voice.

"Get up first and then we can talk, I don't want to talk if you kneel like this. What if someone sees what you are doing Fernando !!!" fierce Viona annoyed holding back emotions.

"Don't give up on me, I can't live this life without you Vio. I don't want to be apart from you again, ten months ago was a very valuable lesson for me," Fernando replied sobbing.

Viona frowned when she heard Fernando's words, she had never seen and heard Fernando say this, let alone kneel to her. Because she didn't want anyone to see what Fernando was doing, Viona forced Fernando to wake up and finally Fernando got up when Viona threatened him. 

"You know that you're guilty?" Viona asked softly to Fernando who was already sitting on the park bench.

"Yeah I know, I'm too selfish of me ...

" You're not only selfish Fernando but you're cruel, you can never think about other people's feelings. Try to think that there is someone who can stay by your side with what you did to me first, it's not Fernando love. Don't act in the name of love and then you can do like that to me, "Viona said with a raised voice cutting off Fernando's words." Husband and wife relations are not only temporary sex on the bed, but it is broader than that, husband and wife means that they can maintain one. each other can fill each other's shortcomings, can strengthen each other and the other not like you did me what you did to me. The relationship you had with me is more worthy of being called ownership, not husband and wife relationship. "

Fernando did not say anything when Viona poured out his heart at length, he even just looked down and was unable to look at Viona who was sitting beside him. 

"If you continue to want to have the same relationship as you were in the past, I give up Fernando. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in an unhealthy relationship like that," Viona said back, pulling Fernando's face and looking at him deeply. 

"I'm sorry Vio, I was too afraid of losing you to the point that I lost my mind," Fernando replied stammering. 

"It's not that Fernando is not because you are afraid of losing me but more to yourself, everything that happens the source of the problem lies with you. You do not believe in your ability to live a good life with me, until you end up busy thinking about other people who are trying to destroy our marriage. What you do is build a foundation of sacred bonds in our marriage, not busy dealing with other people's attacks from outside. If for example the foundation in our household is strong and solid no matter how big the attack that comes will not mean anything Fernando, but what you do. do it that's not it. You're busy finding out what the enemy is doing out there, while you yourself forget the protection of your own fort. That's Fernando 'fault, the way you did it was wrong, "Viona said in a rising voice.

Fernando's eyes filled with tears at Viona's words, all of Viona's words hit him deeply.

"I don't want to live the same life as before. Fernando. You don't know how many tears I shed because of facing you, how much sadness I bury myself because I saw your behavior," Viona said softly, sobbing, remembering what she went through before. It was like sprinkling salt on her unfinished wound.

"Sorry dear, I'm sorry ..." Fernando sobbed softly as he cried. 

"Live a healthy relationship Fernando, I am your wife is not your offer. I have a thought Fernando, I know what is good and what is not. I'm not a crazy woman who will be easily seduced by other people and most importantly I love you, you should be someone. who knows best how much I love you. I keep my chastity Fernando, I keep my pride for the man who will become my husband. Even though at that time I didn't know that I would marry you, you should be able to see from that side Fernando. Look how loyal I have been all this time. "Viona said in a trembling voice holding back tears, she wanted to be angry with Fernando. But when he saw how badly Fernando was, he couldn't bear to see Fernando like this made him sick.

Fernando nodded his head like a child who understood when given the explanation by the teacher, all his dignity and arrogance was immediately lost when he did that. So that it made Viona feel pain, seeing the other side of her husband touched her. She did not think that her husband would do something like that.

"Now what do you want, I will ask you first, Fernando," Viona asked softly as she wiped the tears that had trickled from the corner of her eyes.

"I want you to come back to me, I want to start it all over again with you from the beginning babe ... I want to fix my mistakes first," Fernando replied stammering.

"Very well," said Viona quickly.

"What do you mean?" asked Fernando like an idiot.

"Yes, let's start again from the beginning but ...

" But what? "Fernando asked impatiently to interrupt Viona's words.

" But I have to see you in person, I want to know your sincerity. For the next six months I will see how serious you are, Fernando, if it turns out that in the next six months you don't change, then according to the wedding agreement I gave you yesterday you have to let me go. We live our own way…

"No !!!! I will change babe ... I will change, I can't live without you," Fernando said quickly in a rising voice.

"And one more." Viona spoke again with a serious tone. "Speed ​​up the process of investigating doctor Ammy and nurse Lucia. I will be calm if the two people immediately get retribution for the crimes they committed on our baby."

Fernando immediately grabbed Viona's hand firmly. "You take it easy, after I recover I will directly lead the investigation of this case. Based on all the evidence that I have got, Amelia Smith will not be able to evade even though she is protected by Frank. "

"You know that your sister protects Doctor Ammy?" Asked Viona in disbelief. 

"Of course I know, that idiot protected Amelia Smith for still believing that demonic woman could help him separate us."

"Oh God."


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