Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 42 - Long Time No See, Doctor!

After forcing Viona, Andrew finally got permission to sleep in Viona's new apartment. He felt uneasy about leaving Viona home, especially after Viona told him about Fernando forcing her to enter a contract marriage.

This made Andrew worried. A man like Fernando who had full power in the city was not easy to fight, especially for Viona who is just an ordinary woman. Thinking about it made Andrew stressed.​​

Viona's small apartment made Andrew have to settle for sleeping on the sofa while Viona slept in a bed that was actually enough for two people. However, Andrew knew his place and didn't want to make Viona hate him.

Andrew had not been able to sleep comfortably like he was at home. His job as a policeman forced him to always be vigilant. He sat on the sofa and played with his cellphone. On the bed, Viona was fast asleep. Her beautiful face looked so tender while she was sleeping.

"Your lashes are very pretty, Viona," Andrew said softly as he looked at the girl at a close distance.

If people who don't pay attention clearly, they would think Viona was wearing eyelash extensions even though her lashes are naturally long. She was naturally so beautiful.

"Good night, Viona," Andrew said softly as he walked back to the sofa.


Meanwhile, at his mansion, Fernando was sitting in his private room which contained many important documents, various awards he had received throughout the years, and there were several safes filled with gold, diamonds, and dollar bills along with other important documents.

He still couldn't sleep since this afternoon when he met Viona. His mind couldn't be used to think anymore. Fernando, who had never been rejected by any woman, felt hurt when his offer was rejected flatly by Viona.

There were many important people in the city who wanted to marry their daughter to Fernando but he always refuses on the grounds that he still wanted to expand his business.

"No one can refuse me, Viona. I will make sure you are in my bed as soon as possible," Fernando muttered with a faint smile and then went out of his study to his bedroom. It was almost two in the morning.


When the morning sun came, the light slowly entered through the curtains in Viona's room and woke up Andrew, who was still sleeping soundly. Viona had finished taking a shower and making breakfast. She made pancakes and a few slices of strawberries and two glasses of fresh milk.

"Hey, Sir, the sun is already so high. You don't go to work, do you?" said Viona, patting Andrew's back.

"What time is it?" asked Andrew lazily.

"Almost 8 am," Viona replied briefly.

"What? I'm late Vio!!!!" Andrew panicked and immediately rose from the sofa. He grabbed his jacket and gun that were on the table.

While he was in a hurry to get ready, he was shocked to see Viona laughing so hard. The man furrowed his brows.

"Sorry, I was pulling your leg. It's still 6.15 am, Andrew hehehe," said Viona, holding her stomach which was hurt from laughing so hard.

"Ahhh... damn you, Viona!!! Are you happy to prank me?" Andrew complained, with his hands akimbo.

"Sorry, hahaha.. I was just joking. You better freshen your face and have breakfast," said Viona, handing him a face towel and a toothbrush for Andrew to use.

"Thanks," answered Andrew sincerely when he received the items.

Viona nodded slowly then walked to the kitchen for breakfast. While waiting for Andrew, viona opened her laptop to check her daily schedule for the day. Shortly thereafter, Andrew came out and sat in front of Viona and began to enjoy breakfast. He occasionally stole glances when Viona was busy in front of her laptop screen.

"Can I hitch a ride?" asked Viona as she put the last slice of pancake into her mouth.

"Sure!!! Come on!" said Andrew, wearing his jacket.

Viona immediately rushed to follow Andrew, who had come out first from her apartment. She quickly locked the door and then went down to the yard where Andrew's car was parked.

"Careful! It's slippery," Andrew shouted at Viona who was running towards him.

"I'm fine. Come on!!" Viona replied with a smile.

They then got into the car and immediately headed for the city center where the two of them worked. The police station where Andrew worked was not far from the hospital, so it was easy for Andrew to drop her off at her workplace.

As soon as Andrew's car stopped in front of the hospital lobby, Viona immediately got off and entered the hospital. She walked hurriedly to her dressing room because he didn't want to be late.

Actually, Viona's working hours were still thirty minutes away, but she wanted to talk to the doctor she would take over from to confirm the patient's condition in more detail.

Several nurses and doctors who passed Viona were shocked to see the wound on Viona's forehead. Even though she had tried to disguise it by deliberately cutting her bangs, still, the wound could be seen by the other staff.

"It's okay, it's just a small cut. Calm down after all. It's been treated," Viona answered when several doctors asked about her wound.

"If you are unwell, you should take a day off from work. Don't force yourself," said a female doctor to Viona.

"My wound is okay, everything is fine," Viona replied to convince the doctor again.

Because Viona insisted on showing people that the wound was nothing, they finally believed her. The doctors returned to their respective duties and so did she.

As usual, Viona would make regular visits every morning to the patients, accompanied by two nurses. She had fifteen patients that day.



In Jessica's luxurious room, a man with six-pack was still sleeping naked. Jessica enjoyed seeing the beautiful body. She coquettishly continued to grope Frank's stomach while the man was sleeping.

"Don't wake me up again, Jessica. Last night, we've had six rounds already. Are you still not satisfied, ha?" Frank asked, holding Jessica's hand who was playing with his shaft.

"Finally, you're awake. I am always addicted to you. Whenever you need me, I will be happy to serve you," Jessica replied with a seductive tone.

Hearing Jesicca's words made Frank open his eyes and immediately pulled Jesicca's plump body closer to his. He quickly claimed the girl's luscious lips. His hands were groping her all over.

They made love again. The sound of moans and whimper from pleasure could be heard from the room. Frank forgot his obligation to work at the hospital as he was plowing her repeatedly.

At the Hospital, Viona was busy making a new report on the case she was currently handling. Because she was focused on her work, Viona did not notice a man entered her office and locked the door.

"Long time no see, Doctor," whispered the man right in Viona's ear.

"You....!" Viona shouted in surprise when she saw the man in front of her.

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