Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 52 - Viona's Sadness

Viona was angry when she heard all the unreasonable accusations from Laura. She didn't expect her siblings to accuse her of taking the orphanage money.

"We can understand if Maria loved you more than us. But if you end up enjoying all the money from the orphanage, we think it is unfair," said Laura sarcastically.

"I don't know what has got into your head! After almost 10 years, our first meeting should be beautiful and fun, but you are accusing me of nonsense," Viona said with a raised tone.

"But why did you sell your foster siblings?" said Laura.

"Laura!!! Stop talking nonsense. Mom didn't sell you nor anyone because she considered you all her children. She found good parents for you so that you will have a better life," Viona said through gritted teeth as she was holding back her emotions.

Laura, who didn't believe Viona, only smiled slightly. She rolled her eyes in response to Viona's words.

"It's up to you whether you will believe me or not. What is clear is that Mother did not receive a penny from your adopted parents. She found adopted parents for you without asking for any payment. I can't say anything else. Laura, you are my sister. Amber is also my sister. You are all my foster siblings. How could you accuse me and Mother like that?" Viona asked, holding Laura's hand.

Laura was a little speechless, hearing Viona's words. Her gaze started to soften when she looked at Viona.

"Ah, but how could you become a doctor?!! Why are you the only one to have a respectable job while we all become prostitutes? This is unfair! In the past, you are also the only child that Maria took with her everywhere, to parties and events. We could only wait at home, hoping that someday she would take us too. However, that never happened.

When we left the orphanage and lived in our new parents 'house, where were you? You got to stay as you please. We ran away from our new parents' house because we felt uncomfortable. But when we came back to our home, we did not find anything. We only found a restaurant that replaced the orphanage!!

You and Maria used to say that you will stay in touch with you after we moved away to live with our adoptive parents.. but you never did. You are lying... " Laura screamed despondently.

"We hate you!!! You took all of Maria's love. You also made our lives miserable ... I hate you, Viona Angel. From now on, I will never call you my sister again. I hate you, Viona .. !!!" Laura shouted as she continued to cry.

Finally, she went running, leaving Viona, who was still rooted in place.

After Laura left, Viona fell to her knees. She didn't care if her clothes were dirty by the soil. Both of his legs were unable to bear her body weight. In Viona's memory, all of Laura's words were played repeatedly. When Viona was crying, a hand touched her shoulder.

"Come on, Doctor. Get inside," said Nurse Tina, who apparently followed her.

"I want to be alone, please," Viona said as she stood up with the help of her assistant in the operating room.

"If you want to be alone, don't stay here. After all, the place is dirty. You don't want patients to see you in this state," said Nurse Tina trying to calm Viona down.

Viona nodded slowly, then walked along with Nurse Tina. She had removed her white coat because it was dirty. Viona finally calmed down in the doctors' resting room. Her feelings were very hurt.

Viona always imagined a beautiful reunion with her foster siblings. She wanted to invite them to go to Maria's grave together. Somehow, all the beautiful images had disappeared.

Because all the prospective employees of the Endurance Corporation went home, the medical check-up was canceled. Fernando was looking for Viona because he wanted to scold her. However, he canceled his intention because many nurses were defending the girl. 

They said the bar girls left on their own accord without being forced by anyone. The nurses even told in detail that the ten girls started the argument and provoked Doctor Viona with harsh words. 

When he heard that, Fernando quickly canceled his action. He decided to leave with the other staff. When he met Professor Frank at the end of the corridor, Fernando tapped his younger brother's shoulder lightly with a smile, and Professor Frank smiled back.


"Where is Doctor Viona?" asked Professor Frank when he arrived at the front desk.

"She is in the resting room, trying to calm down" replied the nurses in unison.

"Okay. Continue your work. I want to talk to Doctor Viona," Frank said as he walked toward the doctors' resting room.

Seeing Professor Frank leaving, the nurses continued their work, and the remaining two nurses sat at the front desk.

"Doctor Viona must be feeling very ashamed for being humiliated like that," whispered the fat nurse named Brenda.

"I can imagine. Anyone will feel horrified if they were harassed like that. But I feel great respect for Doctor Viona. She was said to graduate from medical school in just 3.5 years and started working in the hospital while writing her thesis," said an Asian nurse named Lusi.

"Yes, I heard that she was great. It's just that people would not have thought that she had lived and grown up in an orphanage. Doctor Viona's aura is very different. She has something special that I can't describe," added Nurse Lusi.

Nurse Brenda nodded in agreement with Nurse Lusi's words. Since Viona's arrival at their hospital, they had become busier than usual.

The patients felt that they were getting the best service in Global Bross hospital. Many patients specifically asked doctor Viona to treat them so that her schedule was always full almost every day. 

This made the management happy because the people's approval of the hospital was getting better and better. Now, they thought Doctor Viona's arrival brought luck to the hospital.

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