Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 54 - Psychopath Brothers

Viona lowered her head in sadness at Andrew's words. She wanted to run as far as possible from Fernando, but she knew that it wasn't easy to escape from Fernando. psychopath

"Not only Fernando is dangerous, but his younger brother too," Andrew added, suddenly.

"His brother? What do you mean, Andrew?" Viona asked, in shock.

"His younger brother is even crazier than him, Vio," said Andrew coldly.

"Tell me in detail, Andrew, I want to know everything. Don't play riddles with me!!" Viona asked with tears in her eyes.

Andrew took a deep breath and then told her about how dangerous Franklin Justin Willan was. He was Fernando Gray Willan's younger brother. Andrew told her that many of Franklin's cases were closed by the police. The influence of the Willan family was so great that no law could touch his family members.

"He.. he brutally raped his underage girlfriend?" Viona asked repeatedly.

"Yes, the case was finally closed on the grounds that the victim had made it up because there was no solid evidence. She was even accused of defaming Franklin for accusing him without evidence," Andrew replied with a shudder.

"But how is that possible? Isn't there a result of the medical examination that could be evidence of the rape, Andrew?" Viona asked emotionally.

"Willan family lawyer said that they did it on a consensual basis, Vio, so the case is closed!!" Andrew said softly.

Viona was silent when she heard Andrew's words. She was at a loss for words to reply to him.

"How is it possible that the act of rape committed by a 19-year-old teenager on a 13-year-old girl is called a consensual act, Andrew? That's insane!" Viona said, holding back her tears.

"That's the reality, Vio. We couldn't do anything and the case was closed right away until finally, the police got the news that the poor girl had committed suicide due to severe depression, and her parents had chosen the same way to end their life as well," said Andrew, expressionless. He felt guilty that as a cop, he couldn't do anything about the case.

Viona's tears rolled down her cheeks again as she remembered the days she had spent with Frank in the last few months. There was fear looming over her this time.

"Remember, Vio, the real criminal is pretending to be nice to us. He approached us to look for our weaknesses, Vio," said Andrew seriously, lifting Viona's chin to face him.

"Andrew I'm afraid …"

Hearing Andrew's words made Viona shudder with horror, it never crossed her mind that someone like Professor Franklin was such a cruel person. She still didn't believe it because Frank had helped her a lot until now, especially when she tried to escape from Fernando.

"Andrew, I'm so afraid," Viona said softly as she grabbed her friend's arm.

"Don't worry, Vio. I'm right beside you," said Andrew quickly.

Viona nodded slowly as she walked back to the apartment. Her footsteps stopped when she saw her cellphone ringing and the name of the man they had just talked about was calling her.

Andrew gave a code for Viona to pick up the incoming call. With a little hesitation, she finally accepted the phone call from Professor Frank.

"Hello Vio ..." Frank's voice came out from the other end of the line.

"Yes, Frank, it's me, What's wrong?" Viona answered softly

"Where are you, Vio? Earlier when I was looking for you at the hospital you were gone. Now I'm in front of your apartment. You haven't come home yet, where are you actually?" Frank asked her in an urgent tone.

"I'm not sure which question I should answer first since you ask way too many," Viona said quickly.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up!!" Frank asked in a raised voice.

Viona raised an eyebrow asking Andrew's opinion and when she answered suddenly her cellphone turned off because it ran out of battery.

"Thank God, this should help you this time, Vio," said Andrew with a big smile when he saw Viona's cellphone died.

Viona smiled wryly in response to Andrew's words. Since the day was getting cold, Andrew invited her to go back to his apartment because he felt that Viona would not be safe if she returned to her apartment.

Viona had no other choice but to take Andrew's advice, they got into the police service car and went to Andrew's apartment which was actually not far from Viona's apartment.

When passing a café, Viona saw Amber sitting with a man, they looked very intimate. Due to the bad lighting and the car's tinted window, Viona couldn't catch the face of the man who was sitting with Amber properly.

Shortly thereafter, they arrived at Andrew's apartment after previously stopping at a clothing store so that Viona could shop for few clothes for her to change before sleep.

Andrew was slicing apples when Viona finished taking a shower and he just smiled at Viona who was already wearing his shirt that looked way too big for Viona.

"Next time I have to bring plastic bag into the bathroom so that my changing clothes don't get wet," said Viona regretting her carelessness because the clothes she bought had fallen on the bathroom floor and it made them wet instantly.

"Never mind, the shirt looks good on you, Vio!! No need to worry, you are wearing a new shirt that I never used because I don't like the color," Andrew answered while giving Viona a thumbs up.

Viona stuck out her tongue seeing Andrew praising her. She knew her friend was laughing at her stupidity. Viona then joined Andrew in the kitchen and ate a slice of apple that Andrew had put on the plate.

It quickly made Andrew angry because his masterpiece of arranging fruit on a plate had been destroyed by Viona. They ended up laughing together because they teased each other, just like a newly married couple.

Andrew occasionally stole glances at Viona who was eating an apple, a sincere smile blossomed on his face when he saw Viona.


Andrew's cellphone rang asking to be picked up by the owner. Andrew walked to the table where his cellphone and Viona's cellphone were charging because it was ringing endlessly.

"Yes, copy that, commander!!!" said Andrew quickly.

Viona, who had been paying attention to Andrew, could tell that the person who called Andrew was his boss at the office. It could be easily seen from the change in Andrew's attitude which became very formal.

"Vio, I'm afraid I have to leave you here alone because I need to go to the office. There is a murder case so I have to go there. Please, take some rest, okay?" said Andrew with a half raising voice while wearing his jacket in his living room hurriedly.

"Should I come with you? I'm a doctor Andrew, I can help identify the victim at the crime scene," Viona said as she walked quickly towards Andrew.

Andrew shook his head lightly as he put his gun into the vest, especially under the jacket.

"We already have our own forensic doctor, Vio, you better rest in my apartment. Try to rest comfortably. When I'm finished, I'll come home or I'll let you know otherwise," Andrew said quietly refusing Viona's request to come with him.

"I also can't protect you too there, Vio. A crime scene would be too dangerous for you. So please just stay here, wait for me to come home," Andrew added while stroking Viona's hair to comfort Viona who felt disappointed because Andrew didn't give her the permission to participate.

Viona nodded her head slowly at Andrew's words, she felt like she was being spoiled by the young policeman. Andrew then invited Viona to walk to the front door, he told Viona to lock the door tightly from the inside.

Andrew's apartment is a special apartment for single police officers, so he didn't want any of his friends to come into his room while he was not there. That was why Andrew instructed Viona to lock the door tightly.

After Andrew disappeared behind the elevator, Viona immediately went into Andrew's apartment and locked it tight according to Andrew's instruction. She then stood up from behind the glass to see Andrew leaving the apartment.

After seeing Andrew actually left with his car, Viona then sat on the sofa to watch her favorite cable TV show because she felt bored. Viona didn't dare to activate her cellphone for fear of being tracked by Fernando or Frank, she now had a pair of psychopath brothers who were after her.

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