Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 60 - Amber’s Grudge

Viona told in detail how she had lived after leaving the orphanage after her foster mother died to Professor Frank. Viona also told him how she ended up working at Fernando's mansion, but she didn't say that Fernando had touched her and almost raped her. Viona only gave the outline.

"So you can go to England because you have successfully applied for a scholarship there?" Professor Frank asked, repeating Viona's story.

"Yes," Viona answered with a smile.

Actually, Viona lied a little about the scholarship. She didn't apply before leaving for England. She applied for the scholarship when she was already in England, because she saw the scholarship announcement on her campus website when she accidentally opened it. 

"If I had met you earlier, Vio, I wouldn't have made you suffer that much," Professor Frank said softly, with teary eyes.

Viona smiled at Professor Frank's words. Her heart might be touched if she didn't know who the young man in front of her was, but not now when she knew Professor Franklin's true color.

"It's alright, Frank. After all, it's in the past, isn't it?" Viona said softly, as she pulled her hand from Professor Frank's grasp.

"You don't need to stand in ceremony with me, Vio. If you need help, just tell me and don't make me misunderstand you again," said Professor Frank quickly.

"Misunderstand me again? What do you mean?" asked Viona curiously what he meant.

Professor Frank then shared his heart with Viona on how he got carried away with emotion after finding out that Viona's siblings were working at a bar. He didn't even believe that Viona had younger siblings like that.

"I was relieved to know that you have nothing to do with them, Vio," said Professor Frank in a low voice.

"What do you mean, Frank?" asked Viona confused.

"I'm afraid that you've been in such a world before. Just thinking about that had made me unable to sleep, Vio," Frank replied honestly.

"I also can't stop wondering why my siblings could end up in a place like that, I wanted to go there and ask them directly, but I …"

"No!!! You can't come to a dirty place like that," shouted Professor Frank, quickly interrupting Viona's words.

"Why?" Viona asked innocently.

"There are no good women who come to such a dirty place, Vio!!" Professor Frank replied seriously.

Viona smiled at Professor Frank's words. She felt like she wanted to curse him right away, but she tried to hold it back.

"And vice versa, there is no such thing as a good man damaging a woman out of love," Viona said suddenly with a smile.

Professor Frank's face suddenly changed when he heard Viona's words. He looked completely confused in answering Viona's words.

"Well then, sir, I have to go back to work. Thank you for your time and your attention. I am truly honored," Viona excused herself quickly when she realized the change in professor Frank's attitude.

Professor Frank just nodded slowly without speaking. A thin smile appeared on his face in response to Viona's words that he didn't expect at all. Viona then got up from her seat and left Professor Frank's office.

"At least you have to introspect yourself, Frank, then you can comment on other people's lives," Viona said to herself. She was glad that she had managed to insult the professor she hated.

Viona walked quickly because she didn't want to be in the same room with that terrible man. For her, a man who had ruined a woman's life was not worthy of being called a good man, therefore she tried her best to avoid Professor Frank.

"What do you mean, Vio?" said Professor Frank softly, when Viona had left his room. He felt that there was something strange about the Viona he knew.

"There's no way you know about the other me, right? Nobody knows about it besides Jessica," added Professor Frank irritated.

Professor Frank thought hard and guessed the possibilities, but he tried to remain calm because he was sure that Viona was just talking, not to tease him, even though his heart said otherwise.

Professor Frank really wanted to have Viona, so he was behaving as gently as possible to her. After calming himself down, Professor Frank left his room to return to work in the practice room with other young doctors who were studying with him.


Endurance Corporation

In the waiting room, Amber was sitting alone, waiting for Fernando to arrive. She felt wronged by Fernando. Amber felt that her initial agreement with Fernando was not like this, so she tried to claim her rights from Fernando.

When Fernando got out of his car, several men were seen approaching the young CEO. They immediately explained what had happened in his office while he hadn't arrived.

Fernando was seen nodding his head repeatedly, indicating that he understood what his men were talking about.

"Relax, I'll take care of it, you guys just be on guard in your usual place and be ready when I ask for your help," Fernando said with a smile then walked to the elevator with his personal secretary and two of his best bodyguards to his office where Amber was waiting for him.


The elevator door opened on the 35th floor, where Fernando's office is located.

Hearing the elevator sound made Amber stand up from her seat instantly, as she wanted to greet the young man directly.

"Hello, Miss Amber," said Fernando courteously, when he saw Amber stood in front of him with seductive clothes.

"Hello Mr. Willan, I thought you have forgotten my name," Amber replied with a seductive smile.

Fernando just smiled faintly and then reached out his hand to shake Amber's hand. He then invited Amber into his private room alone.

Amber sat in front of Fernando on a soft black sofa. She tried to sit as sexy as possible to get Fernando's attention. Fernando just smiled faintly without the slightest interest in her.

For him, Amber was only a tool to conquer Viona, and Fernando's goal was successful, so he didn't need that cheap woman anymore. But Fernando didn't want to act rashly, because he didn't want to ruin his image in front of a female sex worker like this.

"What is it that has made a busy woman like you come to my office?" Fernando asked, to open the conversation.

"I want to ask you to fulfill your promise, sir," said Amber as she lowered her seat so that Fernando could see her big and supple breasts.

"What promise?" asked Fernando curiously.

"Didn't you promise to make me your personal secretary?" said Amber without the slightest embarrassment.

"But didn't you refuse my offer? Isn't it evident that when I asked you to do a medical check-up at the hospital, you all left without confirming anything to me or my other staff," said Fernando quickly?

Hearing Fernando's words made Amber speechless because what Fernando said was a fact that she absolutely couldn't deny.

"Yes, but ..."

"Never mind, Miss Amber, I think we'll be able to work together next time, but not for now," Fernando said quickly, interrupting Amber's words. He looked busy writing something on a paper that Amber could not see.

"Here's a check for 5000 US dollars. Consider this as compensation for wasting your valuable time," added Fernando, putting the check on the table near where Amber sat.

Amber's eyes sparkled when she saw the check in front of her. Smiling broadly, Amber took the check, then put it into her bag. 

"Okay, I have received compensation from you, sir, but I hope we will work again someday," said Amber, standing up.

"Of course, Lady. I will not forget your kindness," said Fernando courteously.

"Alright, now if you'll excuse me, it's nice to do business with you," said Amber, as she left Fernando's room.

Fernando nodded slowly in response to Amber's words. After she disappeared from behind the door, Fernando called his men into the room.

"Get rid of that sofa!! I don't want to sit on a sofa that has been sat on by a cheap bitch like her. And make sure she never comes back to my office again," Fernando said in a high tone, asking his men to throw away the sofa that Amber sat on. 

"Yes, Sir," answered several of his bodyguards quickly.

Fernando turned his chair around and looked at the window behind his desk. He stared at the city that was under his control. He smiled remembering what happened this morning at the hospital. Being that close to Viona really made him in a very good mood.

Amber arrived at the lobby of the building owned by the Endurance Corporation. She walked gracefully out of the building, smiling with satisfaction because she got a lot of money from Fernando.

"If it weren't for you, Viona, maybe I would have become Fernando's secretary!! You always steal my happiness, Viona ... you will pay it sooner or later, Vio!" Amber said with hatred. She felt that Viona was the cause of her failure to become Fernando's secretary.

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