Chased By My Demon CEO

Chapter 64 - Please, Be Mine...

Viona quickly wore hear dress when she suddenly heard a knocking sound on her hotel room door. After ensuring that her clothes were neat and appropriate, Viona walked a bit fast toward the door where someone did not stop knocking.

"Can you just be a bit patient?" said Viona when she opened the door to welcome Fernando.

"You're the only person who can make me wait for long," answered Fernando sulkily as he walked quickly into the president's suite room.

Viona smiled slightly seeing Fernando's sulking behavior. Fernando's attitude reminded her of the late Zevanya, who would get irritated like Fernando when her wish was not fulfilled. The way Fernando sat also similar to Zevanya. Now Viona understood where Zevanya got her cute behavior.

With slow steps, Viona walked towards the refrigerator near the dressing table to get the cold drink for Fernando who was sitting on the chair. When she managed to take two bottles of cold drink, Fernando suddenly wrapped his two strong arms around Viona's waist from behind. Viona screamed in shock.

"Why are you sad?" whispered Fernando softly as he kissed Viona's scented hair. Luckily, she happened to wash it this morning.

"Who said I'm sad?" Viona lied.

"I know you very well, Vio. Tell me what happened with you?" asked Fernando in a cold tone.

"I saw you almost cry earlier," Fernando added quietly as he turned Viona's body around until she was now facing him.

Fernando looked at Viona's sad face with a look full of longing, Fernando tried so hard to stop himself from kissing Viona right away.

"Please, answer my question, Vio!!" said Fernando forcefully.

"Zeze crossed my mind earlier," Viona replied softly accompanied by tears flowing from her eyes slowly.

"Why?" asked Fernando curiously, he thought Viona had forgotten about her late daughter.

"Seeing your behavior reminds me of Zeze, back then when Zeze sulked she would act ....."



Fernando kissed Viona's lips out of nowhere, it shocked Viona to the point she dropped two bottles of the cold drink she was holding onto the floor.

Viona tried to get away from Fernando's tight hug when he was busy kissing her lips passionately. But the more she fought, the tighter Fernando's grip on her body. Viona finally gave in and her tears that flowed heavily showed that she refused Fernando's treatment.

Realizing that, Fernando stopped his kiss.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself if I saw you like that," said Fernando as he wiped Viona's tears that wet her bare face.

"I hate you," answered Viona as she wiped her lips with her hand just like a child.

"Don't remind me of our past, Vio," said Fernando back to her with a smile.

Viona got annoyed and hit Fernando on the chest, she then let go of Fernando's hand which was still touching his slender waist in annoyance.

She then walked away and sat on the sofa to stay away from Fernando who was still standing in front of the refrigerator. After seeing Viona being that irritated, Fernando followed her after taking two bottles of cold drink on the floor.

"When you mentioned Zeze, I suddenly remembered our good times back then," said Fernando quietly as he put a bottle of cold drink on the table for Viona.

"What good time??!! In the past, you always bullied me," said Viona fiercely.

"My love for you has not changed at all, Vio," said Fernando quickly.



Viona's heart skipped a beat at Fernando's words but she tried to hold it back because she didn't want to fall into Fernando's trap for the second time.

"Have you found the perpetrator who has destroyed my apartment?" asked Viona, suddenly changing the subject.

"Nope ... Not yet. They are very smart, according to the police they did it to pressure you," replied Fernando seriously.

"As long as I remember, I don't have any enemy," said Viona trying to explain.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you Vio, no one can hurt my woman," said Fernando with a smile.

"Who said I want to be your woman?" Viona snapped while trying to hide her nervousness.

Fernando tried to hold back his laughter seeing Viona's panicked behavior. Slowly, Fernando took out a torn piece of clothing from his pocket, it did not match any of Viona's shirt which had been destroyed by the perpetrator.

"Do you happen to know or see people wearing this kind of clothes before?" Fernando asked Viona suddenly.

"No, after all, how can I recognize people only from their clothes?" Viona replied confusedly.

"But this piece of clothes didn't match with any of yours, right?" asked Fernando trying to ensure his assumption.

"I've never had clothes like that," said Viona, emphasizing her statement.

Fernando then walked to the cupboard to open it, his men had stored clothes for him just like what he had ordered previously.

"Please wait for me while I take a shower, then we can have breakfast together," ordered Fernando as he took off his clothes one by one in front of Viona.

"Go change your clothes in the shower!!! You are so wicked," shouted Viona in panic when she saw Fernando unbutton his trousers while closing her eyes with her hands.

Fernando laughed out loud when he saw Viona panicking, he then chose to go to the bathroom and open his clothes there because he didn't want to make Viona panic even more.

After twenty minutes, Fernando came out of the bathroom and changed into clean clothes. He smiled to see Viona seemed so serious in front of the laptop to see the operation performed by her favorite doctor in London.

Fernando stood behind Viona and watched as the doctor looked like he was putting a ring inside the heart of a patient, seeing closely how the heart was beating made Fernando shudder with horror.

Even though he was a man who lived a harsh and violent life himself, he was still a human who would be scared when he saw the surgery process live, even if it was only through video.


A glass fell after being hit by Fernando who tried to hold on to the edge of the table while trying to support his body weight. It shocked Viona and she quickly turned towards Fernando.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Viona, she was surprised when she saw Fernando looked so pale.

"Why do you have to watch something like so early in the morning?" said Fernando haltingly.

"Why? Does it bother you? I'm studying," said Viona without feeling guilty.

Fernando swallowed his saliva at Viona's words, cold sweat poured from his forehead which suddenly made Viona laugh.

Viona then took a tissue to wipe off the sweat that wet Fernando's handsome face. She painstakingly cleaned Fernando's forehead and face. She also gave Fernando a bottle of water to calm himself.

"You are such a heartless woman!!" said Fernando coldly.

"You mean, me?" asked Viona while stopping her hand.

"Yes, do you see any other woman in this room, Sweety?" replied Fernando without any guilt.

"What's your reason for saying that I'm a heartless woman?" Asked Viona while staring at Fernando's eyes.

"I have a very solid reason to call you that. How come a woman watches a video of a human body being dissected like that this early?" said Fernando, raising an eyebrow.

Viona laughed at Fernando's words until her tears came out of her eyes, she found it funny that Fernando could say something like that.

"I'm a doctor. Of course, I have to see that and it has nothing to do with being cruel or heartless, after all, I watch the video to learn not to plan a crime, right? Our knives are used to save someone's life unlike you who use your power to kill people," explained Viona trying to tease Fernando as she walked to the refrigerator.

Fernando could only stand still after hearing Viona's words, he did not expect Viona to say that to him. There was a tingling sensation inside him after Viona cursed him like that.

Fernando's eyes saw where Viona was going, a smile appeared on Fernando's face. He then followed Viona and hugged her from behind once again. Viona shuddered in fear.

"Let me go!!" asked Viona repeatedly.

"Let me hug you for a moment, Vio," whispered Fernando softly.

"I want you to marry me, be my soul mate, my life partner," Fernando added, kissing Viona's nape, which instantly made Viona shudder even more.

Viona forcibly released Fernando's hand that was hugging her body, Viona immediately ran to the table where her laptop was. She quickly grabbed her laptop and walked out of the room without a word, her eyes were staring at Fernando.

Fernando leaned against the refrigerator as soon as Viona let go of his hug, he touched his chest which felt like it was going to explode. He had never loved a woman like he loved Viona, he never wanted someone so badly as he wanted her.

"You have to be mine, Viona. Sooner or later," said Fernando softly as he stared at the door where Viona exited out.

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