Chasing After My Wife


Since she wasn't feeling well, they went home after their lunch. Travis was worried for her but Jillyanna didn't want to go to the hospital because she's really tired.

"I just need to rest and I'll be fine. Don't worry." Jillyanna reassured him since he didn't look convinced of her words. "Don't go anywhere when I'm sleeping."

"Hn. I'll be right beside you." he answered her and sped up the car to reach home immediately. He instructed his men to bring their shopping bags inside and walked Jillyanna to their room.

He prepared the hot bath for her while she removed her clothings. "Just get in the bath. I'll look for your sleeping clothes." Travis called out to her from the bathroom.

Jillyanna obeyed and get in as soon as she can. The warm water comforted her and she started to relax in the tub. "I want to stay in the bath tub forever."

"Don't be silly. You only have 15 minutes." Travis reminded her. He went inside the glass-covered shower room and took a cold bath for himself.

She may or may not know but, everytime he's seen her naked or when she's very close to him, it will turn him on immediately. He had been controlling himself all this time because he can't touch her. He promised not to touch her again if she didn't love him with all her being - body, heart and soul.

After 15 minutes, Travis went out of the shower room with his bathrobe. When he checked on her, she was sleeping with her head leaning on the side of the tub.

He picked her up immediately, with so much difficulty, he put on her robe for her before bringing her out to place her on their bed.

He took a towel and placed it under her head before drying her hair that got wet during her bath. "How can you sleep that fast?" he murmured to himself while blowing her hair dry.

When he was done, he climbed down the bed and chose the night dress for her. He knew that she was uncomfortable wearing clothes whenever she sleeps but, God have mercy on him, if she won't put any clothes on, he'd be dead.

When they bought her clothes, he also chose few night dresses for her. He picked up the black silk dress and a black underwear; and helped her wear it.

"I just took a shower and looks like I have to do it again." he stated while making sure she's comfortable with her clothes.

After dressing her up, he went back to the shower and took a bath again. He put on his pajamas when he was done and slid under the blanket to stay beside her.

Feeling the warmth beside her, Jillyanna curled up close to him and sleep comfortably. Travis pulled her even closer, placed her head on his arm and hugged her waist.

'Just calm down Travis.' he whispered to himself mentally before drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Wynwyn was told not to make any press conference but since she had released the schedule online already, it would be bad for their image if she would just cancel it.

Reporters kept coming to get some news about the rumors. Wynwyn came out and spoke with her calm and collected voice. "Good afternoon everyone! I am Wynwyn, the head of PR Department. Today, we will answer all your questions regarding the rumor. You only have 30 minutes to ask me, so use your time wisely."

It's always like that. Short but direct to the point. They don't make any roundabout speech. That's J Entertainment for you.

When they got a go signal, reporters started raising their hands to ask a question. Wynwyn picked a lady from the front and their guard gave her the microphone.

"We all wanted to know the truth, is the person on the music video of the Internet Idol named Goddess YNA, really Mr. Travis Madrigal?"

Wynwyn leaned on the microphone with a smile. "Yes. That is our boss."

They raised their hands again to ask a follow up question. Wynwyn chose a man with a blonde hair from the middle lane.

"To follow up with that statement, are they in a relationship?"

Wynwyn kept her smile intact an answered them again. "My boss is still chasing after her."

"You mentioned in your post that this company was built for her, do they know each other for a long time already?"

"Yes. My boss named this entertainment for her. They knew each other since they were kids but they got separated due to some circumstances." she responded to them confidently.

The press conference continued like a heated battle to know the truth behind the sudden appearance of Mr. Madrigal in a music video.

But as previously mentioned, they only have 30 minutes to ask their questions. Even if they still wanted to ask more, Wynwyn already left after 30 minutes.

"Oh my gosh! I want to know more about their relationship." one of the reporters sighed with a content smile.

"You're a fan of them?" a middle aged man asked the young female reporter.

"Yes." she answered shortly with a smile.

"My daughter is a fan of them, too. As for me, I am just doing my job but I like her song as well." the middle aged man stated before leaving.

It weren't just the reporters who wanted to know more. The netizens wanted to know as well.

Because they went out today, several photos of them that were taken at the mall, circulated in the Internet world.

"She looks so pretty whenever she smiles at him!" a comment was posted under the photo of Jillyanna talking to Travis at the gadget store.

"Look at her picking clothes for him! She's really sweet." it was another photo of them when they were choosing clothes for Travis.

"Every day! Everyday I am fed with dog foods!" another fan commented with a broken heart emoji.

"If you watched the press conference, you'd be really become broken hearted." a replied was posted under the comment above.

"I was distracted with their sweet moments! What happened to the press conference?"

With that, Jillyanna and Travis became the hot topic again. They even shut the famous stars and some were even thankful because the focus was no longer them.

It was so difficult for them to be followed with paparazzi everyday.

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