Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 123 - IN DANGER I

Jillyanna felt that something was bothering him so she hugged his waist. "Did I say something wrong?" She asked, looking into his clear and steady eyes.

Travis sighed, hugged her back and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "Rely on me please? Don't rely on someone else. I'm feeling useless right now."

"Hey! You're not useless. I just didn't tell you about it." Jillyanna tried comforting him.

"It's because I am not reliable so you didn't tell me."

She felt even more helpless with him this time. She never thought he was unreliable.

"I will rely on you from now on." This was the only words she could say. Travis hugged her for a while before leaving the apartment building.

"Let me call Lucian and ask if he's still there." Jillyanna mentioned and looked for her phone which she realized, it was left at home.

She had been used to using his phone that she's forgot her own phone now. Travis just chuckled faintly and gave her his phone.

Lucian answered immediately. "Lucian speaking."

"Bro! It's me Yanna. Is Mr. Tamo still around?" Andrei Tamo was the name of the reporter who posted the pictures of Travis and Cheska.

"We sent him to the hospital for now. His child needs to undergo operation today. We're keeping an eye on him in case the perpetrator contacts him again."

"That's good to know. We'll visit him at the hospital instead. Thanks bro!"

"Take care of yourself." Lucian ended the call and Jillyanna told Travis to drive the car to Sione General Hospital where Mr. Tamo's child was taking the operation.

It didn't take long for them to find the hospital. Jillyanna came out after Travis parked the car.

Andrei Tamo was sitting on a bench outside the operating room, his face haggard and he looked so thin and emaciated.

Two police officers, dressed as normal civilians, were sent to guard him. They nodded to Jillyanna when they saw her. After all, Jillyanna was the youngest and prettiest cop in their department.

"Mr. Tamo?" Jillyanna called softly, afraid of startling the man.

He raised her haid slowly, eyes restless and unfocused. It took him several seconds before registration reflected on his face. He looked at Jillyanna then shifted his gaze to Travis.

Without saying anything, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Jillyanna. It had a string of numbers in it.

"What is this?" Jillyanna asked because she had really know idea why she was given so many numbers.

Andrei Tamo looked at her. "These are the numbers who kept calling me to make an issue online. I started receiving calls with the same purpose over a month ago."

"How's your daughter?" Jillyanna asked to change the subject of conversation.

"She's fighting." He turned to Travis and made a deep bow. "I'm really sorry Mr. Madrigal. I didn't have any other choice. I couldn't just let my daughter die."

"My wife is pregnant. She was so upset that she cried all night and to think she just recovered from excessive bleeding. You could've killed my wife and baby with your post. Didn't you know that words are deadly weapons?"

Hearing his words, Jillyanna raised her eyebrow. 'So shameless. How could he put the blame on someone else?'

It was effective though. The reporter was feeling guilty all about it. "I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." Jillyanna waved her hand to dismiss the issue. "Just take care of your daughter. She needed you the most. Make sure to call me when she's awake. It's a must." She gave him her card and before they left.

One of the police officer came to his side. "Mr. Tamo, make sure you call her when your daughter wakes up. It's the only chance you have to change your and your daughter's life."

Mr. Tamo held on to the card and cried. He never thought that he would be given another chance.

Jillyanna gave Travis the piece of paper she received from Andrei Tamo. "Let's check the coordinates of these phone numbers. It seemed to me that this is a number from a telephone booth."

"I agree with you. Let's go back home. It's getting cold now." Travis held her hand as they walked back to their car which was parked not far from the entrance.

Suddenly, a loud boom resounded and many civilians and nurses ran back inside the hospital building from panic.

Jillyanna had been feeling that something bad will happen all this time, walking out of the building, they saw their car on fire.

"Looks like someone is really holding a grudge on us. Did you really not have any affairs outside?" Jillyanna asked him jokingly.

Travis looked at her and laugh. "Looks like your rivals are making moves." He responded to her joke but they both knew who's enemy they were facing - his enemy.

"Oh? Should I make a move and break them myself?" Her words sounded funny but the evil glint reflecting in her eyes spoke her true feelings.

Travis pulled her closer and covered her eyes with his hands. "Don't look at it."

"I'm starting to think that your world is dangerous." Jillyanna said before taking off his hand from her eyes and focus her gaze on his face. "But this danger is far from what I have experienced."

"Jill, no matter what happened, I won't let go of you." He whispered again. He needed to reassure her because his life wasn't a peaceful one. 

"I know." Jillyanna stole a kiss on his face and walked towards the policemen who just arrived, leaving a statued Travis standing at the entrance.

Jillyanna just gave her name and the other police officers knew who she is. She didn't say any other words and let Travis handle everything because she was feeling dizzy again.

Travis came to her side and supported her back. "Officers, I own the car. However, I don't know who rigged it. Maybe we can ask the hospital for their CCTV footage."

"That's what we're planning to do. I'll ask one of my men to send you back home first and do the questioning later. We'll retrieve some information from here." The head of the team informed them.

"Thank you." Travis gave a respectful salute and guided Jillyanna to the prepared police car and left the scene.

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