Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 15 - FIRST DATE

Jillyanna had been reading the comments online about her and she was debating internally if she should at least post a picture once or if she should just ignore them.

She had written a new song already within the past few days and she was working on the tune and accompaniment. Since she couldn't really think of what exactly to do, Jillyanna decided to take a break.

She saw the stuff toy sitting on her large bed and remembered Travis whom she had not seen the past few days.

'I am free now until ten in the evening. Would you like to have dinner together?' That was the message she sent him, making Travis smiled while having a meeting.

'Where are we eating? Shall I pick you up?' That was what Travis replied while changing his suit into a white t-shirt inside the adjacent room to his office. He removed his expensive watch and changed it to an ordinary one as well.

When he came out of his office, they saw a different vibe coming off from their boss. He didn't look cold and indifferent at all. He was like a teenager who was going out on his first date.

They were right on the spot with the second part of the statement. He was going out on his first date.

Jillyanna sent him the address of the restaurant and started preparing herself. She chose a plain white dress with red ribbon tied on her waist. She wore a low heeled sandal and picked a red LV sling bag to match her clothes.

She put on a light make up before grabbing her things and went out of her room.

"Are you going out?" Sky asked while wiping her hands off on her apron.

"Yes. I will be eating dinner with some friends. I'll be back before ten." Jillyanna responded just as the moment Lucian and Cielo return home for dinner.

"Don't forget to open your GPS." Lucian reminded her while patting her head gently.

"I know. I have opened it already. You guys can eat. Don't worry about me." Jillyanna gave Cielo a hug and left for dinner.

Lucian and Sky looked at Cielo with a questioning gaze. "I don't know where she's going. She didn't tell me about it." Cielo answered quickly even though she wasn't asked directly.

Sky led them both towards the dining room where Alex was arranging the table. Cielo helped her father while Lucian helped her mother-in-law to take out the dishes.

"Jillyanna had her own plans. I am not upset that she didn't tell me about it. But I hope she could really be happy in the future." Cielo spoke while pouring an orange juice in their glasses.

Sky sighed heavily as she put down the platter of rice."She had been hurt deeply by the sudden loss of her mother. Her father didn't come back for her and her relatives were only after her money. Jillyanna would have a hard time believing anyone. It even took us years before she opened up to us."

Lucian rubbed his wife's shoulder to calm her down. "Everything will be fine. Let's just hope for the best."

Alex sat on his chair after everything was arranged. "Let's eat. Jillyanna will be upset hearing your words. Let's just support her whenever she needs us. That's the only thing we can do."

That night, they had a tacit understanding regarding Jillyanna. As long as she's not doing anything illegal, they would support her decision no matter what.

Ganzani Bay was the restaurant that Jillyanna chose to have dinner with Travis. The restaurant serves Spanish delicacies and their paella was really good.

Travis arrived first and was guided by one of the waitress to their reserved private booth. Since he was wearing a face mask, nobody recognized him which was a good thing for him. Jillyanna came in after few minutes.

"She's very young and beautiful." one of the male customers commented while looking at her with hot eyes.

"She must be having dinner with someone." another man stated. Most of the male customers who were single looked at the direction she was going. The taken ones didn't even glance at her because their girlfriends, fiancee or wives were glaring at them.

Jillyanna ignored them and walked towards the private booth. She saw Travis sitting on one of the couch with a glass of water.

"Can I get your order señorito and señorita?" the waitress asked with a pen and paper on her hand. Señorito/Señorita was a way to address a young miss and a young master in Spanish.

Travis put down his menu book and turned to face her. "You can order our food."

"Any allergies?" Jillyanna asked before making an order.

"None." Travis answered directly without batting an eyelid.

"We'll get seafood paella, croquetas, albondigas, carrillada and two glasses of fresh pineapple juice." Jillyanna stated their orders one by one.

"Anything for dessert señorita?" the waitress asked just in case.

"I don't need one. How about you?" Jillyanna asked Travis.

"I'm not fond of sweets." Travis answered with a smile.

"Okay. I'll be back within fifteen minutes with your order." The waitress left, leaving the both of them in silence.

Jillyanna sat across his seat and was checking on her phone with any messages and sighed once again.

"Are you having a problem with your work?" Travis asked softly while tapping the table with his slim fingers.

Jillyanna nodded her head slowly with an aggrieved expression. "Sort of. It's a little bit personal so I'm having a hard time dealing with it. How about you? How's your day?"

His eyes lit up when he sensed the curiosity in her voice. "It's the same as always. I'm a bit bored with it but I need to do it. And I'm glad you have a spare time tonight."

"I'm kind of lucky to have a break." She could decide her own break and make a schedule for herself but she wanted to prepare for the future of her child. Once she has one.

"Don't you like going to different places for a change of environment? I mean, you mentioned you're rich, so I was thinking that you might be traveling often times."

"I often travel to different places before. This year's travel plan was put on hold due to some reasons." Jillyanna responded.

"Do you like mountains, forests or seas?" Travis asked her.

"Yup. Why do you ask?"

"I have a place in mind that you might like." Travis stated just as their food arrived.

They started eating while having conversation to know each other. They talked about the places they've been to and about the things that they hate the most.

When they finished their dinner, it wasn't even 8:30 in the evening yet. The night had gotten cold when they got out of the restaurant.

"I'd like to show you my favorite place. Would you mind?" Honestly, he wasn't the type of person who would ask permission to do something but for her, he would humble down himself to successfully get her.

"I'm fine with it. Just so you know, don't do anything foolish with me. I may look small compared to you, but I can disable you for a lifetime."

"Haha. I know and I promise I won't do anything against your will."

"Fine. Let's go." They went out for their car but Jillyanna stopped in her track and looked around her.

"What's the matter?" Travis asked her while looking around them as well.

"Nothing." Jillyanna waved her hand to drop the matter. Internally, she had a feeling that someone had been stalking her. It wasn't the first time either.

Travis felt it, too. He thought that someone was spying on him. "Let's go." He pulled her closer to him so that he can guard her if anything happens.

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